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AI used as a tool for ransom.

What are the positives for this technology? The juice doesn’t seem worth the squeeze. I feel like Ian Malcom had a terrific quote about this sort of technology…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers numerous positive aspects and potential benefits. Here are some of the key positives of AI:
  1. Automation and Efficiency: AI enables automation of repetitive and mundane tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. It can handle complex calculations, data analysis, and information processing at a much faster rate than humans, saving time and resources.
  2. Enhanced Accuracy: AI systems can achieve high levels of accuracy and precision in various domains. They can process large amounts of data without getting fatigued or making errors, minimizing human mistakes and improving overall reliability.
  3. Decision Support: AI can provide valuable insights and assist in decision-making processes. By analyzing vast datasets and identifying patterns and trends, AI systems can help individuals and organizations make informed choices, optimize operations, and develop effective strategies.
  4. Innovation and Creativity: AI has the potential to spur innovation and foster creativity. Machine learning algorithms can generate new ideas, design novel solutions, and contribute to the development of new products, services, and technologies.
  5. Personalization and Customization: AI enables personalized experiences by analyzing user preferences, behaviors, and historical data. This can be observed in personalized recommendations in streaming services, targeted advertising, and tailored customer experiences, enhancing user satisfaction.
  6. Improved Healthcare: AI has significant implications for healthcare. It can assist in diagnosing diseases, analyzing medical images, and predicting patient outcomes. AI-powered systems can provide physicians with valuable insights and help them make more accurate diagnoses, leading to better patient care and treatment outcomes.
  7. Increased Safety: AI can enhance safety in various contexts. For example, autonomous vehicles equipped with AI technologies can reduce human error in driving, leading to fewer accidents. AI can also be used for predictive maintenance, identifying potential failures in machinery before they occur, thus preventing accidents and ensuring safer working environments.
  8. Accessibility and Inclusion: AI has the potential to make technology more accessible and inclusive. Natural language processing allows people with disabilities to interact with technology using speech, while computer vision can assist individuals with visual impairments. AI-powered translation services can facilitate communication between people who speak different languages, fostering global connectivity.
  9. Scientific Research and Exploration: AI can accelerate scientific research and exploration by analyzing vast amounts of data, simulating complex phenomena, and discovering patterns. It can assist in areas such as drug discovery, climate modeling, space exploration, and more, leading to advancements in various scientific fields.
  10. Economic Growth and Job Creation: While there are concerns about job displacement, AI has the potential to drive economic growth and create new job opportunities. As AI technology advances, new industries and job roles emerge, requiring expertise in AI development, implementation, and management.
It's important to note that along with these positives, there are also challenges and ethical considerations associated with AI, such as privacy concerns, algorithmic biases, and the potential for misuse. Responsible development and deployment of AI systems are necessary to maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks.

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Even new technology brings positives and negatives. There's a lot of potential in this technology.
I don’t disagree, there’s a lot of potential here. Will the net positives be worth the net negatives? As of this date, I don’t believe the internet, social media, and smart phones, done if the most popular innovations of my lifetime, have been net positives.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers numerous positive aspects and potential benefits. Here are some of the key positives of AI:
  1. Automation and Efficiency: AI enables automation of repetitive and mundane tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. It can handle complex calculations, data analysis, and information processing at a much faster rate than humans, saving time and resources.
  2. Enhanced Accuracy: AI systems can achieve high levels of accuracy and precision in various domains. They can process large amounts of data without getting fatigued or making errors, minimizing human mistakes and improving overall reliability.
  3. Decision Support: AI can provide valuable insights and assist in decision-making processes. By analyzing vast datasets and identifying patterns and trends, AI systems can help individuals and organizations make informed choices, optimize operations, and develop effective strategies.
  4. Innovation and Creativity: AI has the potential to spur innovation and foster creativity. Machine learning algorithms can generate new ideas, design novel solutions, and contribute to the development of new products, services, and technologies.
  5. Personalization and Customization: AI enables personalized experiences by analyzing user preferences, behaviors, and historical data. This can be observed in personalized recommendations in streaming services, targeted advertising, and tailored customer experiences, enhancing user satisfaction.
  6. Improved Healthcare: AI has significant implications for healthcare. It can assist in diagnosing diseases, analyzing medical images, and predicting patient outcomes. AI-powered systems can provide physicians with valuable insights and help them make more accurate diagnoses, leading to better patient care and treatment outcomes.
  7. Increased Safety: AI can enhance safety in various contexts. For example, autonomous vehicles equipped with AI technologies can reduce human error in driving, leading to fewer accidents. AI can also be used for predictive maintenance, identifying potential failures in machinery before they occur, thus preventing accidents and ensuring safer working environments.
  8. Accessibility and Inclusion: AI has the potential to make technology more accessible and inclusive. Natural language processing allows people with disabilities to interact with technology using speech, while computer vision can assist individuals with visual impairments. AI-powered translation services can facilitate communication between people who speak different languages, fostering global connectivity.
  9. Scientific Research and Exploration: AI can accelerate scientific research and exploration by analyzing vast amounts of data, simulating complex phenomena, and discovering patterns. It can assist in areas such as drug discovery, climate modeling, space exploration, and more, leading to advancements in various scientific fields.
  10. Economic Growth and Job Creation: While there are concerns about job displacement, AI has the potential to drive economic growth and create new job opportunities. As AI technology advances, new industries and job roles emerge, requiring expertise in AI development, implementation, and management.
It's important to note that along with these positives, there are also challenges and ethical considerations associated with AI, such as privacy concerns, algorithmic biases, and the potential for misuse. Responsible development and deployment of AI systems are necessary to maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks.

I think you’re focusing only on the positives here. I’ll admit, I’m focusing only on the negatives. The most widespread innovations of my lifetime have had some of the most disastrous effects on society. Remember when proponents of the Internet claimed that it was going to “help inform and educate people?” LOL, worst prediction since Darko! Remember when proponents of social media claimed that it was going to “bring people together?” Oof what a miss, Kwame Brown is the next Kevin Garnett.

A society (western democracy in general and America in particular), already struggling to deal with:
  • Unregulated social media and its effects on individuals and communities
  • Great wealth inequality
  • Massive disinformation and diminished trust in experts and expertise. This own thread started with a story on AI being used to ransom someone. This is a net positive? How are we going to regulate this? What do you think fascist movements, like MAGA, and its proponents, like Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin, are going to do with this technology? How do you think authoritarian regimes with an even less tech literate population will use this tech to control people and diminish opponents?
  • Terrific social upheaval and polarization, the likes of which america hasn’t seen since the civil war. Social cohesion has never been this and in my lifetime. Daily people are screaming at cashiers, librarians, and public administrators over nothing at all
  • A powerful fascist movement, something not seen in America since at least the America First movement in the 1930s, perhaps ever
  • Daily mass shootings in a nation with millions of more guns than people
And we’re going to handle AI well?

Yeah, I’m a bit nervous about how this is all going to pan out. Call me skeptical that I don’t think we’re even close to handling this new tech when we have failed epically already at regulating the last innovations.
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Well, in this particular application of AI, these people have only themselves to blame. My wife and family have specific instructions to never, ever pay a ransom for me. No negotiations with terrorists. I'd rather die than give them the pleasure.
Well, in this particular application of AI, these people have only themselves to blame. My wife and family have specific instructions to never, ever pay a ransom for me. No negotiations with terrorists. I'd rather die than give them the pleasure.
Kidnappers and terrorists are not necessarily the same thing...

So like?
Kidnappers: Give us $25 or you'll never see JimLes alive!!!
JimLes's Family: Sorry, you'll just have to kill him, we aren't giving you $25
KNs: You heard that we said $25, right? Not $25k, not $250k, not even $2500, just $25. Honestly we just need some gas money and didn't know how else to get it.
JL F: WE DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!!!!! ARGGHHHH!!!! (clapping in the background with some "hew-ras" here and there)
KNs: Alright... (gunshot)... we'll he's dead. We'd tell you which ditch we tossed his body in but you called us terrorists so you can figure it out yourself.
JL F: We showed them who's boss. (fist pumps all around)
Well, in this particular application of AI, these people have only themselves to blame. My wife and family have specific instructions to never, ever pay a ransom for me. No negotiations with terrorists. I'd rather die than give them the pleasure.
Only themselves? So don't blame the actual scammers?

You're an absolute piece of work.
What we're calling Artificial Intelligence really isn't. It's not creating something new, it's just a remixer. And, yeah, you can get it to do some pretty fancy stuff, and there is both good and bad to that, and it might eventually lead to something intelligent, but it's not there yet.

I define intelligence in this context, BTW, as a combination of creativity and self-awareness.
What we're calling Artificial Intelligence really isn't. It's not creating something new, it's just a remixer. And, yeah, you can get it to do some pretty fancy stuff, and there is both good and bad to that, and it might eventually lead to something intelligent, but it's not there yet.

I define intelligence in this context, BTW, as a combination of creativity and self-awareness.

But doesn’t self-awareness bring up more issues? Say… freedom and rights?..
Is the AI then conscious?
I think you’re focusing only on the positives here. I’ll admit, I’m focusing only on the negatives. The most widespread innovations of my lifetime have had some of the most disastrous effects on society. Remember when proponents of the Internet claimed that it was going to “help inform and educate people?” LOL, worst prediction since Darko! Remember when proponents of social media claimed that it was going to “bring people together?” Oof what a miss, Kwame Brown is the next Kevin Garnett.

A society (western democracy in general and America in particular), already struggling to deal with:
  • Unregulated social media and its effects on individuals and communities
  • Great wealth inequality
  • Massive disinformation and diminished trust in experts and expertise. This own thread started with a story on AI being used to ransom someone. This is a net positive? How are we going to regulate this? What do you think fascist movements, like MAGA, and its proponents, like Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin, are going to do with this technology? How do you think authoritarian regimes with an even less tech literate population will use this tech to control people and diminish opponents?
  • Terrific social upheaval and polarization, the likes of which america hasn’t seen since the civil war. Social cohesion has never been this and in my lifetime. Daily people are screaming at cashiers, librarians, and public administrators over nothing at all
  • A powerful fascist movement, something not seen in America since at least the America First movement in the 1930s, perhaps ever
  • Daily mass shootings in a nation with millions of more guns than people
And we’re going to handle AI well?

Yeah, I’m a bit nervous about how this is all going to pan out. Call me skeptical that I don’t think we’re even close to handling this new tech when we have failed epically already at regulating the last innovations.
I feel like you missed something here. My reply was written by Chat GPT.
Here are the negatives of AI. (From an AI)

  1. Job Displacement: AI has the potential to automate tasks and replace human workers in certain industries. As AI technology progresses, there is a possibility of job losses, particularly in sectors that heavily rely on routine and repetitive tasks. This can lead to economic and social challenges if suitable job replacement or retraining programs are not in place.
  2. Bias and Discrimination: AI systems are trained on existing data, and if that data contains biases, the AI can perpetuate and amplify them. This can result in unfair or discriminatory outcomes, such as biased hiring practices, biased criminal justice decisions, or biased loan approvals. Ensuring fairness and mitigating bias in AI algorithms is an ongoing challenge.
  3. Lack of Transparency and Explainability: Some AI models, such as deep learning neural networks, operate as "black boxes," making it difficult to understand and interpret their decision-making process. This lack of transparency raises concerns about accountability, as it becomes challenging to explain why an AI system made a particular decision or prediction. This is particularly problematic in critical domains like healthcare and finance, where transparency and accountability are crucial.
  4. Security and Privacy Risks: AI relies on vast amounts of data, which can raise security and privacy concerns. Unauthorized access to AI systems or the data they use can lead to breaches, misuse of personal information, or malicious attacks. Protecting AI systems from adversarial attacks and ensuring data privacy are important challenges that need to be addressed.
  5. Ethical Considerations: AI raises various ethical dilemmas. For example, autonomous weapons systems can lead to moral and legal implications. Additionally, issues such as the impact on human agency, the responsibility for AI actions, and the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes raise complex ethical questions that require careful consideration.
  6. Dependence and Reliability: As society becomes more reliant on AI, there is a concern about the system's reliability and potential vulnerabilities. AI systems can be susceptible to errors, malfunctioning, or manipulation, which can have significant consequences. Overdependence on AI without appropriate safeguards can be risky, particularly in critical areas like healthcare or transportation.
Addressing these challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach involving technical expertise, ethical guidelines, legal frameworks, and collaboration between industry, academia, and policymakers. It is crucial to ensure that the development and deployment of AI technologies align with societal values and ethical principles.
Kidnappers and terrorists are not necessarily the same thing...

So like?
Kidnappers: Give us $25 or you'll never see JimLes alive!!!
JimLes's Family: Sorry, you'll just have to kill him, we aren't giving you $25
KNs: You heard that we said $25, right? Not $25k, not $250k, not even $2500, just $25. Honestly we just need some gas money and didn't know how else to get it.
JL F: WE DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!!!!! ARGGHHHH!!!! (clapping in the background with some "hew-ras" here and there)
KNs: Alright... (gunshot)... we'll he's dead. We'd tell you which ditch we tossed his body in but you called us terrorists so you can figure it out yourself.
JL F: We showed them who's boss. (fist pumps all around)

You're assuming I'm worth 25 bucks to anyone, let alone my family.
That's what they want you to think.
Of course they're not conscious. They're subconscious and they make decisions the say way all of your daily decisions are made. Consciousness is a process that happens in the brain after your subconscious "lizard brain" has already made the decision. Your cerebral cortex is responsible for what humans perceive as consciousness and it is an adaptation to facilitate social groups. It is not a thing the machines we have now are compelled to do.

The way the human mind thinks it works is backwards of how it actually works. If you've got some time to kill then search for "Do we have free will?" and enjoy that very deep rabbit hole
Of course they're not conscious. They're subconscious and they make decisions the say way all of your daily decisions are made. Consciousness is a process that happens in the brain after your subconscious "lizard brain" has already made the decision. Your cerebral cortex is responsible for what humans perceive as consciousness and it is an adaptation to facilitate social groups. It is not a thing the machines we have now are compelled to do.

The way the human mind thinks it works is backwards of how it actually works. If you've got some time to kill then search for "Do we have free will?" and enjoy that very deep rabbit hole
I agree with about 70% of what you wrote here. Most of our daily decisions are habitual or unthinking, that we only later justify. Some of these habits, though, are echoes of truly conscious decisions. I make myself ice water after breakfast and lunch, but a year ago I made tea. I made a conscious decision to go caffeine-free, and changed my habits.

As for free will, everyone seems to mean a different thing by that.