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Quotes from Celtics' forums-"I know Utah has insane crowds but that was an insane crowd."


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Pre Game

Made the trip from Boise Idaho! I’ll be there lesss go Celtics!

I absolutely hate the fact that we have to travel to high altitude on a B2B while the Jazz have 4 days of rest (also had to travel, but still lol). Let's win to stick it to the schedule makers & clinch that playoff spot

Kessler gonna be a problem tonight

Jazz start three 7 footers damn

No Horford, Timelord, or Smart for this one.

DRAPTOR Prince Blake Griffin and Luke "Big Bird' Kornet reporting for duty

I love watching this Jazz team. They are losing enough to get a decent pick but are somehow competitive in pretty much every game.

1st Half

Yup got a big lead in the first half and you know dam well they're going to blow it in the second half

So basically the Jazz game plan is to send 3 players at Tatum at all times and let the others b@!t u. He's doing a great job getting rid of the ball too

A lot of 7 footers on that Jazz team. I didn't realize it until they were blocking JB.

God damn it Will Hardy doubling Tatum 35ft from the basket

They don’t have a single dude in the whole state of Utah that can guard Jaylen Brown

Never gonna get over how weird it feels seeing Ainge on the opposite team’s sidelines. Let alone also being the reason we have like 80% of our current roster.

This jazz team is literally a fantasy draft from 2k how do you even assemble this

kris dunn lookin nice these days, another successful jazz reclamation project

Oh no... Rudy Gay's got a mask too... NOT THIS GUY!!!

swear to God are we the #1 team who always gets opposing buzzer beater? God damn its frustrating!

Classic buzzer beater. I expect nothing less

Lauri's got a great stroke for a 7footer, damn

Does Utah know doubling Tatum is the wrong idea? I wonder if the jazz sub rips him like a lot of people here rip Mazzula

I like jazz doubling JT lol, they are going to lose by 40 if they continue that

The rest of this team is too good for the Great Wall of Tatum strategy to be worthwhile

Eventually they gotta realize this double teaming Tatum thing is not working, right? Dudes got like 4 or 5 hockey assists along with his 4 normal assists. That on top of Tatum STILL making tough contested shots.

swear to God THT looks like little Karl Malone out there

Doubling Tatum and leaving Hauser open, it’s a bold strategy Cotton

This feels like the team that was 21-5!

Utah's size is actually insane

They play Olynyk-Lauri-Kessler all together lol

If you don’t like giving up quarter-ending buzzer beaters, then you don’t like Celtics basketball.

They have the and 1 sliders turned all the way up wtf

Jazz getting away with whatever they want, multiple fouls on multiple plays


We had a 19 point lead in the 2nd man..... come on.

17 pt lead just disappeared into thin air

19 point lead cut to 4 in a matter of 4 mins

2nd Half

From a 19 point lead to being tied. Honestly just plain lazy and embarrassing. You should be up 30 and demoralising them right now.

The Celtics are a .500 team anymore. They struggle against bad teams. They'll never win a title the way they're going now.

They should be DESTROYING the Jazz right now!

How about don’t have Williams EVER do a layup again…He’s best with his shoes nailed to the floor shooting… anytime he tries to shoot while moving it’s just wrong… and with all the hot hands we have, why again is Tatum allowed to missed multiple late in the game shots? If they’re double teaming him, clearly someone’s open… C’s had several hot handed shooters tonight but the last 3 missed shots were Tatum, Tatum and oh Williams trying a layup

Struggling with Utah.. It makes sense.

Why can’t we just lose a game in a normal fashion and not in an embarrassing blown lead

Freakin Utah? The Celtics stink anymore. Play with some urgency!

Yet ANOTHER double digit lead blown to a team we should have beaten. Running out of time to right this ship.

Kessler going to be a problem in 4th quarter when our guys are gassed and doesn't have the energy to rebound or box-out. **** this b2b games

Jazz are **** and they're missing guys. We're supposed to put them away. Already struggled way too much with this team than I like to see.

Imagine the job Hardy will do with this roster instead of our hack of a coach

Who the **** is Agbaji??????????

Kessler literally rams into us for two rebounds lmao

The most selfish lazy ****ing thing in the NBA is the 8 second violation.

They’re just way too big

Even though UTAH is a lottery team, they are hard to play against

The fossilized Rudy Gay has been regenerated.

Getting absolutely destroyed on the glass

Jazz plays guys who I either haven't heard in a while or forever lmao. But their rested starters will be dangerous in the crunch.

16 offense rebounds how is that possible Luke is next level bad at rebounding he's 7ft for no reason

Rebounds!!! Rebounds!!! Rebounds!!!

19 point lead gone just like that, we didn’t score for 5 minutes and the coach didn’t call a timeout.

That last play had me looking for closure. What the F was that from Grant going at 2 towers at the rim? Surely that was not the play drawn up by Joe

THT looks like hes 40 lmao but his game is clean af

Kessler is a beast on the boards for being so young

Bruh Utah’s offense is so much more fun to watch than our garbage

Watching us just chuck 3's as we blow leads is almost unwatchable, it's just painful to watch especially when the other team is driving to the rim and scoring at will.

Utah runs a lot of great action off-ball. Lauri always coming off ball with a good angle and a notable height advantage.

Kessler and KO feasting on boards

God damn I hate how we play slow and they play fast

No one willing to try to box out Kessler. Luke, get your 7 foot *** in there and put some body to him.

Lmfao every single female in Utah is a brunette white woman, and 75% of them died their hair blonde.

Lauri is really damn good

Celtics were a +13.5 favorite at half

THT looking like everybody’s favorite uncle

Not sure what that last play was but allowing these offensive rebounds has to stop.

Refs hosed them on that “flagrant” call on JB. How many euro steps did that klutz take before the foul. NBA refs are just awful.

I mean of course Rudy ****ing Gay who is shooting 24% from 3 this year shoots 75% against us.

Markkanen and the other Utah players just clowning us now, laughing as they go to timeout.

Our 6'6 power forward to the paint against 2 7 footers is incredibly stupid

Literally any other play would’ve been better than that absolute ******* play

Somehow topped that awful Tatum 3-pointer play with that Grant Williams final play

My God Kessler is an animal on the glass; Gobert trade is truly an all time fleece.

Choke job for the ages..

Post Game

18 offensive rebounds for the Jazz. 50+ three pointers, this is why we won't win the finals. How does Mazzula just sit there and make 0 adjustments and let him team shoot threes endlessly. We went from up 19 to up 4 simply because the team won't stop shooting threes for long stretches. Defense is gone, team is toast. Simple as that, hopefully we adjust next year. This isn't just one game, it's every game. Every game, the other teams almost come back because of the no d, no rebound, all threes stretches.

I want this coach gone. Grant hit 7 3s. Best night of the year. Jaylen hit a 3 to keep the lead. After Utah got a 3 to make it one point, who takes the last two shots. Mister Clutch Tatum. You guessed it. Celtics lost. I want this coach gone. How many of these post game explanations do we have to hear?

How TF you lost this game

Another loss because we can’t rebound; Tatum looks really tired.

This is a bad loss. Very painful to watch. Should have been a double digit win even without 3 starters.

Pathetic loss. This team doesn’t have the mindset to win a tough playoff series, so many boneheaded regular season losses against teams we should easily be putting away.

I don't think that last shot is what the coach drew up... I think Grant decided to be the hero... And came up a bit short...

Clearly, this is the worst , weakest , embarrassing Celtics team we have ever had. They lack the championship spirit, fortitude. If they get the Knicks first round in playoffs this Celtics are going to be humiliated . In fact , they will be swept . It’s so embarrassing!!Titum must be traded . He is a liability for this team

Keys to the game = 1) Celtics were out-rebounded 56 to 40 by the Jazz including giving up 17 offensive rebounds and 2) Tatum looks exhausted and 3) 68% from the free throw line! Should have won this game, no excuses. Dropped to third in the East. And can someone explain the last play which followed a timeout?!

As a Celtics fan it stinks, but living in Utah and liking the Jazz you gotta say that was a great block by Kessler.

This ************* gets every single rebound this is absurd

Lol as soon as I started thinking that they will build up a lead and then be able to rest their starters in the 4th, they revert to the same stuff. Go iso ball and literally stop doing everything that got them the big lead in the first place. The other team comes back, they've now built confidence and then you find yourself in an unnecessary rock fight. I hope they keep losing games like this. They've trashed away first place and now all of a sudden, they're now in 3rd place. 17 offensive rebounds. Just will never learn.

Just when I thought we took a step forward with a big win at Minnesota. Here is another DOUBLE digit blown lead to an inferior opponent. This team was in FIRST place before the all-star break by 10+ games. TWELVE plus ahead of the Sixers. Now, the Sixers have caught up and we are still not a number one seed. Absolutely pathetic. When are we going to win a game. All of a SUDDEN we are a number 3 seed. This is absolutely embarrassing.

Hell of a final play Mazzula drew up.. maybe they removed "interim" from his title too quickly

I hate this team so much. Not worth watching them anymore. They are a 1st round exit. This coach is awful and so is fake super star tatum

Stop shooting 50 plus 3’s a game, play defense and rebound a freaking ball….

Tatum is not a GOAT but he can be a GHOST if he wanted to...

Do NBA players think it’s cool to walk over right at 8? It’s not it just looks ****ing dumb.

Blew a 19 point lead and losing to the Jazz by 1, and dropping to 3rd in the East??

About the 9th time this season the final play of a close game was a disaster.

Can't even find the energy to be outraged anymore.. this team has the choker DNA

I’m so confused on our last 3 shots… like they made close to 0 sense That was the worst minute of Celtics ball I’ve seen

These Utah fans don’t party like we do in Boston. It’s like a rich persons wedding, but there’s no more shrimp.

Am I allowed to sue the Celtics organization for the aneurysm I can feel developing in my brain because of this season?

Horrendous last two plays... Why can the jazz use screens to create space and lanes and we just give it to a guy and hope for the best

I honestly don’t understand that ****ing play call on the last play. Is Mazzulla’s approach “they won’t see this coming” and just goes with it?

If we could have ****ing got some rebounds, we wouldn’t have been in this position.

I think I'm gonna skip a few games for my own mental health. Only so many games I can watch this team race out to a huge lead and then blow it with no effort on the glass. I'm starting to become one of the super negative GDT posters and that's my cue to step back a little bit because that ain't me.

I’m not sure what’s worse. If that was the play they drew up or if Grant just wanted to be the hero. ****ing disgusting either way.

There's no other way to put it - that's simply unacceptable end-of-game planning and execution. Grant Williams driving at Walker Kessler is the plan? That should never be the plan. That should never be the plan on any planet in any game at any time.

There's a very good reason there was a wide open lane for Grant to drive at Walker Kessler and it's because he's Grant Williams and that was Walker Kessler. Holy christ. I try not to let regular-season results piss me off too much but this one broke me.

Okay, so our end of play option, coming out of a timeout is GRANT WILLIAMS TRYING TO SCORE OVER KESSLER?

Double contested shot by the one of the shortest dudes on the court. Epic design

That was the dumbest ****ing shot ive ever seen

The **** why go under the ring with 3 long boys defenders.

That . . . was what they drew up? It must be in crayon.

Literally Grant was the only one that moved in that play wtf???

What was that?? Really go up against 3 guys?

It's so easy to see that this is an early rebuild Danny Ainge team. 2014 Celtics vibes

Those last 3 Celtics possessions was some LA Fitness style of basketball man

Another day, another "worst loss of the season"

This loss hurt on so many levels. Getting torched multiple times by the corpses of Rudy Gay and Kris Dunn... ugh. Not good, fellas.

Watch out for Utah offensive rebounds. We look ****ing exhausted right there

Lmao cost me $1200. Who shoots a 3 with 20 seconds left down by 1? I’ve never even played in a basketball game and I’m not even that stupid. I feel bad cause I left more talent in the *****er this morning.

48-22 run from the Jazz on either side of halftime, that’s where we lost the game. That can’t happen

The Jazz have a bright future. They have a nice young core with Markannen, Kessler and Agbaji , and a ton of draft picks.

Oh my Lord, just fire Joe. On the spot. Offer Hardy as much money as he wants. Yet another just atrocious play and failure by Joe down the stretch.

My God. Just a complete failure as a coach.

Twenty second-chance points by the Jazz were the difference tonight as the Celtics lost 118-117 in Utah. Boston gave up a season-high 17 offensive rebounds, and their counterpunch of 22 threes wasn’t enough to save them.

Quotes from around the league

Walker Kessler is FOR ****ING REAL

Walker Kessler is a beast. I'm so jealous man because he is exactly the kind of player Warriors need.

I have a feeling he’ll be the starting center for Utah for the next ten years. What a pick up

Anyone who plays fantasy basketball knows this man deserves rookie of the year

The discipline to not bite on the initial upward motion is pretty astounding. His patience and composure here, what a pro.

It’s crazy how nobody on this planet would trade Kessler for Gobert. The worse trade of all time.

How come nobody is talking about Kessler for ROY?? This trade gonna go down in history lol

Not even gonna lie, THT been looking real solid as of late. Utah trading Conley and NAW opened up more time for him.

Lauri is gonna have fun in the sauna tonight

What was that pull-up 3 towards the end? That's their 5-seconds-left play right? Why did he do that with 35s left?

Utah just dominated the offensive glass

They put up a graphic during thè game saying since all star break he is #1 in field goal % blocks offensive boards, and 4 in total boards. That's crazy, kid is already playing like a top 10 centre.

WALKER KESSLER. Mfs traded Gobert and got someone who's going to be better than him.

That deal was bad when they made it and looks worse every day. Kessler looks to be a good piece plus all the picks. I still don’t understand the Wolves thought process.

The Jazz attempting to tank while bolstering the Lakers's roster by giving them too for Westbrook, and yet it is now somewhat plausible that they make the play-ins over the Lakers lmao

I've not watched much Jazz basketball this year but every game I see I feel like Ochai Agbaji always grabs my attention, dude has a future in the NBA for sure

wtf i love Utah now

That Kessler block was extremely hype. What a 4th quarter.

When grant williams drove against two centers and one of the best shot blockers in the league for a game winning layup i almost died laughing

I find actually funny how the Jazz tried everything to tank this season but even with all the changes and injuries they still can't.

Utter brilliance. On a team with Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum, give the ball to Grant and have him do something.

Why do you refuse to tank Kessler

I know Utah has insane crowds but that was an insane crowd.

I know it’s not news anymore, but Walker Kessler is really ****ing good.

Crazy to me when people clap to a song and not even on beat. I mean, it’s Utah.

Of course they can’t clap on the beat.

THT owns Tatum jesus

Can't be believe Lakers let go of THT /s

THT went from babyface youngster to middle age man real quick

I partially blame Tatum. 0 points in the quarter. No rhythm to shoot but he decides to take 2 of the most pivotal shots. Should’ve stuck to being a threat, getting the double/triple team, and passing it to his teammates.

Are the Jazz tanking or not?? They need to make up their ****ing mind so the rest of us in the west know what's going on
Yup got a big lead in the first half and you know dam well they're going to blow it in the second half

I like that attitude!
That . . . was what they drew up? It must be in crayon.
When grant williams drove against two centers and one of the best shot blockers in the league for a game winning layup i almost died laughing
Lmao at these final play comments.

Anyone who plays fantasy basketball knows this man deserves rookie of the year
How come nobody is talking about Kessler for ROY?? This trade gonna go down in history lol
They put up a graphic during thè game saying since all star break he is #1 in field goal % blocks offensive boards, and 4 in total boards. That's crazy, kid is already playing like a top 10 centre.
I know it’s not news anymore, but Walker Kessler is really ****ing good.
I posted few weeks ago that Kessler is being totally disrespected in the ROY race. The fans are starting to see it, but media is still clueless.

Banchero gets the ball all the time and has the greenest of lights. While he is producing decent box totals his efficiency is atrocious and his advanced metrics are colored in brightest of reds. For example, Paolo's TS% ranks 384th in the NBA, I kid you not. That is 8th worst of ALL starters in the league. He is the definition of good stats in a bad team.

Kessler on the other hand is playing his position as well or even better than many respected and highly valued vets.

The Jazz beat writers and organisation need to start banging his drum and pointing this **** out.
Watching us just chuck 3's as we blow leads is almost unwatchable, it's just painful to watch especially when the other team is driving to the rim and scoring at will.
Well ya shot 43% on 51 shots and had all the wide open corner threes you wanted. I’d be throwing them up too. Not sure what your problem is?
I find actually funny how the Jazz tried everything to tank this season but even with all the changes and injuries they still can't.
I’m crying on the inside
Why do you refuse to tank Kessler
He’s a rookie. He’ll do better next year I hope