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Beer Culture

Rough math but I think that is about 100 12 ounce bottles. I would say that sometimes happens for me but I average about half that in a month.

Yeah, that's about what it is. For me that's two 10G batches a month. I don't drink it all myself and there is a little waste and it's usually closer to 15G a month for me, but some months the beer runs out a lot faster than I expect. Either my 11year old has started drinking or I had more than I thought.
Yeah, that's about what it is. For me that's two 10G batches a month. I don't drink it all myself and there is a little waste and it's usually closer to 15G a month for me, but some months the beer runs out a lot faster than I expect. Either my 11 has started drinking or I had more than I thought.
Your wife's an 11.. cool bro.
Your wife's an 11.. cool bro.
damn I fixed it too late, but unfortunately no, my wife is not an 11, not by a long shot. I console myself by saying I didn't marry for looks, but then I'm left wondering what I did marry her for...

Then the drinking starts.
damn I fixed it too late, but unfortunately no, my wife is not an 11, not by a long shot. I console myself by saying I didn't marry for looks, but then I'm left wondering what I did marry her for...

Then the drinking starts.

Repd for making me laugh.
That's a lot of beer. It's a wonder you guys are still alive.

We don't know that they are. If the evidence is posts on the JF forum, well about a 50-50 shot I guess.
Let me just say that I drink about 8 beers per night, every night. NOT proud of it, but truth.
Started eating paleo.

I'm sure I'll still drink beers from time to time, but def not everyday or like 17 at once.

I'm diggin wine for sure, but I'm going camping and floating the provo this weekend and I'm like "wtf am I really gonna drink wine floating down a river??"

I want to go with.....just put the wine garoeade bottles
Yes you should drink wine while floatimg. Down a river..... brink me witcha and evwrything will benjust fine
I want to go with.....just put the wine garoeade bottles

You cant float Provo river with wine in your float cooler... that just un-american.. or un-provonian.

I go fishing 2-3 times a week in utah county and usually drink a 6 or 12 pack and never get bothered as long as I stay to myself and be slightly discreet.
Let me just say that I drink about 8 beers per night, every night. NOT proud of it, but truth.

You can do better step it up.

I say a beer for every post...

well maybe a beer for every thread that should be a more attainable goal.
I like to take a shot every time a core 4 makes a shot while I watcch the jazz game
I think people would be shocked how many Mormons are drinking now. I'd guess that in Utah, Probably 35-40% don't drink.
I think people would be shocked how many Mormons are drinking now. I'd guess that in Utah, Probably 35-40% don't drink.

I'd say it is higher than that. By Mormons are you counting those that are active or anyone ever baptized?
I'll say between the ages of 21-30, I average about 2 a year.

No, not 20. 2.
And no, not 2 gallons, two beers.

Where alcohol is concerned, I never was content with the "easy" setting