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Donald is about to go through some things...

Woopsy! The Trump campaign accidentally lets another Nazi signal slip too out in the open. He obviously has some white supremacists on this staff. Nazis hide this stuff in media to signal each other, show support for each other in secret. Because they are ****ing cowards and don’t want the normies to see it.

Most Trump supporters don’t know about this stuff and just ignore it because they don’t want to believe they dedicated their identity to a Nazi or that they’ve loosely aligned themselves with them because taxes, or religion, or guns, or the media has told them it’s a psyop or some bull ****.

If you support Trump you’re aligning yourself with a white supremacist agenda that’s been around for a century, that’s now regained power and is ready to take over again. I don’t blame you if you’re unaware of this. It’s vile, disgusting garbage no one wants to read. We’ve just ignored it, hoping it was a conspiracy and it would go away.

Well republicans, looking the other way and harboring the white supremacist vote has brought us here. How do you really think this is going to end?

Jesus, wake the **** up.

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Woopsy! The Trump campaign accidentally lets another Nazi signal slip too out in the open. He obviously has some white supremacists on this staff. Nazis hide this stuff in media to signal each other, show support for each other in secret. Because they are ****ing cowards and don’t want the normies to see it.

Most Trump supporters don’t know about this stuff and just ignore it because they don’t want to believe they dedicated their identity to a Nazi or that they’ve loosely aligned themselves with them because taxes, or religion, or guns, or the media has told them it’s a psyop or some bull ****.

If you support Trump you’re aligning yourself with a white supremacist agenda that’s been around for a century, that’s now regained power and is ready to take over again. I don’t blame you if you’re unaware of this. It’s vile, disgusting garbage no one wants to read. We’ve just ignored it, hoping it was a conspiracy and it would go away.

Well republicans, looking the other way and harboring the white supremacist vote has brought us here. How do you really think this is going to end?

Jesus, wake the **** up.

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A freaking men! Great post

Woopsy! The Trump campaign accidentally lets another Nazi signal slip too out in the open. He obviously has some white supremacists on this staff. Nazis hide this stuff in media to signal each other, show support for each other in secret. Because they are ****ing cowards and don’t want the normies to see it.

Most Trump supporters don’t know about this stuff and just ignore it because they don’t want to believe they dedicated their identity to a Nazi or that they’ve loosely aligned themselves with them because taxes, or religion, or guns, or the media has told them it’s a psyop or some bull ****.

If you support Trump you’re aligning yourself with a white supremacist agenda that’s been around for a century, that’s now regained power and is ready to take over again. I don’t blame you if you’re unaware of this. It’s vile, disgusting garbage no one wants to read. We’ve just ignored it, hoping it was a conspiracy and it would go away.

Well republicans, looking the other way and harboring the white supremacist vote has brought us here. How do you really think this is going to end?

Jesus, wake the **** up.

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Why the hell is Jesus sleeping through this?!

Two months later, Trump and Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, met at Trump Tower with David Pecker, then CEO of National Enquirer publisher American Media Inc (AMI). It was at this August 2015 meeting when Trump, Cohen and Pecker struck an agreement and “conspired to influence the 2016 presidential election,” prosecutors alleged during opening arguments, per court documents.

AMI paid $30,000 for the rights to a story, which turned out to be false, from a former Trump Tower doorman regarding information that Trump allegedly had a child out of wedlock.

Three months before the 2016 election, AMI also paid $150,000 for the rights to Playboy model Karen McDougal’s story, in which she alleges that she had a months-long affair with Trump, which Trump denies. Pecker agreed to the McDougal deal with the understanding that Trump would pay him back.

“[Pecker] wanted the $150,000 back because it was too much money for him to hide from the CEO of the parent company,” Cohen testified. “And he had also just laid out $30,000 previously. So he was putting pressure on me to speak to Mr. Trump to get the money back,” Cohen told jurors.

Weeks after AMI fronted the $150,000 for the rights to McDougal’s story, Pecker expressed his frustration to Cohen that he hadn’t been paid back yet. Cohen testified that he used his phone to secretly record a conversation he had with Trump on Sept. 6, 2016, at Trump Tower to later play for Pecker to show that Trump had intentions of paying him back and “wanted him to remain loyal.”

On the recording, Cohen is heard telling Trump about a shell company he created to facilitate the McDougal payment, with the purpose of removing Trump’s association with the deal. Cohen also says on the recording he had spoken to Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer, about how to “set the whole thing up with funding.”

“So, what do we got to pay for this? 150?" Trump can be heard asking Cohen in the recording, which the prosecution says refers to the $150,000 payment AMI made to McDougal.

The prosecution wants to show the jury that Trump knew about the plan and the McDougal hush money payment in an effort to suppress the negative story about him weeks before the 2016 election.

Cohen negotiated a $130,000 deal with Daniels’s lawyer, Keith Davidson, to buy the rights to her alleged story to keep her quiet — the hush money payment at the center of the trial.

Cohen testified that during the negotiation process, Trump told him to delay the payment. “What he had said to me is: What I want you to do is just push it out as long as you can. Just get past the election, because if I win, it has no relevance, I will be president. If I lose, I don't even care.”

Davidson testified he was growing impatient with Cohen, who seemed to be stalling on the deal, and threatened to back out. Trump ultimately agreed to the payout, but allegedly didn’t want to make the payment himself, so he asked Cohen and Weisselberg to find a way to make the payment.

Would Pecker front the money for a third “catch and kill” payment for Trump? Not a chance, Pecker testified. “We already paid $30,000 to the doorman, we paid $150,000 to Karen McDougal, and I am not a bank. I am not paying out any further disbursements among us,” Pecker said.

Cohen ended up fronting the $130,000 from his own pockets, taking out a home equity line of credit without telling his wife.

On Oct. 26, 2016, Cohen set up a bank account in the name of a shell company he created, Essential Consultants LLC, in order to distance Trump from any hush money payments. Before Cohen set up the bank account, he called Trump twice that morning, according to call logs submitted as evidence by prosecutors.
Cohen testified, “I wanted to ensure that, once again, he approved what I was doing because I required approval from him on all of this. That's what the sum and substance of the conversation was, laying out exactly what was going to happen, what was being done in order to ensure the story didn't get sold to Daily Mail or somebody else.”

On Oct. 27, 2016, Cohen wired a $130,000 payment to Daniels's lawyer using his shell corporation.

Once the wire transfer was received, Daniels signed the confidential settlement agreement between David Dennison and Peggy Peterson, pseudonyms that Davidson testified he created for Trump and Daniels. The statement and the pseudonyms speak to the prosecution’s claim that Trump sought to keep the payment to Daniels a secret.

Eleven of the felony counts relate to the 11 invoices Cohen sent to be reimbursed by the Trump Organization. Then there were 12 counts related to falsified ledger entries that classified the payments as legal services. Then there are 11 checks, nine of which were allegedly signed by Trump himself, and were scanned and maintained in the Trump Organization’s data system before being mailed out.

Two of the prosecution’s witnesses — Deborah Tarasoff, a former accountant at the Trump Organization, and Madeleine Westerhout, a former White House aide — both testified that Trump would sign his own checks.
Let's say you are a juror for this trial. You are middle class or lower middle class or something and want to be rich and not struggle financially. All your fellow jurors are saying trump is guilty.
It would probably be greatly beneficial to you financially to vote innocent and be the lone reason trump doesn't get convicted. You would be a hero to MAGA. Book deals, speaking tours, etc. Rittenhouse killed a couple dudes and became a hero to MAGA. Imagine how heroic you would be if you were the sole reason that the Messiah wasn't convicted.

Hell, trump would probably make you secretary of state or vice president or something.

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If you vote for this loser this fall, you are voting for a convicted rapist and felon.
Don't worry, to his base that's martyrdom. Nothing stronger than a martyr. It's the primary reason the Mormon Church is so strong today.
Holy ****!

Yeah but sentencing, 60 months probation and suspended sentence is my guess. Slippery ************.
Still a felon.

We are a nation of law and order, right?

Those who vote for this loser in the fall, will have to know crystal clear, that they’re voting for a twice impeached and convicted felon.
Now he just needs appeals to last long enough to win the election so he can pardon himself entirely. I guarantee that's the plan now.