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2024 NBA Free Agency Thread

If the kid had an ounce of self respect he'd have refused it, insisting to earn his PT based on merit.

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If the kid had an ounce of self respect he'd have refused it, insisting to earn his PT based on merit.

Remember opposing fans chiding Daryl Strawberry? "DEH-ryl DEH-ryl"

Imagine fans in every stadium mocking "BRAWH-ney BRAWH-ney" while the kid sits at the end of the bench with his towel over his head.

Def not worth the millions to endure that shti
They were already doing it to him in college. But yeah, I'd endure that for millions. . .
I'm still a little worried we find an "opportunity" like signing DeRozan to a tradeable contract and then find a way to mid the tank. Some sort of Dlo/Derozan three or four team deal where we use space would be great.

If we were interested in being competitive I can't understand why we let Dunn walk? Unless we truly don't understand the value of perimeter defense, which honestly I'm not ruling out.
Locke floating the potential of trading for Kawhi... in the "big game hunting" version of the 2024 Jazz summer universe.
Locke floating the potential of trading for Kawhi... in the "big game hunting" version of the 2024 Jazz summer universe.
Slow day huh... the day after he throws cold water on big game hunting he wants to do that (not even sure he's trade eligible after signing the extension).
What is realistic about trading Kawhi when you don’t own your future picks.

The Nets only traded Bridges with the contingency of them getting their own picks back from the Rockets first.

Be so for real right now
It realistically would take a lot to get Kawhi and he said as much and also acknowledged it was highly unlikely. Some of y'all just love to complain about anything if it's about a roster move you wouldn't approve of.
Will do. He provides more Jazz content than anyone else and generally does a good job. Not every episode can be a banger
You’re a quantity over quality type of guy I see.

All I’m asking is just be a little more in tune with what is going on around the league. A lot of the time he messes up on pick situations and cap stuff too. I don’t think a little extra attentiveness is a big ask. Especially when you are doing it every day and it’s your life.