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Adding another wing to the Jazz

Would you make this trade for a decent wing player?

  • Yes, we need another SG to get to the next level.

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • No, I'm cool with how the team is now.

    Votes: 23 65.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
2019 Prediction Contest Winner
So lets say the Jazz could trade Ante Tomic and another young player to a struggling team for a steady wing player. Would you do it to improve the team now?
Maybe. Memo for Steven Jackson. Or Memo and the rights to Tomic for Steven Jackson.

My only concern is that we're playing so well right now and Jackson coming here would want a minimum of I'd guess 25 minutes a night (and that's a low estimate) which would cut significantly into Bell, Miles and AK's time, thus affecting team chemistry and perhaps morale.

So my actual answer is probably, no, not for right now. But let's see how we evolve as a team over the next 30-45 days, especially when Memo returns, and make a decision then.
I wouldn't mind another wing player for depth. If CJ, AK or Raja miss several games we could be in trouble. Hayward hasn't shown he can even handle backup minutes.
Hayward is on his way to D-league with the amount of minutes he is getting. We just need consistent shooting from Raja, Price, Ak, and especially CJ. Raja has been getting a lot better, as has AK. Price has been on fire. It's really only CJ I worry about.
Maybe. Memo for Steven Jackson. Or Memo and the rights to Tomic for Steven Jackson.

My only concern is that we're playing so well right now and Jackson coming here would want a minimum of I'd guess 25 minutes a night (and that's a low estimate) which would cut significantly into Bell, Miles and AK's time, thus affecting team chemistry and perhaps morale.

So my actual answer is probably, no, not for right now. But let's see how we evolve as a team over the next 30-45 days, especially when Memo returns, and make a decision then.

This is pretty much my thinking. The only two things I'd add are
1) Bell is 34 and Price will not be a solution for the longterm/playoffs and Hayward isn't within a mile of a solution this season. The Jazz should be finding ways to keep Bell fresh and after that there should be time for Jackson. I think.
2) The Jazz need to figure something out before the playoffs. I don't see CJ being a consistent scorer anytime soon, and that's never really been AK's game either. If the Jazz are going to make a trade, the sooner the better so chemistry/minutes/rotation can be worked out.
AK/Hayward/Tomic for Kevin Martin and Shane Battier? Obviously, the Rockets only consider that if they continue to lose and they want to shed salary/bring in youth.
AK/Hayward/Tomic for Kevin Martin and Shane Battier? Obviously, the Rockets only consider that if they continue to lose and they want to shed salary/bring in youth.

I would say no to this. Martin is a grade A chucker who needs the ball to be effective, he is also a worse defender by far than any of the wings we currently have. I would trade Ak for Shane Battier though. And I count myself as a fan of AK. If we could move Marin to somebody else the trade itself is not bad but I don't think Martin here is a good thing.
We are so deep at the wing position that we have a future all-star that isn't even getting minutes right now.
Just play Evans with the 2nd unit. Unlike some other rookie wings trying to learn a new system, Evans has shown some signs of life. Plus he already shaves.
Let's say we did do SJax for Memo. How would the minutes look and are the following below enough that the troops would still be happy?

Deron (36), Price (6), Watson (6)
Jackson (24), Bell (24)
AK (22), Miles (20), Jackson (6)
Millsap (34), AK (7), Evans (7)
Jefferson (34), Fes/Elson (10), AK (4)

Deron (36)
Millsap (34)
Jefferson (34)
AK (33)
Jackson (30)
Bell (24)
Miles (20)
Fes/Elson (10)
Evans (7)
Watson (6)
Price (6)

I think this is a pretty solid breakdown of minutes played (though if I'm being honest, I'm not sure if Evans plays the 4 or 3 when he comes in or if AK has played any 5 when he's in as well) if we were to get SJax but is it enough across the board that everyone would be placated? If not, why?
Let's say we did do SJax for Memo. How would the minutes look and are the following below enough that the troops would still be happy?

Deron (36), Price (6), Watson (6)
Jackson (24), Bell (24)
AK (22), Miles (20), Jackson (6)
Millsap (34), AK (7), Evans (7)
Jefferson (34), Fes/Elson (10), AK (4)

I think this is a pretty solid breakdown of minutes played...If not, why?
1. To me that looks like a 12-man (or at the very least 11 man) rotation which makes absolutely no sense.
2. This team is a work in progress as it is, so you're going to introduce another new starter into a team that's just starting to find it's groove and develop some chemistry? Again, makes absolutely no sense.
3. The Jazz will never trade for Stephen Jackson, so no matter how much posters here will argue how much it would help Utah, I know it won't happen and can rest easy knowing that.
Why don't we just start rebuilding cause that makes just about as much sense as trying to add another wing right now
Last I heard we were on a winning streak.
I don't think we go looking, but if a nice deal lands in our lap we have to think about it.
Let's say we did do SJax for Memo. How would the minutes look and are the following below enough that the troops would still be happy?

Deron (36), Price (6), Watson (6)
Jackson (24), Bell (24)
AK (22), Miles (20), Jackson (6)
Millsap (34), AK (7), Evans (7)
Jefferson (34), Fes/Elson (10), AK (4)

Deron (36), Watson (12), Price (0)
Jackson (24), Bell (24)
AK (20), Miles (22), Jackson (6)
Millsap (34), AK (12),
Jefferson (35), Fes/Elson (13)

I would prefer this.

Watson is playing so well and the point Sloan would not play price at the point again. He is succeeding because he is playing the 2.

AK would not be playing any minutes at the Center position. He would play more minutes at the 4 though.

Jackson is a chucker though and gets a lot of turnovers but maybe in a structured offense he would be more efficient. But he seems like the type of person that would clash with Sloan. But he has been fine with Larry Brown so who knows.

But it really is a moot point because the Bobcats would never trade Jackson for a play like Okur who is unproven since his injury. Only way we would make that trade is if Okur has proven to play well. And if Okur is playing well the Jazz won't make a trade anyways.
I would say no to this. Martin is a grade A chucker who needs the ball to be effective, he is also a worse defender by far than any of the wings we currently have. I would trade Ak for Shane Battier though. And I count myself as a fan of AK. If we could move Marin to somebody else the trade itself is not bad but I don't think Martin here is a good thing.

Martin made his name being a purely off-the-ball player and learned how to create off the dribble later. His strength is knowing where to be in a set and knowing how to convert a possession into points. He's never been a great passer, but 14 FGA per game is probably CJ Miles territory when rate of shot is taken into consideration (I'm pulling the comparison out of my ***, I'd like to see a statistical comparison per minute on FGA) and he's 6th in the NBA for points per possession (the purest indicator of scoring efficiency). The guy is one of the purest scorers in this league for his position; he'll light you up from downtown, draw contact at the rim and finish, and everything in between except post-ups.

His defense is crap, that's true, but you take the bad with the good. The best indicator I can find to juxtapose his contributions on offense and his detriment on defense is his +/-, which is very good for a team that can't seem to win. A player with his +/- numbers, a 20-ish PER, and scores on an absurd 1.53 PPP is a good player.

Martin is flawed. Martin is not elite, or a super-star. He's never been an all-star, even. He's a pure scorer, but if you're going to be that, he does it the right way; efficiently. He's not a guy you can or should build around, but if you make him a 2nd or 3rd option on a team with a truly elite PG, an inside game, and good D, you are REALLY good. Especially if you also have Bell and Battier in the rotation along with him.

My biggest hesitancy with making the move I proposed (and it seems highly favorable to Utah, on almost Gasol proportions) is losing AK's fluency with the system, his feel, for the game, his versatility, his passing, and his intangibles. The one thing thing the Jazz clearly lose by losing AK is the passing and that could hurt.

Anyway, just an idea. I just love Kevin Martin's offense and Battier's defense/intangibles.
I hate Kevin Martin. I don't care how many points he scores per possession. He takes his shots out of the offense. He goes 1 on 1 a lot. He shoots bad shots. The only thing he is good at is getting to the free throw line. He is very crafty but his shot selection is horrible.