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    • str8line
      str8line replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      You know they didn't want to but the Obamas finally endorses Kamala, with "gritted teeth"...
    • str8line
      str8line replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      The young, new voters weren't going to vote for old Joe so this is big. Now the Rapist is the old guy and unlike the rest of the older...
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to Hearsky's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
      There is some serious rallying behind Harris by the young voters. Kind of cool to see. It's clear they want a voice and a new...
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to fishonjazz's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
      Harris quickly consolidated the party behind her, as her campaign said it had raised $126 million since Sunday, with 64% of donors...
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to Hearsky's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Haha Haha.
      Trump was willing to pay for the trickle down in Russia. Well, he probably reneged on the invoice. (anybody else feel a little hesitant...
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to Rubashov's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Haha Haha.
      Cabib boy @LogGrad98 understands perfectly. I mean where is 400 million in wealth best invested? Schools? The little bastards will...
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to Rubashov's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Haha Haha.
      ****ing ignorant peasant. A super yacht is essential otherwise how do you get to your private island? The stupidity of some people...
    • str8line
      str8line replied to the thread JD Vance.
      "feeding votes to the Tangerine" Lol
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to Hearsky's post in the thread JD Vance with Haha Haha.
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to fishonjazz's post in the thread JD Vance with Like Like.
      In regards to Taylor Swift. It's weird that the conservatives don't champion her. I love Taylor Swift. Why? I have a daughter who loves...
    • str8line
      str8line replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      I agree but as long as she beats The Rapist I'll take her. Pretty crazy that the nomination seems to have fallen into her lap.
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to Keefe's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
      Because people don’t rise based on all sorts of ********? Look no further than our last two Presidents. Look at W. Does that mean...
    • str8line
      str8line reacted to gandalfe's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
      If she makes word salad, Trump makes absolute pico de gallo.
    • str8line
      Could mean that conclusive evidence already in the public domain isn't conclusive or evidence. Could be fake. I mean it's from...
    • str8line
      str8line replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      She has the resume but word salad is a legitimate concern. She has improved though and hopefully holds it together for four months.
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