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Bikers are the lowest form of humanity. Unreal. ******* couldn't even be man enough to continue filming there.
You don't think they have more video but just didn't post it? I would think there is more out there.

I completely agree. I hope some of them realize they are scum and turn themselves/the perps in.

If they won't, then it's time to get Andy Samberg on the case.
Everyone, please visit and like Justice for Rover facebook page. This poor vehicle needs all the help it can get.

To all those who kept asking me about the ordeal-I am sorry I have not talked about it so far. It has been a traumatising experience for me. So here goes my account.

It was a bright and sunny morning when I was cruising down the highway. My headlights were glowing as I just went for a shower. Everything was perfect. My 5 litre v8 core was roaring and I was a ready to do a little sprint.

This was when things all went so horribly wrong. All of a sudden, a mob of lowlife looking 2 wheelers suddenly surrounded me! For a minute there I was afraid and scared! I mean come on, although I am pretty much a sexy beast weighing in at a healthy 3.1287 tonnes, I am a civilized machine and I certainly do not know what to do in these situations.

Lo and behold, one of the 2 wheelers just stopped right in front of me. As you all know, the amount of power I generate from my 5.0 v8 heart is massive, even my perfectly tuned brembo brakes could not make me stop in time. As a result, my shiny new bumper kissed his ***. Yes you heard me right. I kissed his ***. I felt so violated.

And before I knew it, all these 2 wheelers started to gang up on me and started raping me! They were touching me, cutting my wheels, hitting my windows.

Waht do you expect me to do? At that moment I felt helpless. But I realised.. wait a minute. I am a ROVER. I am not your typical 9-5 chevy. Neither am I some mere mortal vehicle waiting to be bullied.

Hardening up my resolve, my engine ROARREDDD( way louder then Katy Perry Roar that I assure you), and I drove right on true. Thats right. I drove right on through with the radio playing Destiny Child's SURVIVOR. "I am a Survivor and I will keep surviving". However that surely cannot be said for the thrash I drove over though. I could have sworn I broke something. But then again, don't blame me! I was scared. I mean if you anger a sexy beast weighing 3 tonnes with a 5litre v8 heart i.e. me, you have got to think of the consequences!

Sadly, despite all my greatness, I was undone by the bloody NYC traffic lights. Damn you lights. They were never my friends to begin with.

Now I am left with a broken window and tyres. So to those reading, please do donate to my cause so that my 5.0 litre v8 heart can go roaring again.


The page is in response to "Justice For Jay Meezee", who the nation is collectively ****ting on at the moment.
Act tarded...get run over by a Rover.

Little known fact, the name Range Rover is the shortened version of the original name, Within Range? Run them Over!