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Donald is about to go through some things...

I've heard that song and dance for six years unfortunately. Dude's Teflon while everything around him dies.

I'm sure when he's passed on that we'll have books full of his indiscretions.
I've heard that song and dance for six years unfortunately. Dude's Teflon while everything around him dies.

I'm sure when he's passed on that we'll have books full of his indiscretions.
This. I thought Trump was supposed to be in prison because New York was looking into tax evasion and so fourth. I thought Stormy Daniels had the dirt and was going to win a huge lawsuit against him.

When actual charges get filed get back to me.
He could shoot people on fifth avenue and his supporters would still be behind him. Why you ask? Because he would claim it was fake news or a witch hunt from the left. Then would sue and cause delays in the justice system that takes years to sort out. In the meantime he would say or do something crazy to create massive press and cause our short attention spans to forget that he shot people on fifth avenue.

This guy knows what he’s doing. He can get away with anything and it is terrifying.
The reason why nothing ever happens to Trump and all the charges are dismissed and will continue to be, is because he's never done the things he's been accused of which lack of evidence clearly proves. Watch what happens to all those who framed him and accused him of Russia collusion, Ukraine involvement, etc. and that includes the mainstream media who clearly colluded. Some have already been disposed of. Treason of this magnitude carries a massive penalty; many will get a quick military court conviction (Constitution Ch 115 Codes 2381-2385). Their only choice will be rope or round.

America is at war and has been since Nov 3. Presidential emergency action documents/Conplans to assure continuity of gov't etc. were signed and stipulations were in place because the military knew the election would be stolen, both by voting machines and cheating thru drop ballot boxes, mail in ballots etc. I realize some of you will always hate him, because lame stream media conditioned you to and you'll remain asleep despite overwhelming evidence of innocence. There's a reason the military asked Trump in 2015 to run (he didn't really want to) but the planning of this takedown goes back much further than that. The only way it could happen was thru an outsider to politics. The show (visual destruction of America by Democrat policies) is almost over, but people needed to see it to wake up (6-8% never will). Btw, Trump is still commander in chief, but military has jurisdiction. Biden has never seen the inside of the actual White House since being installed. Weekends at Delaware, strange White House sets at various places and even the msm has wondered why his events are always staged. Why is there a cement wall around the White House currently? Exciting times we live in.

In case some of you don't know, and if you only watch mainstream media, you don't, there's worldwide massive protests against the tyrannical regimes the NWO (courtesy of the young global leaders and World economic forum) is trying to install; people just want to be free, and they have that right.
The reason why nothing ever happens to Trump and all the charges are dismissed and will continue to be, is because he's never done the things he's been accused of which lack of evidence clearly proves. Watch what happens to all those who framed him and accused him of Russia collusion, Ukraine involvement, etc. and that includes the mainstream media who clearly colluded. Some have already been disposed of. Treason of this magnitude carries a massive penalty; many will get a quick military court conviction (Constitution Ch 115 Codes 2381-2385). Their only choice will be rope or round.

America is at war and has been since Nov 3. Presidential emergency action documents/Conplans to assure continuity of gov't etc. were signed and stipulations were in place because the military knew the election would be stolen, both by voting machines and cheating thru drop ballot boxes, mail in ballots etc. I realize some of you will always hate him, because lame stream media conditioned you to and you'll remain asleep despite overwhelming evidence of innocence. There's a reason the military asked Trump in 2015 to run (he didn't really want to) but the planning of this takedown goes back much further than that. The only way it could happen was thru an outsider to politics. The show (visual destruction of America by Democrat policies) is almost over, but people needed to see it to wake up (6-8% never will). Btw, Trump is still commander in chief, but military has jurisdiction. Biden has never seen the inside of the actual White House since being installed. Weekends at Delaware, strange White House sets at various places and even the msm has wondered why his events are always staged. Why is there a cement wall around the White House currently? Exciting times we live in.

In case some of you don't know, and if you only watch mainstream media, you don't, there's worldwide massive protests against the tyrannical regimes the NWO (courtesy of the young global leaders and World economic forum) is trying to install; people just want to be free, and they have that right.

Lol cukoo bird

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The reason why nothing ever happens to Trump and all the charges are dismissed and will continue to be, is because he's never done the things he's been accused of which lack of evidence clearly proves. Watch what happens to all those who framed him and accused him of Russia collusion, Ukraine involvement, etc. and that includes the mainstream media who clearly colluded. Some have already been disposed of. Treason of this magnitude carries a massive penalty; many will get a quick military court conviction (Constitution Ch 115 Codes 2381-2385). Their only choice will be rope or round.

America is at war and has been since Nov 3. Presidential emergency action documents/Conplans to assure continuity of gov't etc. were signed and stipulations were in place because the military knew the election would be stolen, both by voting machines and cheating thru drop ballot boxes, mail in ballots etc. I realize some of you will always hate him, because lame stream media conditioned you to and you'll remain asleep despite overwhelming evidence of innocence. There's a reason the military asked Trump in 2015 to run (he didn't really want to) but the planning of this takedown goes back much further than that. The only way it could happen was thru an outsider to politics. The show (visual destruction of America by Democrat policies) is almost over, but people needed to see it to wake up (6-8% never will). Btw, Trump is still commander in chief, but military has jurisdiction. Biden has never seen the inside of the actual White House since being installed. Weekends at Delaware, strange White House sets at various places and even the msm has wondered why his events are always staged. Why is there a cement wall around the White House currently? Exciting times we live in.

In case some of you don't know, and if you only watch mainstream media, you don't, there's worldwide massive protests against the tyrannical regimes the NWO (courtesy of the young global leaders and World economic forum) is trying to install; people just want to be free, and they have that right.
These are incredible claims. Biden has never been in the White House? Please show me some sources.

We have Americans living in different realities. Obviously if I believed the things MileDeep is saying I would reconsider my position on Trump.
The reason why nothing ever happens to Trump and all the charges are dismissed and will continue to be, is because he's never done the things he's been accused of which lack of evidence clearly proves. Watch what happens to all those who framed him and accused him of Russia collusion, Ukraine involvement, etc. and that includes the mainstream media who clearly colluded. Some have already been disposed of. Treason of this magnitude carries a massive penalty; many will get a quick military court conviction (Constitution Ch 115 Codes 2381-2385). Their only choice will be rope or round.

America is at war and has been since Nov 3. Presidential emergency action documents/Conplans to assure continuity of gov't etc. were signed and stipulations were in place because the military knew the election would be stolen, both by voting machines and cheating thru drop ballot boxes, mail in ballots etc. I realize some of you will always hate him, because lame stream media conditioned you to and you'll remain asleep despite overwhelming evidence of innocence. There's a reason the military asked Trump in 2015 to run (he didn't really want to) but the planning of this takedown goes back much further than that. The only way it could happen was thru an outsider to politics. The show (visual destruction of America by Democrat policies) is almost over, but people needed to see it to wake up (6-8% never will). Btw, Trump is still commander in chief, but military has jurisdiction. Biden has never seen the inside of the actual White House since being installed. Weekends at Delaware, strange White House sets at various places and even the msm has wondered why his events are always staged. Why is there a cement wall around the White House currently? Exciting times we live in.

In case some of you don't know, and if you only watch mainstream media, you don't, there's worldwide massive protests against the tyrannical regimes the NWO (courtesy of the young global leaders and World economic forum) is trying to install; people just want to be free, and they have that right.

You sir, are a ****ing moron.
As far as going through some things I wouldn't mind seeing him go through a wood chipper.
Many of his followers on here would gladly stick their woodies into a wood chipper for him. If gave them just a moment of attention from Orange God King, they’d totally do it.
The reason why nothing ever happens to Trump and all the charges are dismissed and will continue to be, is because he's never done the things he's been accused of which lack of evidence clearly proves. Watch what happens to all those who framed him and accused him of Russia collusion, Ukraine involvement, etc. and that includes the mainstream media who clearly colluded. Some have already been disposed of. Treason of this magnitude carries a massive penalty; many will get a quick military court conviction (Constitution Ch 115 Codes 2381-2385). Their only choice will be rope or round.

America is at war and has been since Nov 3. Presidential emergency action documents/Conplans to assure continuity of gov't etc. were signed and stipulations were in place because the military knew the election would be stolen, both by voting machines and cheating thru drop ballot boxes, mail in ballots etc. I realize some of you will always hate him, because lame stream media conditioned you to and you'll remain asleep despite overwhelming evidence of innocence. There's a reason the military asked Trump in 2015 to run (he didn't really want to) but the planning of this takedown goes back much further than that. The only way it could happen was thru an outsider to politics. The show (visual destruction of America by Democrat policies) is almost over, but people needed to see it to wake up (6-8% never will). Btw, Trump is still commander in chief, but military has jurisdiction. Biden has never seen the inside of the actual White House since being installed. Weekends at Delaware, strange White House sets at various places and even the msm has wondered why his events are always staged. Why is there a cement wall around the White House currently? Exciting times we live in.

In case some of you don't know, and if you only watch mainstream media, you don't, there's worldwide massive protests against the tyrannical regimes the NWO (courtesy of the young global leaders and World economic forum) is trying to install; people just want to be free, and they have that right.
Why do you think the military felt they needed Trump specifically?

And please please please stop with the Lame Stream Media (first because I hate that Trumpers love using kindergarten level name switcharoo insults like nobody's business) trained me. I saw Trump on SNL in like the 90s. It was a sketch where all the sudden they go into the audience and what do you know? There's Trump sitting there and now he's part of the skit. I was a teenager and I didn't know who he was at all other than maybe hearing that he had a gold toilet and he divorced one gaudy looking clown makeup woman in favor of another such. albeit younger and more attractive, woman. His personality in those few minutes when he was actually in on the joke and getting along with the cool kids from SNL, even then he rubbed me all the way the wrong way. Like as if I had become a cat and he was petting me backwards. Don't tell me someone tricked me into not liking him. Trump did that all by himself.
Many of his followers on here would gladly stick their woodies into a wood chipper for him. If gave them just a moment of attention from Orange God King, they’d totally do it.
Trump would happily let them do it too and wouldn't feel an ounce of guilt.
You sir, are a ****ing moron.
Keefe was a pretty good player and a good person so clearly you aren't a moron and actually I might be so no offense taken. With just a bit of digging, what I say can be verified, although a small portion may require some mental gymnastics and summarization of various data. Of course, you have to use the right media because google, Facebook, or YouTube (with some exceptions) have heavy biases to factual info if it doesn't fit the narrative or does damage to the narrative. I.e., Facebook, YouTube, have deleted millions of vaccine death/injury stories, and about that many proving election fraud. Last week they shut down the freedom convoy of truckers with over 600k following and GoFundme froze over 9mil in donations, but of course donating to BLM/antifa rioters is fine, as are terrorist groups. Difference between ****ing moron and truth teller is 14-60 days. Keep watching this incredible show, but actually open your eyes/ears and turn off all major network news. There's a reason they call it tell a vision. Remember when the CIA director said " We'll know our program of disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false." It's about 85%.
Keefe was a pretty good player and a good person so clearly you aren't a moron and actually I might be so no offense taken. With just a bit of digging, what I say can be verified, although a small portion may require some mental gymnastics and summarization of various data. Of course, you have to use the right media because google, Facebook, or YouTube (with some exceptions) have heavy biases to factual info if it doesn't fit the narrative or does damage to the narrative. I.e., Facebook, YouTube, have deleted millions of vaccine death/injury stories, and about that many proving election fraud. Last week they shut down the freedom convoy of truckers with over 600k following and GoFundme froze over 9mil in donations, but of course donating to BLM/antifa rioters is fine, as are terrorist groups. Difference between ****ing moron and truth teller is 14-60 days. Keep watching this incredible show, but actually open your eyes/ears and turn off all major network news. There's a reason they call it tell a vision. Remember when the CIA director said " We'll know our program of disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false." It's about 85%.
So I can only trust the sites that support the things you say. All of those other news sources with literally millions and millions of people involved in putting that news out are all very intentionally lying to me. So as long as I close my eyes to everything but the things that you're suggesting and then trust that the people saying the same are the only ones telling me the truth, then I'll know what you know?

Is there any way you can rephrase what you said that would make my summary irrelevant?

What you're saying is the exact same thing as "The only reason the psychic reading isn't working is because you don't believe the psychic reading is working." Hard pass from me on that.
So I can only trust the sites that support the things you say. All of those other news sources with literally millions and millions of people involved in putting that news out are all very intentionally lying to me. So as long as I close my eyes to everything but the things that you're suggesting and then trust that the people saying the same are the only ones telling me the truth, then I'll know what you know?

Is there any way you can rephrase what you said that would make my summary irrelevant?

What you're saying is the exact same thing as "The only reason the psychic reading isn't working is because you don't believe the psychic reading is working." Hard pass from me on that.
Well, no GF. I was wrong. I did say it that way, and that isn't particularly helpful. Even in disagreement, knowledge of different povs is beneficial, sometimes even necessary. In the case of Trump, and I get why some find him hard to like, they (media, democrats, FBI, CIA, later the FDA, WHO, etc) did intentionally lie to the public/their audience...for years. It wasn't about a point of view, it was malicious with intent to turn people against him and his family, because he was in the way just like he said. As the Truth comes out, their ratings continue to nosedive and (predictably) there hasn't been one apology nor admission of accountability/responsibility.