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Do you support these protests against Trump?

Do you support these protests against Trump?

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I'm mad about Trump being president but I wouldnt protest the results.
I'm indifferent either way. People had their chance to keep him out, and a lot
of people didnt vote or voted 3rd party (and now complaining).

I'm just relieved this election is over. I think this will wake up the left, and have a big surge of Blue in 2 years.
Well he's not saying they aren't allowed to protest or anything. He's just saying it's an odd sort of protest when he was legitimately elected by your fellow countrymen. I mean this is literally democracy at work, what do they want to achieve? Redo the election until they get what they want?

I'm pretty sure that another sign of "democracy at work" is protest. And if you want to know what they want to achieve, you can ask them personally or read the reports of people who have. Odd protests are good protests.
I'm surprised so many people voted no here. Listen, the protests are dumb and the people protesting are probably huge hypocrites but I completely support their right to protest. Maybe I misread the question, I'm not sure. But I support that aspect of our Constitution and for that reason, voted yes in this poll. Again, that said, those people are morons.
Glad to see Cy voted with me. He's a dumbass in many ways but overall, has fairly thoughtful, very good takes on things.
Protest away, they have every right. I support that.

I don't support violence and flag burning. But not all of them, or even the majority, are doing that (as far as I can tell)

There have been videos of assaults posted online over this. Insane.

Poll didn't allow for nuance but so be it.
I'm surprised so many people voted no here. Listen, the protests are dumb and the people protesting are probably huge hypocrites but I completely support their right to protest. Maybe I misread the question, I'm not sure. But I support that aspect of our Constitution and for that reason, voted yes in this poll. Again, that said, those people are morons.

I think the majority of no votes here means the cause is not supported,and says nothing about the right to protest. That's what it means for me and others have said the same thing. You can protest anything, that is your right. Want to protest soggy breakfast cereal then go ahead. But I don't support the cause of the protests.
They're doing it because they feel powerless. This empowers them. This is a part of the healing process, and it may last for a long time. Trump represents horrible, horrible things for the majority of this country (see Clinton's popular vote victory). Many minorities are very afraid, see post above. Now people are forced to accept Trump and what he stands for. The feeling is visceral. They or a friend may have experienced sexual assault first-hand, they may have a connection to Islam, they may be Latino, they may be any other minority that has been crapped on by Trump. Whatever the reason, these people are really hurting and feel strength together. The white males are scratching their heads. Signing out...

if you remove California from the mix then hillary did not win the popular vote. So Trump carried the popular vote in the other 49, in aggregate, while Clinton overwhelmingly carried the biggest single state.
if you remove California from the mix then hillary did not win the popular vote. So Trump carried the popular vote in the other 49, in aggregate, while Clinton overwhelmingly carried the biggest single state.

have any other convenient deletions? stats?
The question is ridiculously over-broad, but I still voted Yes. Voting No is for capitulators.
if you remove California from the mix then hillary did not win the popular vote. So Trump carried the popular vote in the other 49, in aggregate, while Clinton overwhelmingly carried the biggest single state.

Does that really matter though in a popular vote system?

Does the votes from CA matter any less than votes from NY, GA or OK? If anything this makes the minority votes in places like CA, TX, UT and NY finally matter.
if you remove California from the mix then hillary did not win the popular vote. So Trump carried the popular vote in the other 49, in aggregate, while Clinton overwhelmingly carried the biggest single state.

What a stupid statement...
Kind of pointless. One thing I would like to see is a push to get rid of the electoral college and go to straight popular vote. Voter turnout in this country sucks, and a big reason is because people know that in a lot of cases, their vote just doesn't count. Popular vote makes every vote count and every voice heard.

This. Always this.
They're doing it because they feel powerless. This empowers them. This is a part of the healing process, and it may last for a long time. Trump represents horrible, horrible things for the majority of this country (see Clinton's popular vote victory). Many minorities are very afraid, see post above. Now people are forced to accept Trump and what he stands for. The feeling is visceral. They or a friend may have experienced sexual assault first-hand, they may have a connection to Islam, they may be Latino, they may be any other minority that has been crapped on by Trump. Whatever the reason, these people are really hurting and feel strength together. The white males are scratching their heads. Signing out...

Dont forget the handicapped. Trump did his best to offend almost everyone.
Kind of pointless. One thing I would like to see is a push to get rid of the electoral college and go to straight popular vote. Voter turnout in this country sucks, and a big reason is because people know that in a lot of cases, their vote just doesn't count. Popular vote makes every vote count and every voice heard.

Plus we could stop electing losers who get elected on the technicality of an outdated system.

There already is such a movement, and 10 states, plus D.C., representing 165 electoral votes, have signed on...

