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Jazz vs Grizzlies starting in 20 min..

Where are all the *******s who hate Rubio? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa we didn't win without Ricky, time to cry.
the most frustrating thing for me as a fan of grayson is that he can definitely help the team offensively with enough time on the court, but his defense is usually so bad that he can't even get that time. he needs to wake the F up. he had a good stretch of games before allstar break where he was average or even sometimes better than average defensively, but he's gone back to some really bad habits on and off the ball. when he puts in focus and effort, he's passable enough defensively to stay on the court. i'm not sure what's going on between the ears as by all accounts he's a smart person/player. definitely looks timid/unsure on both sides of the ball. or is it just rust and trying to get back up to game speed as he's barely played since all star? frustrating either way as he is the 2nd most athletic player on the team behind don. they should just send him to g-league to get reps the rest of the year when rubio, exum, and neto get back.

*******s exposing themselves with very little encouragement.

Must suck to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa every time Jazz lose. Poor *******s.
The Grizz are a lot better than their record. It didn't help though that the refs let them get away with murder on defense. I think the Jazz did a good job of coming back. But at the end, they had no one who could guard Conley. It was Conley who made JV so good, though JV did have a good game and thoroughly outplayed Rudy.
Whew....that will pump the breaks on the Favors big contract talk and maybe the Joe Ingles pg talk as well.
Donovan at pg as well
DM at PG is overhyped by too many. It’s great for his individual numbers but not for the teams offense overall. Not a negative on him either, he’s playing a position he hasn’t played a lot of time at, but the Don at PG isn’t as good as some want to make it. The team doesn’t rise with his numbers.
Whoa what the hell? I leave you people alone for 2 hours and this is what happens? Sonofabitch!
DM at PG is overhyped by too many. It’s great for his individual numbers but not for the teams offense overall. Not a negative on him either, he’s playing a position he hasn’t played a lot of time at, but the Don at PG isn’t as good as some want to make it. The team doesn’t rise with his numbers.
I couldn't of said it any better myself. Except he plays hog ball as a pg
Donovan is not a point guard and that's a huge problem when we don't have one... and another reason why we lost was shooting 48 3 3pointers. We are 21st at that shooting like we're the GSW