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Conservatives and Republicans - What do you want?


Well-Known Member
Cause other than your obsession with dicks, Trumps and Hunters, and Obam….Biden corruption, you ain’t got ****. No policy, nothing.

What the **** are you doing with your house majority to better everyday lives? Absolutely nothing.

Please sight legislation, or whatever.
And now the only Republican that seems to give two ***** about a functioning government and not just party-line circle-jerking, Romney, is retiring after his current term ends. That party is so ****ed.
They want the government to be shut down and Biden impeached (they love kamala harris apparently).
And now the only Republican that seems to give two ***** about a functioning government and not just party-line circle-jerking, Romney, is retiring after his current term ends. That party is so ****ed.

It's amazing how they all try to out-dumb each other to pander to their moronic base. Anyone with a shred of decency wants nothing to do with the insanity. Romney would probably stay on if he didn't have to deal with it. Trump, MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, McCarthy, Cruz, Jordan, Hawley, Graham, McConnell, Johnson... just for starters.

Who can bring the Republicans back to any semblance of decency?
What I want is for Biden and Trump to both get off the stage, but I’ll take another term of Biden if the alternative is Gavin Newsom. Mostly it doesn’t matter as my life is good now, and was good under Trump, and was good under Obama, and was good under Dubya, but not having a clown show atop the country I love would be nice.

I want to see all affirmative action ended. I think the best solution to racism is to stop putting people in races and instead see people as individuals. You are qualified for a position based on what you as an individual have done and where your great, great, 5x great grandparents lived means nothing.

I think AI is terrifying and while I don’t fear for myself I do have concerns over what my son will do to support himself and family when he’s ready to enter the workforce in just under a decade from now. I don’t have any proposed solutions but I am open to listening.

I would like to see a serious inquiry into interference over the Hunter Biden investigation. If it is true that anyone in the DOJ told investigators in the IRS how they were allowed to conduct their investigation then I think those DOJ staffers should be charged with abuse of position and jailed. I care less about Hunter himself, but if the powerful have wielded influence over the working of the government for undue benefit then we have a corruption problem that I would like to see dealt with.

I want to see Elon get his rocket to Mars and back. I wasn’t alive when Neil Armstrong did it on the moon. I’d like to see human beings, a species to which I happen to belong to, land on Mars and return home safely.
It's amazing how they all try to out-dumb each other to pander to their moronic base. Anyone with a shred of decency wants nothing to do with the insanity. Romney would probably stay on if he didn't have to deal with it. Trump, MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, McCarthy, Cruz, Jordan, Hawley, Graham, McConnell, Johnson... just for starters.

Who can bring the Republicans back to any semblance of decency?
And now the only Republican that seems to give two ***** about a functioning government and not just party-line circle-jerking, Romney, is retiring after his current term ends. That party is so ****ed.

This article about his upcoming biography is actually a pretty good read: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazin...omney-retiring-senate-trump-mcconnell/675306/

“A very large portion of my party,” he told me one day, “really doesn’t believe in the Constitution.” He’d realized this only recently, he said. We were a few months removed from an attempted coup instigated by Republican leaders, and he was wrestling with some difficult questions. Was the authoritarian element of the GOP a product of President Trump, or had it always been there, just waiting to be activated by a sufficiently shameless demagogue? And what role had the members of the mainstream establishment—people like him, the reasonable Republicans—played in allowing the rot on the right to fester?

I had never encountered a politician so openly reckoning with what his pursuit of power had cost, much less one doing so while still in office. Candid introspection and crises of conscience are much less expensive in retirement. But Romney was thinking beyond his own political future.

Earlier this year, he confided to me that he would not seek reelection to the Senate in 2024. He planned to make this announcement in the fall. The decision was part political, part actuarial. The men in his family had a history of sudden heart failure, and none had lived longer than his father, who died at 88. “Do I want to spend eight of the 12 years I have left sitting here and not getting anything done?” he mused. But there was something else. His time in the Senate had left Romney worried—not just about the decomposition of his own political party, but about the fate of the American project itself.
What I want is for Biden and Trump to both get off the stage, but I’ll take another term of Biden if the alternative is Gavin Newsom. Mostly it doesn’t matter as my life is good now, and was good under Trump, and was good under Obama, and was good under Dubya, but not having a clown show atop the country I love would be nice.

I want to see all affirmative action ended. I think the best solution to racism is to stop putting people in races and instead see people as individuals. You are qualified for a position based on what you as an individual have done and where your great, great, 5x great grandparents lived means nothing.

I think AI is terrifying and while I don’t fear for myself I do have concerns over what my son will do to support himself and family when he’s ready to enter the workforce in just under a decade from now. I don’t have any proposed solutions but I am open to listening.

I would like to see a serious inquiry into interference over the Hunter Biden investigation. If it is true that anyone in the DOJ told investigators in the IRS how they were allowed to conduct their investigation then I think those DOJ staffers should be charged with abuse of position and jailed. I care less about Hunter himself, but if the powerful have wielded influence over the working of the government for undue benefit then we have a corruption problem that I would like to see dealt with.

I want to see Elon get his rocket to Mars and back. I wasn’t alive when Neil Armstrong did it on the moon. I’d like to see human beings, a species to which I happen to belong to, land on Mars and return home safely.
Good post. I especially agree with the first 2 sentences.
This article about his upcoming biography is actually a pretty good read: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazin...omney-retiring-senate-trump-mcconnell/675306/

“A very large portion of my party,” he told me one day, “really doesn’t believe in the Constitution.” He’d realized this only recently, he said. We were a few months removed from an attempted coup instigated by Republican leaders, and he was wrestling with some difficult questions. Was the authoritarian element of the GOP a product of President Trump, or had it always been there, just waiting to be activated by a sufficiently shameless demagogue? And what role had the members of the mainstream establishment—people like him, the reasonable Republicans—played in allowing the rot on the right to fester?

I had never encountered a politician so openly reckoning with what his pursuit of power had cost, much less one doing so while still in office. Candid introspection and crises of conscience are much less expensive in retirement. But Romney was thinking beyond his own political future.

Earlier this year, he confided to me that he would not seek reelection to the Senate in 2024. He planned to make this announcement in the fall. The decision was part political, part actuarial. The men in his family had a history of sudden heart failure, and none had lived longer than his father, who died at 88. “Do I want to spend eight of the 12 years I have left sitting here and not getting anything done?” he mused. But there was something else. His time in the Senate had left Romney worried—not just about the decomposition of his own political party, but about the fate of the American project itself.
Wish Mitt was younger, still interested in running for potus, and could get the majority of the republican votes in the primaries. I would vote for him.
This article about his upcoming biography is actually a pretty good read: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazin...omney-retiring-senate-trump-mcconnell/675306/

“A very large portion of my party,” he told me one day, “really doesn’t believe in the Constitution.” He’d realized this only recently, he said. We were a few months removed from an attempted coup instigated by Republican leaders, and he was wrestling with some difficult questions. Was the authoritarian element of the GOP a product of President Trump, or had it always been there, just waiting to be activated by a sufficiently shameless demagogue? And what role had the members of the mainstream establishment—people like him, the reasonable Republicans—played in allowing the rot on the right to fester?

I had never encountered a politician so openly reckoning with what his pursuit of power had cost, much less one doing so while still in office. Candid introspection and crises of conscience are much less expensive in retirement. But Romney was thinking beyond his own political future.

Earlier this year, he confided to me that he would not seek reelection to the Senate in 2024. He planned to make this announcement in the fall. The decision was part political, part actuarial. The men in his family had a history of sudden heart failure, and none had lived longer than his father, who died at 88. “Do I want to spend eight of the 12 years I have left sitting here and not getting anything done?” he mused. But there was something else. His time in the Senate had left Romney worried—not just about the decomposition of his own political party, but about the fate of the American project itself.

Sounds much more interesting than the average book written by a Politician. Will be sure to give it a read.
I literally laughed when I read your troll op combined with your fake thread title. Classic stuff here.

Title- pretend you want to talk
Op- bash,rip, flame, whatevs

No wonder the nonexistent republicans aren’t here to talk to you. Odd.
I literally laughed when I read your troll op combined with your fake thread title. Classic stuff here.

Title- pretend you want to talk
Op- bash,rip, flame, whatevs

No wonder the nonexistent republicans aren’t here to talk to you. Odd.
Please expound on what the house of representatives are doing while having a republican majority to better everyday lives?
Perhaps Republicans just want control. Maybe they like what they see in a tyranny of the minority:

“In their new book “Tyranny of the Minority,” the comparative political scientists argue that these antiquated institutions, including the Electoral College, have protected and enabled an increasingly extremist GOP, which keeps moving farther to the right despite losing the popular vote in all but one of the last eight presidential elections. The scholars also survey governments worldwide for examples of democratizing reforms. And they draw from history in underscoring the dangers of our constitutional stasis.

“The new book makes the case that large segments of the Republican Party leadership have lost commitment to democratic rules of the game,” said Levitsky, the David Rockefeller Professor of Latin American Studies and Professor of Government and director of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard. “The fact that the party remains radicalized means the challenge is ongoing.”

Interviews of these two political scientists:

View: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/09/16/tyranny-of-the-minority-republican-party-us-democracy-constitution-acostanr.cnn
I literally laughed when I read your troll op combined with your fake thread title. Classic stuff here.

Title- pretend you want to talk
Op- bash,rip, flame, whatevs

No wonder the nonexistent republicans aren’t here to talk to you. Odd.

Please expound on what the house of representatives are doing while having a republican majority to better everyday lives?
No single "majority" in federal government in any branch for the last 20 years has done **** to improve anything. In fact as soon as we get a majority this strong in the supreme Court they just **** all over any semblence of guidelines regarding conflict of interest. Going entirely the other way on that one. We are so ****ed.
What I want is for Biden and Trump to both get off the stage, but I’ll take another term of Biden if the alternative is Gavin Newsom. Mostly it doesn’t matter as my life is good now, and was good under Trump, and was good under Obama, and was good under Dubya, but not having a clown show atop the country I love would be nice.

I want to see all affirmative action ended. I think the best solution to racism is to stop putting people in races and instead see people as individuals. You are qualified for a position based on what you as an individual have done and where your great, great, 5x great grandparents lived means nothing.

I think AI is terrifying and while I don’t fear for myself I do have concerns over what my son will do to support himself and family when he’s ready to enter the workforce in just under a decade from now. I don’t have any proposed solutions but I am open to listening.

I would like to see a serious inquiry into interference over the Hunter Biden investigation. If it is true that anyone in the DOJ told investigators in the IRS how they were allowed to conduct their investigation then I think those DOJ staffers should be charged with abuse of position and jailed. I care less about Hunter himself, but if the powerful have wielded influence over the working of the government for undue benefit then we have a corruption problem that I would like to see dealt with.

I want to see Elon get his rocket to Mars and back. I wasn’t alive when Neil Armstrong did it on the moon. I’d like to see human beings, a species to which I happen to belong to, land on Mars and return home safely.
I want Elon to land on Mars and stay there.
Also it's hilarious to me why we have any reason to be scared of AI. If the workforce is being replaced by better cheaper labor, then we should have more money to actively take care of people. We should look forward to AI making our lives better, but we are so conditioned to be ****ed by capitalism we are terrified of it.