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Calling out SaltyDawg


Well-Known Member
This Bill Maher quote you have on your signature is driving me nuts:

"If hard work was a guarantee of success, trust me, this nation would be run by a bunch of Mexican guys with leaf blowers."
- Bill Maher

I know its not your quote but you must like it if you keep it quoted on your signature. So here are the problems I have with it:

-Hard work is not associated with manual labor. Even if you are a craftsman and work with your hands you must have personable skills, marketing, money handling skills, know how to build a client and referral business. You have to know how to sale yourself.

-Hard work also comes from gaining knowledge through school, using your brain and knowledge to develop products, services or other goods for the mass market. Be able to be a good lawyer that someone will higher, a good doctor that is trustworthy and mistake free, or any type of field where you will be recommend by other clients.

-Being able to blow leaves around for 16 hours a day does not guarantee success. Being able to have the knowledge to build a company of leaf blowers and turn that into a thriving business is hard work and require much more than manual labor.

-"Hard work" comes from knowledge and experience and brain power. It is not manual labor. Any able body person can do manual labor. But its the risk takers and people that have developed their knowledge that put in the time and effort to create and build companies.

-So yea I really hate that quote because it makes absolute no sense and I wish I could make this argument to Bill Maher.
This Bill Maher quote you have on your signature is driving me nuts:

I know its not your quote but you must like it if you keep it quoted on your signature. So here are the problems I have with it:

-Hard work is not associated with manual labor. Even if you are a craftsman and work with your hands you must have personable skills, marketing, money handling skills, know how to build a client and referral business. You have to know how to sale yourself.

-Hard work also comes from gaining knowledge through school, using your brain and knowledge to develop products, services or other goods for the mass market. Be able to be a good lawyer that someone will higher, a good doctor that is trustworthy and mistake free, or any type of field where you will be recommend by other clients.

-Being able to blow leaves around for 16 hours a day does not guarantee success. Being able to have the knowledge to build a company of leaf blowers and turn that into a thriving business is hard work and require much more than manual labor.

-"Hard work" comes from knowledge and experience and brain power. It is not manual labor. Any able body person can do manual labor. But its the risk takers and people that have developed their knowledge that put in the time and effort to create and build companies.

-So yea I really hate that quote because it makes absolute no sense and I wish I could make this argument to Bill Maher.
Wow, somebody's on his period.
This Bill Maher quote you have on your signature is driving me nuts:

I know its not your quote but you must like it if you keep it quoted on your signature. So here are the problems I have with it:

-Hard work is not associated with manual labor. Even if you are a craftsman and work with your hands you must have personable skills, marketing, money handling skills, know how to build a client and referral business. You have to know how to sale yourself.

-Hard work also comes from gaining knowledge through school, using your brain and knowledge to develop products, services or other goods for the mass market. Be able to be a good lawyer that someone will higher, a good doctor that is trustworthy and mistake free, or any type of field where you will be recommend by other clients.

-Being able to blow leaves around for 16 hours a day does not guarantee success. Being able to have the knowledge to build a company of leaf blowers and turn that into a thriving business is hard work and require much more than manual labor.

-"Hard work" comes from knowledge and experience and brain power. It is not manual labor. Any able body person can do manual labor. But its the risk takers and people that have developed their knowledge that put in the time and effort to create and build companies.

-So yea I really hate that quote because it makes absolute no sense and I wish I could make this argument to Bill Maher.

Come replace my roof, replace my driveway, and put in a new zero scape in my front yard since manual labor is so easy.

What you describe is hard work, yes. It's by no means the only thing in existence that is considered hard work.

Landscaping is absolutely hard work. Any home owner can easily attest to this.

Too bad trout is banned. I think he had a landscaping business a few years back. He could tell you what an idiot you are if you don't think landscaping is hard work.

I've done a bit in my day (never as a business) and it was brutally hard work. Carrying and then placing heavy *** sod in the exact location, carrying heavy *** railroad ties and then placing them in the exact location, digging for hours, carrying heavy *** rocks and bricks. It's hard work man. I couldn't imagine doing it every single day. It's bad enough doing it once every few years.
Come replace my roof, replace my driveway, and put in a new zero scape in my front yard since manual labor is so easy.

What you describe is hard work, yes. It's by no means the only thing in existence that is considered hard work.

Landscaping is absolutely hard work. Any home owner can easily attest to this.

Too bad trout is banned. I think he had a landscaping business a few years back. He could tell you what an idiot you are if you don't think landscaping is hard work.

I've done a bit in my day (never as a business) and it was brutally hard work. Carrying and then placing heavy *** sod in the exact location, carrying heavy *** railroad ties and then placing them in the exact location, digging for hours, carrying heavy *** rocks and bricks. It's hard work man. I couldn't imagine doing it every single day. It's bad enough doing it once every few years.

I'm not saying manual labor isn't hard work and of course it's a learned skill and trade. But successful hardwork involves more of your brain than physical labor.
Come replace my roof, replace my driveway, and put in a new zero scape in my front yard since manual labor is so easy.

What you describe is hard work, yes. It's by no means the only thing in existence that is considered hard work.

Landscaping is absolutely hard work. Any home owner can easily attest to this.

Too bad trout is banned. I think he had a landscaping business a few years back. He could tell you what an idiot you are if you don't think landscaping is hard work.

I've done a bit in my day (never as a business) and it was brutally hard work. Carrying and then placing heavy *** sod in the exact location, carrying heavy *** railroad ties and then placing them in the exact location, digging for hours, carrying heavy *** rocks and bricks. It's hard work man. I couldn't imagine doing it every single day. It's bad enough doing it once every few years.

Donkeys work way hard too. Carrying humans and their **** through the mountains all day. That's hard work.