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Danny boy is leaving


Well-Known Member
I read post on realgm that Danny Ainge is putting together a group to buy pheonix. Don't know if it is true, but it explains the crappy bogey trade. Danny doesn't want pheonix to give away first round picks if he is going to buy the team. But the bogey trade blows.
Link to the realGM thread?
I'm 52 years old. I'm nobody's alternative account and I barely figured out how to post on the board. Attaching the post is beyond me. But it's still there on the realgm board utah jazz page. If true someone needs to take over for Danny now. He's clearly lost his mind with the bogey trade or he is now working for pheonix
Interesting although not sure about the reliability of the rumor. As I recall Ainge did play a few seasons in Phoenix in the 90's. I was going to ASU at the time and the Suns went to the Finals one of those years. Not sure how DA would have enough capital saved up for any type of ownership unless it's a token % if he takes over as POB? I'm sure he got paid well in Boston as GM and also during his playing days but the money was nowhere near what players are making today.

Regardless DA has basically already done what may be the most difficult job here which was to accumulate as many unprotected picks as possible. As we've recently seen the remaining assets such as JC, Conley, Beas, etc apparently don't have that type of value around the league. Hope he sticks around to finish the job here though.
Interesting although not sure about the reliability of the rumor. As I recall Ainge did play a few seasons in Phoenix in the 90's. I was going to ASU at the time and the Suns went to the Finals one of those years. Not sure how DA would have enough capital saved up for any type of ownership unless it's a token % if he takes over as POB? I'm sure he got paid well in Boston as GM and also during his playing days but the money was nowhere near what players are making today.

Regardless DA has basically already done what may be the most difficult job here which was to accumulate as many unprotected picks as possible. As we've recently seen the remaining assets such as JC, Conley, Beas, etc apparently don't have that type of value around the league. Hope he sticks around to finish the job here though.
Yeah, he played there and also coached there a few years.
Thou shalt not quote me happy
Thou shalt not shake it like a Polaroid picture
Thou shalt not wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Thou shalt spell the word "phoenix" P-H-E-O-N-I-X, not P-H-O-E-N-I-X, regardless of what the Oxford English Dictionary tells you
Can we change the title of this thread to: "Danny boy is considering making an offer on the Phoenix Suns, which requires gathering capital and collecting partners, then submitting an offer, and after months of vetting and working through the system, and competing against other offers, there is a chance that the group he is affiliated with is the one eventually chosen to be sold the franchise, which he would then be leaving."
Found the thread where dude mentioned about saying Ainge would be the GM. To his credit, he did beat Woj by 7 minutes.

Interesting if so. He can screw up the small deals for the Suns like he did for Utah and Boston.
Per google, Danny Ainge's estimated net worth is around $10 million (sounds about right).

The Suns selling price is expected to be around $2 billion.

If that estimated net worth is even close to accurate, the entirety of it would be worth 0.5% ownership stake. I don't think he's leaving the Jazz for that.
Per google, Danny Ainge's estimated net worth is around $10 million (sounds about right).

The Suns selling price is expected to be around $2 billion.

If that estimated net worth is even close to accurate, the entirety of it would be worth 0.5% ownership stake. I don't think he's leaving the Jazz for that.
You know, there was talk that Ryan Smith was wanting to buy the Suns a number of years ago. Maybe all the Jazz's cost-cutting moves is because Ryan is going to buy the Suns and we're going to combine the franchises, get the best players, and then have all teh darft pix.

For anyone distraught, go ahead and convince yourself of the above, because if we're going to rationalize with non-sense, may as well go big or go home.
They still haven't taken the team off that dead beat owner yet tho have they? I've heard some dude from Disney/ESPN is trying to buy it and they're hoping they can throw old mate dickhead under the bus to do it.