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What's the point of keeping Lauri anymore?

This whole conversation is stupid.
It’s probably stupid for all the wrong reasons it was created considering who posted it. But for the right reasons it’s not stupid. All those draft picks are looking much worse than a year ago. In a way Lauri’s sudden rise might not turn out great for the Jazz Markkanen’s rise is going to block us from getting those top 1 to 5 picks over the first 2-3 years of a rebuild to help build a foundation and I’m losing hope that we can trade for a #1 option type star. Markkanen isn’t that. At some point the Jazz need to consider other options if we can’t get a top guy. Markkanen is great but he’s more of a support star than a lead star. Just my thoughts.
It’s probably stupid for all the wrong reasons it was created considering who posted it. But for the right reasons it’s not stupid. All those draft picks are looking much worse than a year ago. In a way Lauri’s sudden rise might not turn out great for the Jazz Markkanen’s rise is going to block us from getting those top 1 to 5 picks over the first 2-3 years of a rebuild to help build a foundation and I’m losing hope that we can trade for a #1 option type star. Markkanen isn’t that. At some point the Jazz need to consider other options if we can’t get a top guy. Markkanen is great but he’s more of a support star than a lead star. Just my thoughts.
This is an organization who doesn't build a team around it's star/s. Build a team around Rudy? Nope. Around Stockton/Malone? Nope. And they've done Lauri a dirty by denying him an honest playoff run. Pulled the rug right out from under him.
This is an organization who doesn't build a team around it's star/s. Build a team around Rudy? Nope. Around Stockton/Malone? Nope. And they've done Lauri a dirty by denying him an honest playoff run. Pulled the rug right out from under him.
What a giant load of crap. How did we not build around Rudy and Mitchell or Stockton and Malone? What happened with Rudy and Mitchell is that Lindsey screwed up badly the Favors acquisition and Dok pick that absolutely destroyed the upside potential of our team. Also playing for the play in is not pulling the rug on an honest playoff run.
I know I opened this from frustration, but looking at things how they are... Do we really think there will be enough acquisitions next summer to make sense of holding on Lauri... This roster is now so uncompleted, it might take three seasons to make into playoffs. And players coming in are having decent options, and can affect where the are traded, why choose Jazz? Their reputation is now getting worse with latest moves and FO communication contradicting actions so heavily.

Just.. Let him go compete and tank hard for a while
If we were going to trade him the time was at the trade deadline. Now he would be an expensive potential one year rental for a team if they traded for him. Not going to happen.
It’s probably stupid for all the wrong reasons it was created considering who posted it. But for the right reasons it’s not stupid. All those draft picks are looking much worse than a year ago. In a way Lauri’s sudden rise might not turn out great for the Jazz Markkanen’s rise is going to block us from getting those top 1 to 5 picks over the first 2-3 years of a rebuild to help build a foundation and I’m losing hope that we can trade for a #1 option type star. Markkanen isn’t that. At some point the Jazz need to consider other options if we can’t get a top guy. Markkanen is great but he’s more of a support star than a lead star. Just my thoughts.

That's exactly the problem. If they are after top 10 guys and true #1 to pair with Lauri, it needs to either have draft luck or trying to trade for someone at Lauri's age who is top 10-20 level guy and upside to elevate closer to top 5. It's either that or hard tank, or really, really good drafting and luck, and in this case, contending might take five years at least.
What a giant load of crap. How did we not build around Rudy and Mitchell or Stockton and Malone? What happened with Rudy and Mitchell is that Lindsey screwed up badly the Favors acquisition and Dok pick that absolutely destroyed the upside potential of our team. Also playing for the play in is not pulling the rug on an honest playoff run.
Rudy? One of the all time goat defenders and we didn't build around his defense. We let him do it all. C'mon man, build around that and we wouldn't have been a paper tiger. A Chris Dunn would have been amazing with him

An honest playoff run isn't just racing to the play in, it's actually competing in the playoffs. We are a threat to nobody now.
If we were going to trade him the time was at the trade deadline. Now he would be an expensive potential one year rental for a team if they traded for him. Not going to happen.

That's what I'm afraid for both him and the Jazz. The indecisiveness if the FO has caused a sort of a limbo, and might half-@ss the rebuild and do disservice to Sexton and Lauri as waiting for another 2-3 seasons of post-season run.
What a giant load of crap. How did we not build around Rudy and Mitchell or Stockton and Malone? What happened with Rudy and Mitchell is that Lindsey screwed up badly the Favors acquisition and Dok pick that absolutely destroyed the upside potential of our team. Also playing for the play in is not pulling the rug on an honest playoff run.
If you’re talking about the favors trade, ya that was as dumb as it gets. I won’t fault them for the DWill trade. We got him Harris and 3 firsts. One being the third pick I believe. After all he was a rookie that was selected 3rd. He had a lot of potential at the times and his career might have gone better he had he not had the back issues, but he had a few good years before that
That's exactly the problem. If they are after top 10 guys and true #1 to pair with Lauri, it needs to either have draft luck or trying to trade for someone at Lauri's age who is top 10-20 level guy and upside to elevate closer to top 5. It's either that or hard tank, or really, really good drafting and luck, and in this case, contending might take five years at least.
Hopes and prayers appear to be the plan.

We could have had a playoff run if we stayed pat at the trade deadline.

Now, nothing.
If you’re talking about the favors trade, ya that was as dumb as it gets. I won’t fault them for the DWill trade. We got him Harris and 3 firsts. One being the third pick I believe. After all he was a rookie that was selected 3rd. He had a lot of potential at the times and his career might have gone better he had he not had the back issues, but he had a few good years before that
You really missed that bad. I'm talking about signing Favors with the mle.
Hopes and prayers appear to be the plan.

We could have had a playoff run if we stayed pat at the trade deadline.

Now, nothing.
Look it sucks that the front office did this but what did we really have? We were clinging on to the last play in spot with GS breathing down our neck. Acting like we had anything more than like a 20% chance at the actual playoffs is disingenuous.
If we were going to trade him the time was at the trade deadline. Now he would be an expensive potential one year rental for a team if they traded for him. Not going to happen.
Extend and trade?

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Look it sucks that the front office did this but what did we really have? We were clinging on to the last play in spot with GS breathing down our neck. Acting like we had anything more than like a 20% chance at the actual playoffs is disingenuous.
Before the trade rumor mill started and even after that we still were trending better than some of the teams above us. The only real value of this move would be another mid lottery pick, if the teams below us manage to win more games that we accidentally win.

The value we got back from those 2 trades isnt moving any needles for our future. 27th and 31st pick or something like that gets you 2 absolute hail mary high ceiling prospects or 2 guys whose maximum upside is solid rotational player. I bet historical stats would support that the average career longevity of guys picked around the 30 spot is like 6 years, with probably over 70% of them lasting less than that.
Look it sucks that the front office did this but what did we really have? We were clinging on to the last play in spot with GS breathing down our neck. Ac
Look it sucks that the front office did this but what did we really have? We were clinging on to the last play in spot with GS breathing down our neck. Acting like we had anything more than like a 20% chance at the actual playoffs is disingenuous.

ting like we had anything more than like a 20% chance at the actual playoffs is disingenuous.
We were playing with a lot of confidence, while rolling out competent lineups. We have three games left (before the trades) with GS including the last game of the season (plus the makeup game?). LA was in sight too. Not likely, but I'd put those chances closer to 40-50%.

Something meaningful to play for, at least. Which is much better for Lauri's trade value.
We were playing with a lot of confidence, while rolling out competent lineups. We have three games left (before the trades) with GS including the last game of the season (plus the makeup game?). LA was in sight too. Not likely, but I'd put those chances closer to 40-50%.
40-50% chance of making the play in is accurate. Winning two road games or 1 home game against the Lakers (and refs) and then going on the road to win one... The play in is not the playoffs. If I was the FO that's probably how I'd justify it to the players. Still don't think Simone should have been moved. Think he has more value on his next deal than what we got. Seemed to be tight with Lauri and also is just a very useful player type.

KO wasn't going to be retained. Ochai sucks. The players still have the chance to fight for a play-in spot if they want it.
If we were going to trade him the time was at the trade deadline. Now he would be an expensive potential one year rental for a team if they traded for him. Not going to happen.

He can agree for an extension with the new team. It might happen. But I don't think it will.
I believe Ainge is getting ready to make a splash with the roster next season. They took every glue guy besides Dunn and Collins, and Traded them .They purposely gutted the team to tank, so I hope the plan is going after a star player to let the main guys believe again.
He can agree for an extension with the new team. It might happen. But I don't think it will.
they would need to have 17M in cap space to do it. OKC has the space to do it if they want. Other teams would roll the dice if they are confident he can be retained. If you want a mega return I think OKC is the first choice.