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    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Conspiracy Theory Corner.
      I can honestly see an Ingram trade (maybe more likely than a Lauri trade at this point)….but Kawhi trade is crazy lol.
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      I should have just said Lowe, specifically when it comes to Lauri’s intentions.
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      Lowe and McMahon threw a lot of cold water on the trade. Having said that, I don’t think they are super clued in on the Jazz situation...
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      KqWIN replied to the thread ESPN Bet Sets Jazz O/U at 28.5.
      We don’t have the good vets to trade this time, which is why I expect to be worse this year than previous years. Whenever someone says...
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread ESPN Bet Sets Jazz O/U at 28.5.
      Yeah I don't see a comparison to the previous two seasons. Those two seasons had rosters that were flooded with vets. On one hand...
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      I think people get really excited when they list these god tier packages and pretend like they're DA but in reality that just ends up in...
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      KqWIN replied to the thread ESPN Bet Sets Jazz O/U at 28.5.
      It depends on what you mean by ruin the tank. If you mean ensuring a top 3 lotto position, yes. But if that was so important than we...
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      KqWIN replied to the thread ESPN Bet Sets Jazz O/U at 28.5.
      We won 31 games last season, have a hard time seeing us lose only two less games than last year even with no further moves. Some of the...
    • K
      KqWIN reacted to Handlogten's Heros's post in the thread Does Lauri Get Traded? with Eye Roll Eye Roll.
      Confidence is important but if you are basing that confidence on what the player or agent said in their “assurances” then it’s pretty...
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      GSW's confidence in re-signing Lauri matters a lot. If Lauri said it was his dream to play with Steph and was guaranteed to re-sign in...
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      I don’t know what you mean by contract status, but you’re out of your mind if you don’t think assurances, or lack theoreof, doesn’t...
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      There's hundreds of pages in this thread talking about this astronomical asking price for Lauri. OK, well you can't have it both ways...
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      Extremely high asking price + No assurances (to other team) don't mix. There's no way that ends up in a deal that both sides agree on...
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      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      And this is precisely my point. If Lauri's preference is to play for the Jazz, this trade ain't happening.
    • K
      KqWIN replied to the thread Does Lauri Get Traded?.
      It's not about UTA's leverage over GSW. If Lauri wants to play in UTA most, he will stay. Of course they can trade him, but why would...
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