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What the...?

The Jazz hired the darkest black man in the league. I don't think it was that beneficial.

Can you imagine if PK wrote and article that said the Jazz should hire a white person since the fans are mostly white?
I LOVE this thread. Because I HATE PK. I mean, he drives me crazy. I like listening to sports radio to hear about sports, but, as sojodave pointed out, PK is always interrupting the sports talk with his stupid schtik insulting DJ or lauding Saved by the Bell. His schtik is so cliche radio jockey and so not funny. I hate him so much. Please - why won't they fire him?

I third this... PK makes it unbearable to listen to DJ (whom I like). PK is a troll but not a thought provoking troll just a guy living under a bridge who made his itsy bit of cache covering BYU football. he sucks on the radio and he apparently sucks as a writer too (big surprise).
I live outside of the state but started to listen again to DJ and PK thru the internet. I listened for 5 minutes to PK ramble on for the sake of just arguing with DJ that I remembered why I hate listening to them. I dont mind DJ but I have no ****ing idea why they keep PK on the air. He is a useless troll.
PK is one of the few people that can make me laugh out loud. The guy plays his role very well and DJ is a perfect match for him.
Anybody who's ever listened to DJ & PK knows that Patrick Kinahan is an obnoxious fool, but this is surprising even for him: https://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=304&sid=30171625

If you don't feel like reading the whole article, it includes a comparison of Snyder to Griffin, wherein he shares this insightful nugget:

"Among their differences there is one that could pay dividends for the Jazz. Griffin is African-American, the same race that dominates NBA rosters. The simple truth is, the Jazz would be best served to hire a black man as the head coach."

Seriously, is there a way for us to get this clown fired, and stop making Jazz fans look like ignorant bigots?
Pull your panties up man....He said the exact truth. It might not be PC in this whiney *** world right now, but nothing he said isnt true...the truth hurts, yes..got it..
PK is one of the few people that can make me laugh out loud. The guy plays his role very well and DJ is a perfect match for him.

If PK is really one of the few people that can make you laugh then you have the personality of a dead moth....