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  1. C

    Jazz lineup you'd like to see

    pg- Burks I know people say that we have seen how this works out, and he really did play poorly earlier in the season at pg, but I still think we need to see if there is any future with him at the pg. sg- Hayward- He has played well at times at SF, but he expends a lot of energy guarding...
  2. C

    Jazz / Celtics / Kings trade proposal

    This trade would never happen for multiple reason.... and this isn't a Jazz/Kings/Celtics trade it is a Jazz/Celtics trade and a completely Jazz/Kings trade since the Kings and Celtics aren't receiving any players from each other. I know I am nitpicking, but it is kind of annoying.
  3. C

    Tuesday April 5th 8:30 MT: The Mighty Utah Jazz vs. Lottery Bound Lakers

    I think my favorite part of Hayward is that when he penetrates he hasn't already decided to shoot. He keeps his head up, and if the pass is a better option he is willing to pass(unlike CJ). An unselfish slasher is a hard thing to come by in the NBA.
  4. C

    Memo done for the season

    saw him at bonneville golf course yesterday. apparently the guys in the pro shop were giving him crap about golfing but sitting the season out and he wasn't too happy about that.... there is no best buy in the pro shop
  5. C

    Will Deron get booed tomorrow?

    I really hope he doesn't. If he does we should start looking for trades for him. We already don't have a great chance of keeping him but if he feels unappreciated he for sure won't stay.
  6. C

    New assistants?

    It truly depends on which kind of system Corbin wants to implement. Horny would be awesome though. Finally some improved shooting.
  7. C

    You are Ty Corbin...What do you do different?

    I agree Fes needs some more burn, but starting him? I don't think he is that good. Get him some more PT, see how he does, but I don't think Sap should lose his starting spot just because Fes has recently played pretty well in limited minutes.
  8. C

    Head Coach Jerry Sloan to resign today :(

    When is the press conference?
  9. C

    Strange post-game statements from Sloan and KOC

    Melo will never wear a jazz jersey that is something i know. but if we did trade for him i wouldn't hate it even thought i hate him SOO bad.
  10. C

    Strange post-game statements from Sloan and KOC

    Does anyone remember the last time practice was canceled? This could be pretty telling if something is truly about to happen or if we are all just freaking out over a "discussion." I really hope it isn't just a discussion. We either need a trade, or sloan needs to go. I love Sloan, but it...
  11. C

    Is Nene available?

    Bynum is not that young? Bynum is 23. He is 3 days younger than Jeremy Evans.
  12. C

    Game 53: Jazz @ Kings 2/7 8:00 MT

    The mavs also almost to the cavs at home. They must have fallen really far also. No playoffs for them. Also, that 9 game win streak is all lick. We are definitely struggling, but that was a good win against a bad team who played well and had a lot of help from the refs. Not a huge win, but...
  13. C

    Start this guy...

  14. C

    When Memo Healthy - who do we sit ?

    Is there any chance Memo realizes that he is never going to truly "recover" and in the off-season chooses to retire? Honestly, he already is married to Ms. Turkey, he could go back to Turkey and live like a king for the rest of his life never having to worry about working out again. If that...