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Monson: The Once-Fierce Lion's Eyes Grow Sleepy.


Well-Known Member
I know we tend to bag on Monson quite a bit. That said, I thought this was a good tribute to Sloan.


When I recently asked someone outside the family, someone who would know the details about Sloan, asked how he was doing at age 77, even though I already had been told by others, he said three words.

“He is dying.”

Those words, human condition or no, hit with the force of a swinging tire iron.

Jerry Sloan doesn’t die.
Might be the best Monson article I've ever read. Choked me up fr. Holding back tears in the work break room here.
When the time comes he will be missed. He is the heart and soul of what the Jazz stand for. I grew up watching the Jazz from a young age. Jerry was the Jazz as much as Stockton and Malone. 6 years ago my son and I sat in front of Jerry and his wife at a game. he bought popcorn and drinks for my son and shared his candy. My son is now 14 and talks about it often. Just as the article states, he was fierce on the court, but a softy off. He will be missed when the time comes. Too soon it sounds like.
Well done by Gordo. I have no problem with Monson. I frequently don't agree with what he says but I think he is genuine and he is doing his job. I like folks who give insights more than folks I agree with and GM does that.
Ive never understood why people dislike Monson. I like him.

I agree. He has knack for writing human interest stories. Always liked his style. Actually met and spoke to him at Summer League. Very humble, gracious guy.

I've never liked Monson's writing style, or attempts to stir things up or get "clicks". Every once in a while he will have a good article, but most of the time I don't like it. Something about him just rubs me the wrong way, just like his Chester persona tries to rub all sorts of people the wrong way. I don't really think he's funny at all, and rarely insightful.

It could very well be he's a cool dude if you know him in person. His on air and written personna is that he's a punk/jerk/creep, so I'll pass.

He's still in the business because he was key in keeping the radio gig around for all the radio people at a key time, and probably because he has pictures of certain people that they don't want getting out.