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Do we have to draft Shabazz?


Well-Known Member
I mean, there are two z's a the end of his name.

What would his nickname be? The Spazz from the Jazz named Shabazz?

If they Jazz draft Bazz he must have had one hell of an interview. I think he has Michael Beasley written all over him. Dude is a chucker.
I don't want to hear Locke's play by play crap when Shabazz dunks or something. I don't have any idea what he's going to do with it other than the certainty that it will be so dumb it will be painfully embarrassing to listen to.
If they Jazz draft Bazz he must have had one hell of an interview. I think he has Michael Beasley written all over him. Dude is a chucker.

He is reportedly a hard worker though. I think most of his issues are coaching related. He just needs someone to show him how to play on a team.

Beasley is/was just a mental midget.