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Prop 2 Utah


From what i have seen, prop 2 gets voted in and now its just going to be altered to the point that it is basically the compromise bill. That seems illegal to me. If prop 2 is voted in then it should be as is. If someone wants to propose a different law or ammend prop 2 then put that ballot up for vote the next time voting comes around and see if its what the people want.

Maybe we can get @sirkickyass to defend for us.? Bro bono ofcourse
I voted no because the church told me to. So many moron pot heads round these parts.
Jokes on you. Stupid pothead epileptic kids are going to have an effective treatment.
Here's a link that was sent out in the email.

I think some of those points are definitely worth being concerned about. Not all. But enough that I will likely vote no. I just wish there were a better medical marijuana bill to choose from.
I read through some of this and while I didn't and can't vote in Utah because I currently don't live there, I believe that this memo is based on a mindset that there is something wrong or criminal in using "marijuana," which is totally outdated and consistent with the old paradigm. The typical oversimplification that "marijuana" is less harmful than alcohol is true and can be supported by scientific literature. Furthermore, it indeed has medical benefits that alcohol does not have. People need to stop thinking in the manner of this memo. It should not be a concern of law enforcement. Can a person "O-D" on marijuana, perhaps but they ordinarily would not be a threat to anyone or themselves, unless they were driving a motor vehicle or using some sort of complex machinery. And yes, there should be age limits as studies have shown it has a negative effect on the brain when it is still developing. I watched a series of documentaries called the "Sacred Plant" that totally exposes the myths associated with it.
Email the governor, legislation, elected officials at the capital, attend the rallies setup by advocate groups, etc. About all you can do.

It's a joke something that 53% voted on isn't getting the fair consideration it deserves.
Pretty sure the only reason why prop 2 passed was because of all the liberal Hispanics who voted 3+ times in different disguises.