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Deron Williams Appreciation Thread

Williams was the face of the franchise for me. I'm pretty sad about this.

yeah, for me too, though I'd add Sloan to that statement

I am totally sad about this, but I hope it turns out to be a good move for everybody

anyway D-Will, the ILLINI in me will be your fan forever
I wish it could have turned out differently. It would have been better to do something to surround him with talent that could win. To think that we kept AK and dropped D Will is a travesty. He will be missed certainly.

Having Deron on the team always gave me hope that we'd pull out the W, no matter how many points we were down at the half. That hope is gone for now.

I wish him a successful career.
Too bad his tenure with the Jazz ended like it did. One of the all time Jazz greats with only 5 years to his credit. No bad blood from me.
Those are amazing. Do one that says "Pass notes to New York about signing there. Get shipped to New York's retarded little brother."


"Complain in private to David Locke about cold weather. Get traded to New Jersey."
I wish that things would end differently and Deron would win a championship with the Jazz. He was the reason I had hope while watching Boozer got destroyed by the Lakers big men.

I will support the Nets now except when they play the Jazz.
Dwill was the man! I will miss him dearly! Really was the only reason why people would even notice the jazz or watch them. I'd still take the trade back and keep him, but life goes on and so will dwill! Good luck in Jersey!
D-will you always a beat in my heart. hope he does well whatever team he plays for. I wish he tried his beard thing again....that was pretty fun.
The brightest light this franchise had after the Golden Era of Jazz basketball. And now, the darkest days probably lie ahead.
It was a joy to watch him on the court. I hoped the Jazz and DWill could work out their differences and move forward. Unfortunately, that didn't include DWill. Utah definitely sent a message to players that a player is not bigger than the organization.

I'm still having a hard time with this. I was excited to see the next few years with AJ/DWill...well, I hoped for that at least.

Here's to hoping Favors works out. I'm a huge fan of his. Harris isn't bad either.
The irony is that - especially after losing Sloan - a new CBA would be the only sure thing that could save this organization in the longterm (take your pick out of being able to be relevant, or even existing in Utah or at all) and that Deron's contract runs past the existing CBA.

Greg's gut tells him that Deron was going to leave and that he somehow had no control over that, my gut tells me the Jazz are at the mercy of the next CBA whether Deron is here or not. If he's going to essentially signal a white-flag to the rest of the NBA that the Jazz can't have franchise players anymore, why not just sell the ****ing team? What is the point, then?

My gut tells me Deron is a Net for a long time and they're going to be contenders a long time before the Jazz are.
The brightest light this franchise had after the Golden Era of Jazz basketball. And now, the darkest days probably lie ahead.

You mean the irrelevant days. It's too bad, because I like a lot of our players.
Some great memories- The run to the WCF(the awesome series with Houston). The battles with the Lakers. The jazz becoming one of the NBA's best offenses - Memo and Boozer becoming all stars. The series with Denver and Deron rising to elite player status. Millsap becoming a 2nd round stud. Wes Matthews a rare undrafted find. KOC trading for Big Al.

Unfortunately that's all they are now is memories. This team is going to need to rebuild, obviously. Best of luck to Deron I will follow you with the Nets just as I do with other former jazz players.
Sigh... don't watch Jazz videos featuring D-Will if you want to stay optimistic. He's just a special, special player. Very hard to swallow this. Almost makes me wish we were in a huge market so we could compete with teams like Miami, LA, NYK, etc in terms of being able to attract big-time superstar players.
Deron Williams is the ****ing balls. I love the guy and I will always be a fan. As much as it sucks he's gone, I look forward to watching him play for the rest of his career. It will be interesting to see what his teams run and how he runs his teams. He's a championship player and I hope he gets his championship.