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Do you support these protests against Trump?

Do you support these protests against Trump?

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It'll be fun being on the side that gets to say "I told you so."

And if that opportunity doesn't present it'self, well then good for America.
It'll be fun being on the side that gets to say "I told you so."

And if that opportunity doesn't present it'self, well then good for America.

Saying I told you so does not sound fun to me. If the outcome of the "I told you so" ending is as bad as it sounds, I am truly terrified. I am hoping that he is just a liar, and that his presidency will be filled with a lot of anxiety followed by mild surprise at how mediocre it was.
To be fair? As in understandable and excusable? I don’t think so, however, it is a move that sets the tone for Trump’s administration from the get go.

Steve Bannon is one the country’s most powerful and influential white nationalists. The alt-right and white supremacists are celebrating his hire and the continued sway he will now have in the Trump administration.

No doubt Trump feels indebted to Bannon for taking control of a campaign in disarray and changing the trajectory of the election. Bannon is an extremely smart and charismatic manager whom subordinates have described as having a Svengali-like influence on those around him. Trump and Bannon have been simpatico for more than a year. He was a supporter and confidant well before he was officially hired in August to take over the Trump campaign. Now, as Trump’s leading advisor, he will be in the perfect position to help set policy and direction for the Trump administration.

I was coming more from just an understandable sense. Not keeping him on would be like the Jazz firing Quin and bringing in a new coach for the playoffs.
Saying I told you so does not sound fun to me. If the outcome of the "I told you so" ending is as bad as it sounds, I am truly terrified. I am hoping that he is just a liar, and that his presidency will be filled with a lot of anxiety followed by mild surprise at how mediocre it was.

Why not hope that it's the best presidency ever? Might as well hope big.
Why not hope that it's the best presidency ever? Might as well hope big.

John Oliver's reaction to the election has some well-thought reasons why. I can't post the vid here because of the bad bad curse words in it, but you can easily find it if you want to engage with your question.
When a candidate says racist things and his supporters don't seem to be bothered by it I think it's a valid question.

When a candidate has the overwhelming support of racist organizations and the rest of that candidates supporters don't seem to be bothered by it I think it's a valid question.

For people to act like the concerns over racism are ridiculous, well I don't get it. You all are just so tired and bored of the issue that you don't care one way or the other anymore? So what about racism?

Yeah cause there are not a whole slew of issues that go into a voting decision. You are pouting as hard as the anti abortion single issue crowd. Please stop.
Why not hope that it's the best presidency ever? Might as well hope big.

What qualifies as a successful presidency or even the "best presidency ever" will vary greatly over the range of the American people.

What's successful?
Yeah cause there are not a whole slew of issues that go into a voting decision. You are pouting as hard as the anti abortion single issue crowd. Please stop.

replied via neg rep
replied via neg rep

Did it extol some more on the virtues of Hillary Clinton an how qualified that crook is?

Let it be known to all active military an Veterans that [MENTION=26]Gameface[/MENTION] openly supported an campaigned for somebody who takes campaign money from middle eastern countries, destroyed Libya an Syria, allowed Russia to make a land grab, gave Iran nukes, an worse of all let are ally Turkey sit in perpetual disarray an treated her as a proxy warground.

Trump is a alleged racist so all of Hillary Clintons baggage does not count.
Did it extol some more on the virtues of Hillary Clinton an how qualified that crook is?

Let it be known to all active military an Veterans that [MENTION=26]Gameface[/MENTION] openly supported an campaigned for somebody who takes campaign money from middle eastern countries, destroyed Libya an Syria, allowed Russia to make a land grab, gave Iran nukes, an worse of all let are ally Turkey sit in perpetual disarray an treated her as a proxy warground.

Trump is a alleged racist so all of Hillary Clintons baggage does not count.

GF has every right to support who ever he wants for what ever reasons he wants.

Stop being petty.
GF has every right to support who ever he wants for what ever reasons he wants.

Stop being petty.

I think the trolls point is that he isn't allowing others the same privilege without caveats.
Umm, I no longer support HRC for President. That's over.

I've also always acknowledged that you don't have to be racist to support Trump but that you do have to find a way to look past the racism that existed in the campaign. So Boris is attacking me by saying what I've said all along and acting like I don't agree with a position I expressed long before him.

Computer is doing a lot of the same. Basically asking me why I disagree with something I have argued in favor of. Clearly they just want to argue and piss me off by being intentionally ignorant. I have both of them on ignore but I've been reading and responding to their posts. I'm done with that. I'm not responding to them anymore. If they haven't brought any value to the table yet I think it's safe to say that they aren't going to.
Did it extol some more on the virtues of Hillary Clinton an how qualified that crook is?

Let it be known to all active military an Veterans that [MENTION=26]Gameface[/MENTION] openly supported an campaigned for somebody who takes campaign money from middle eastern countries, destroyed Libya an Syria, allowed Russia to make a land grab, gave Iran nukes, an worse of all let are ally Turkey sit in perpetual disarray an treated her as a proxy warground.

Trump is a alleged racist so all of Hillary Clintons baggage does not count.

What about the uranium???
GF has every right to support who ever he wants for what ever reasons he wants.

Stop being petty.

I think the trolls point is that he isn't allowing others the same privilege without caveats.

Yup. We live in a double standard world. For example I bet all you right wingers did not call out that fool in Ohio that dove down the stairs an blindsided a guy speaking at a Trump hate rally. I bet if I go to Drudge or whatever you guys read they are tryin to prove the attacker was really a liberal an this was all staged.

Actually, I bet the right wing media is not even covering that event when they should be condemning violence at a peaceful protest.
Umm, I no longer support HRC for President. That's over.

I've also always acknowledged that you don't have to be racist to support Trump but that you do have to find a way to look past the racism that existed in the campaign. So Boris is attacking me by saying what I've said all along and acting like I don't agree with a position I expressed long before him.

Computer is doing a lot of the same. Basically asking me why I disagree with something I have argued in favor of. Clearly they just want to argue and piss me off by being intentionally ignorant. I have both of them on ignore but I've been reading and responding to their posts. I'm done with that. I'm not responding to them anymore. If they haven't brought any value to the table yet I think it's safe to say that they aren't going to.

Sorry mate. It seems like you an everyone is attacking us an telling us we just did the worst thing in American history. I guess I am just as sensitive as you about this. I would rep this comment if I had any power. Well said an I did not know you take this position.
Yeah cause there are not a whole slew of issues that go into a voting decision. You are pouting as hard as the anti abortion single issue crowd. Please stop.

You still pouting about the pouters? Get over it already dude.