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Does Sexton Get Traded?

Does Sexton Get Traded Before The Start of The Season?

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Saint Cy of JFC

Well-Known Member
2022 Award Winner
Since the Lauri talks have slowed down, let's move on to Sexton.

Will Sexton be traded before the season starts?

If there was one last non-Lauri move you could make to ensure the team is very bad, it would be trading Collin Sexton.

The issue is the Collins Sexton market does not appear to be that strong, or at least not as strong as his past season should command.
I said yes and here’s my rationale:

We have had so much smoke in the recent past about him basically being on the market and he hasn’t gotten moved. Now that there’s no smoke, maybe he actually gets moved.
Since the Lauri talks have slowed down, let's move on to Sexton.

Will Sexton be traded before the season starts?

If there was one last non-Lauri move you could make to ensure the team is very bad, it would be trading Collin Sexton.

The issue is the Collins Sexton market does not appear to be that strong, or at least not as strong as his past season should command.
I don't know if Danny can do it. The key is the last part... there is likely a divide between what his market is and what it should be. You know Ainge will think he can goose the value a bit and try to extract more.
Assuming the Jazz trade Lauri (which I betting turns into a full blown summer drama), I suspect Sexy will be dealt at deadline next season.
What's the least you'd trade him for? Assuming the goal to aid the tank is built into the value there.
Similar to Conley, Olynyk, and Tecc he seems a candidate for a deadline deal especially since he officially becomes an expiring next offseason.

Some team will likely suffer an injury or need scoring punch.

In the meantime I think Ainge wants him in the locker room as a culture piece. He mentioned something in the postseason presser about wanting the kids to workout with Sexton since he never leaves the gym. I think Locke has mentioned that too.
no and i will tell you why. hes worth far more to utah than anyone else. the very best offer for sexton would be a highly protected first round pick. not worth trading one of our best and get a **** return.
Absolutely not in the near future. He is one of those guys that actually is much better than his current market value.

EDIT: One of the reasons Jazz went to a winning streak mid-season is how Hardy played rotations unlike most teams in the NBA. Basically just Lauri was getting high minutes for starters, and we run Sexton with many other guys between 25-30 minutes. Sexton had such a good efficient scoring he surely would think to have gotten more minutes,if the FO was pushing it, maybe for possible trade. With Lauri's minutes, Sexton would have averaged probably several points more per game. Which would have increased his value
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I don’t think it happens before the season. In the Lauri trade thread I think there’s some expectation that we can just immediately trade Sexton/Kessler to tank harder….I’m not sure that’s the case or the plan. I think if we keep Lauri we’re banking on our top 4 odds not being significantly different, but understanding that the downside potential is worse.

I can see Sexton traded if he has a really good start to next season. If we let him loose and puts up big numbers I think that could create a big market for him and DA could decide to move him if the offer is right.

Otherwise, I don’t think people are wrong that DA is patient. He’s sabotaged tanking efforts 2x in a row already. This team is significantly worse coming into this season, but I still don’t expect him to ship away Sexton and Kessler easily.
I don’t think it happens before the season. In the Lauri trade thread I think there’s some expectation that we can just immediately trade Sexton/Kessler to tank harder….I’m not sure that’s the case or the plan. I think if we keep Lauri we’re banking on our top 4 odds not being significantly different, but understanding that the downside potential is worse.
I think they should be able to trade Kessler at ~fair value before the season and they definitely should if we’re keeping Lauri (and since Collin will probably not fetch even fair value).
I think they should be able to trade Kessler at ~fair value before the season and they definitely should if we’re keeping Lauri (and since Collin will probably not fetch even fair value).

They probably can, but I don’t think they will.
I thought that was JCx2 but it’s Collin(s)x2. Me dumb.

Uhh… the Charlotte and Chicago picks? They’re both maybe fake 1sts that turn into 2nds eventually.
Ya I said 2 firsts but they could be top 10 protected or late firsts.
Us losing more would also be something we get from the trade therefore improving our 2025 pick

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They probably can, but I don’t think they will.
Sure. I’m just saying that’s the next best nexus of fair return and tank value. NY is starting to look pretty desperate and they have a couple of rounds in the chamber. Atlanta and New Orleans also look like good targets.
LAL, DET, and CHO are the first teams that come to mind who could be buyers. We'll have to make it a couple months into the season before it happens though.