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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

No... I've been calling people like fishes rhetoric dangerous for years now. Don't try to tell me that I don't have a point. In this very forum assassinating Trump has been talked about numerous times.
I've seen just as many saying the same thing about Biden. Pot meet kettle.
There were 8 presidents shot apparently. They were all Republicans shot by the left?

You remember Hailey and Bush and Reagan being compared to Hitler? That's strange
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The establishment. The two party system is a charade. It’s a duopoly. Third party candidates got no shot. Trump would never have won in 2016 if he ran independent.

Kennedy called out the deep state publicly and was assassinated shortly after.

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The establishment. The two party system is a charade. It’s a duopoly. Third party candidates got no shot. Trump would never have won in 2016 if he ran independent.

Kennedy called out the deep state publicly and was assassinated shortly after.

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This was a strange response to my post and doesn't actually respond to it.

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Show me once someone has talked about putting Biden up against a wall and killing him. I have not seen one poster wish death on Biden like many have Trump.
You are clearly operating with your eyes closed. This is one of many. It took me 30 seconds to find this.

You are clearly operating with your eyes closed. This is one of many. It took me 30 seconds to find this.

I'm talking about this forum and specific rhetoric that has been pushed here. There are most definitely crazies on both sides.
You don’t hate Trump?
That’s great. Progress.

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I don't really think of him as my fellow American. He is an elite. His America/world and mine are so vastly different we might as well be from different planets

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