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Donald is about to go through some things...

Well, no GF. I was wrong. I did say it that way, and that isn't particularly helpful. Even in disagreement, knowledge of different povs is beneficial, sometimes even necessary. In the case of Trump, and I get why some find him hard to like, they (media, democrats, FBI, CIA, later the FDA, WHO, etc) did intentionally lie to the public/their audience...for years. It wasn't about a point of view, it was malicious with intent to turn people against him and his family, because he was in the way just like he said. As the Truth comes out, their ratings continue to nosedive and (predictably) there hasn't been one apology nor admission of accountability/responsibility.
There have been corrections to inaccurate stories. It is standard practice. I would be happy to hunt a few down for you.

What was he in the way of?

Is there a direct correlation to the truth coming out and a decline in ratings? I haven't watched the news in more than 10 years. I imagine the largest audience of people who watch the news are people from the baby boom generation. They also, despite having been the hippies and love children when they were in their late teens or early to mid twenties, are the strongest supporters of Trump by a very large margin.

I want to ask again, why did the military seek out Trump specifically? To me he seems like a very very odd choice. Trump is popular within the ranks but not as much amongst the generals. Do you think there was some movement from within the enlisted ranks to recruit Donald Trump that went under the radar of the high level Officers?

I think sometimes the media feel an obligation to warn people of danger. I think that was the motivation behind their biased view of Trump, that he was a real and present danger to the United States.
Honestly, not sure why other than it was critical not to have an incumbent politician as the level of corruption is simply beyond even the most wild imagination. Apparently, he was originally approached by three high ranking generals (supposedly including Gen Flynn), and then endorsed by a huge number of former and current military personnel including 4 4star generals, and 14 3 star. Truth is, the military was considering a coup of Barack Hussein Sitero (in 2015) before asking Trump, but after Trump agreed to run, they pulled the plan with the idea that it could happen simultaneously with Trumps term. There are still those who don't believe there is a deep state, child trafficking, insider trading just to name a few.
Even with wild levels of corruption, what is it about Trump that makes him the solution? I'm not seeing it. He didn't do anything remarkable to fix any sort of supposed corruption. He isn't a beacon of integrity. He isn't at all knowledgeable about military issues. That has never been his thing at all. He isn't particularly knowledgeable about foreign affairs, either. Why would he be thee person high ranking military personal looked to?

It isn't making any sense to me at all.
Even with wild levels of corruption, what is it about Trump that makes him the solution? I'm not seeing it. He didn't do anything remarkable to fix any sort of supposed corruption. He isn't a beacon of integrity. He isn't at all knowledgeable about military issues. That has never been his thing at all. He isn't particularly knowledgeable about foreign affairs, either. Why would he be thee person high ranking military personal looked to?

It isn't making any sense to me at all.
He gives permission for folks to act their worst. Those bored and/or unhappy are attracted to people like Trump. He offers simple solutions and simple hatreds. He gives folks easy targets to bully and let's it rip. It's alleviating and even empowering to some to feel like they can say and act out their worst impulses on some of the most vulnerable in society. That's the attraction.

It's why we see Trumpers NEVER actually target the sources of their discontent (themselves). For Trump and his followers, introspection is forbidden because it would require being honest and vulnerable, something their own minds forbid. They'll always exhaust their energies attacking someone else, usually the most vulnerable. They find some immigrant girl and put her in cages, some black person and sit on their neck, or a survivor of sexual assault and make a mockery of their experience. The hatred of "the other" is an orgasmic experience for many of these folks. It makes them feel unified, like they're a part of a collective, and part of a movement that is making a difference in the world. Trump provides people with the sense of feeling that they "belong" and "make a difference" by attacking the "other."

“Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.”

- The True Believer (Eric Hoffer)
He gives permission for folks to act their worst. Those bored and/or unhappy are attracted to people like Trump. He offers simple solutions and simple hatreds. He gives folks easy targets to bully and let's it rip. It's alleviating and even empowering to some to feel like they can say and act out their worst impulses on some of the most vulnerable in society. That's the attraction.

It's why we see Trumpers NEVER actually target the sources of their discontent (themselves). For Trump and his followers, introspection is forbidden because it would require being honest and vulnerable, something their own minds forbid. They'll always exhaust their energies attacking someone else, usually the most vulnerable. They find some immigrant girl and put her in cages, some black person and sit on their neck, or a survivor of sexual assault and make a mockery of their experience.
The question that I'm asking MilesDeep is why specifically military leaders would have approached Trump to run for President. What would generals see in Trump that would make him the foremost candidate in their minds. It is important to keep in mind that generals approaching someone to run for political office would be a significant violation of military policy that the military be non-political.
The question that I'm asking MilesDeep is why specifically military leaders would have approached Trump to run for President. What would generals see in Trump that would make him the foremost candidate in their minds. It is important to keep in mind that generals approaching someone to run for political office would be a significant violation of military policy that the military be non-political.
Got it. Well, his answer should be interesting.
He gives permission for folks to act their worst. Those bored and/or unhappy are attracted to people like Trump. He offers simple solutions and simple hatreds. He gives folks easy targets to bully and let's it rip. It's alleviating and even empowering to some to feel like they can say and act out their worst impulses on some of the most vulnerable in society. That's the attraction.

It's why we see Trumpers NEVER actually target the sources of their discontent (themselves). For Trump and his followers, introspection is forbidden because it would require being honest and vulnerable, something their own minds forbid. They'll always exhaust their energies attacking someone else, usually the most vulnerable. They find some immigrant girl and put her in cages, some black person and sit on their neck, or a survivor of sexual assault and make a mockery of their experience. The hatred of "the other" is an orgasmic experience for many of these folks. It makes them feel unified, like they're a part of a collective, and part of a movement that is making a difference in the world. Trump provides people with the sense of feeling that they "belong" and "make a difference" by attacking the "other."

“Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.”

- The True Believer (Eric Hoffer)
I forgive you Thriller, even though your writing is filled with the hate you claim we have. Some of it is just reprehensible (see comment above about woodchipper). Furthermore, it's opposite of reality. I don't believe you are a horrible human, but it isn't immediately evident by what's readable. Have you been to Trump rallies? Have you watched the interaction between folks that share America First/conservative/Trump values? Have you watched the events that he's involved with? There's no hate, there's no violence (except when infiltrated), there's lots of thank you's/praise, and generally a huge amount of happiness involving every color and race. You literally smear 100 million adult Americans with your nonsensical, hate drivel. Clearly, you just listen to the lies projected by what you see on tv. I understand that you're one of the remaining 20k viewers of CNN and so all I will say is keep watching, PAIN is coming for those responsible for all the lies made up about Trump, and those that ran with/perpetrated it won't get a free pass either. GF, I can try to address your question later.
The reason why nothing ever happens to Trump and all the charges are dismissed and will continue to be, is because he's never done the things he's been accused of which lack of evidence clearly proves. Watch what happens to all those who framed him and accused him of Russia collusion, Ukraine involvement, etc. and that includes the mainstream media who clearly colluded. Some have already been disposed of. Treason of this magnitude carries a massive penalty; many will get a quick military court conviction (Constitution Ch 115 Codes 2381-2385). Their only choice will be rope or round.

America is at war and has been since Nov 3. Presidential emergency action documents/Conplans to assure continuity of gov't etc. were signed and stipulations were in place because the military knew the election would be stolen, both by voting machines and cheating thru drop ballot boxes, mail in ballots etc. I realize some of you will always hate him, because lame stream media conditioned you to and you'll remain asleep despite overwhelming evidence of innocence. There's a reason the military asked Trump in 2015 to run (he didn't really want to) but the planning of this takedown goes back much further than that. The only way it could happen was thru an outsider to politics. The show (visual destruction of America by Democrat policies) is almost over, but people needed to see it to wake up (6-8% never will). Btw, Trump is still commander in chief, but military has jurisdiction. Biden has never seen the inside of the actual White House since being installed. Weekends at Delaware, strange White House sets at various places and even the msm has wondered why his events are always staged. Why is there a cement wall around the White House currently? Exciting times we live in.

In case some of you don't know, and if you only watch mainstream media, you don't, there's worldwide massive protests against the tyrannical regimes the NWO (courtesy of the young global leaders and World economic forum) is trying to install; people just want to be free, and they have that right.
The massive protests- like the truckers- are made up of frustrated men- who are being manipulated to do the dirty work for the true authoritarian dictator wannabes like Trump. Rupert Murdock, Carlson Tucker, Donald Trump- and probably most Republican politicians-- who are encouraging this Braveheart-style battlecry of "Freedom!!!" all took the vaccine as soon as they had the chance. They encourage all the conspiracy theories- because people who are confused and scared are easily manipulated-- and will gravitate to a loud, authoritative leader who says idiotic things like "only I can fix this." The Right wing machine is just using the vaccine issues as a way to harness the frustration, and confusion so many are feeling-- and point it towards their political opponents.

The truckers are just pawns in a domestic terrorist operation by Republicans who want supply chain issues and inflation to get as bad as possible- before the next election. If they take back the House and Senate by saying Biden made things worse.. they will then use all the power they have in congress to dismantle every voting protection there is- and allow the Swing States the right to suppress the vote or even overturn the voter's will by an act of state legislature. The plans Donald had to overturn a fair election- will work next time if he gets enough loyalist stooges in the right positions in those states.

If that plan succeeds- we will have lost our democracy- because fair and free elections will be a thing of the past. All those pawns out there crying "freedom" will find out that the only ones who will be truly free in that world they are fighting for is the Billionaire class. Once a dictator has the power over all three branches of government- and gets rid of the free press- like Putin and others do, they don't need your votes anymore. If that happens, it will be a rude awakening for all the pawns who thought they would get rewarded in some way by the King they helped put in power. (Spoiler alert: your "freedom" will last as long as you send your donations, or go out in the street to fight his battles).
I forgive you Thriller, even though your writing is filled with the hate you claim we have. Some of it is just reprehensible (see comment above about woodchipper). Furthermore, it's opposite of reality.
No it's not. Trumpers have been killing themselves for over a year now. They'd rather die from covid than get vaccinated. It's really not a giant leap from thinking that some would stick their woodies into wood chippers if it meant pleasing Orange God King.
I don't believe you are a horrible human, but it isn't immediately evident by what's readable. Have you been to Trump rallies? Have you watched the interaction between folks that share America First/conservative/Trump values? Have you watched the events that he's involved with? There's no hate, there's no violence (except when infiltrated), there's lots of thank you's/praise, and generally a huge amount of happiness involving every color and race.
Imagine typing this with a straight face.
You literally smear 100 million adult Americans with your nonsensical, hate drivel. Clearly, you just listen to the lies projected by what you see on tv. I understand that you're one of the remaining 20k viewers of CNN and so all I will say is keep watching,
I honestly can't remember the last time I watched a complete news show on TV. At least six years. I usually get my news from reading The Post, Times, BBC, or listening to NPR. I also listen to podcasts On Point and The Bulwark.
PAIN is coming for those responsible for all the lies made up about Trump, and those that ran with/perpetrated it won't get a free pass either. GF, I can try to address your question later.
Again, who's the hateful one? You'll get to @Gameface later? Kinda like Trump's health care plan? Does it come out in two weeks?
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The massive protests- like the truckers- are made up of frustrated men- who are being manipulated to do the dirty work for the true authoritarian dictator wannabes like Trump. Rupert Murdock, Carlson Tucker, Donald Trump- and probably most Republican politicians-- who are encouraging this Braveheart-style battlecry of "Freedom!!!" all took the vaccine as soon as they had the chance. They encourage all the conspiracy theories- because people who are confused and scared are easily manipulated-- and will gravitate to a loud, authoritative leader who says idiotic things like "only I can fix this." The Right wing machine is just using the vaccine issues as a way to harness the frustration, and confusion so many are feeling-- and point it towards their political opponents.

The truckers are just pawns in a domestic terrorist operation by Republicans who want supply chain issues and inflation to get as bad as possible- before the next election. If they take back the House and Senate by saying Biden made things worse.. they will then use all the power they have in congress to dismantle every voting protection there is- and allow the Swing States the right to suppress the vote or even overturn the voter's will by an act of state legislature. The plans Donald had to overturn a fair election- will work next time if he gets enough loyalist stooges in the right positions in those states.

If that plan succeeds- we will have lost our democracy- because fair and free elections will be a thing of the past. All those pawns out there crying "freedom" will find out that the only ones who will be truly free in that world they are fighting for is the Billionaire class. Once a dictator has the power over all three branches of government- and gets rid of the free press- like Putin and others do, they don't need your votes anymore. If that happens, it will be a rude awakening for all the pawns who thought they would get rewarded in some way by the King they helped put in power. (Spoiler alert: your "freedom" will last as long as you send your donations, or go out in the street to fight his battles).
The only thing I will say to this, because your post in its entirety, is nothing short of something Rachel Madcow would produce, is Donald wanted to return power to the people, and have government shrink even further than he was able to get it. I think once he finishes this term in 2024 , he'll bow out. Donald believes elections should be held with paper ballots, limited to American citizens, and held on one day, don't you? There will be no Smartmatic or Dominion machines going forward. I'm guessing you think Justin Castro of Canada isn't a dictator? That he was installed by people's votes and proper democracy. How about the other young global leaders of the World Economic Forum who are trying to usher in Agenda 2030 and the NWO? There's many out there, just look at the countries suffering the most as far as freedom...France, Australia, Austria etc. They will all fall, and the media will show you none of it. We were told the Revolution would not be seen.
The only thing I will say to this, because your post in its entirety, is nothing short of something Rachel Madcow would produce, is Donald wanted to return power to the people, and have government shrink even further than he was able to get it. I think once he finishes this term in 2024 , he'll bow out. Donald believes elections should be held with paper ballots, limited to American citizens, and held on one day, don't you? There will be no Smartmatic or Dominion machines going forward. I'm guessing you think Justin Castro of Canada isn't a dictator? That he was installed by people's votes and proper democracy. How about the other young global leaders of the World Economic Forum who are trying to usher in Agenda 2030 and the NWO? There's many out there, just look at the countries suffering the most as far as freedom...France, Australia, Austria etc. They will all fall, and the media will show you none of it. We were told the Revolution would not be seen.
Your response reveals how miles deep you have been pulled into the propaganda machine the Right has been using since Reagan. Smaller government, less regulation will return power to the people. Every person who buys into that nonsensical concept is a pawn of the Billionaire-owned Right-wing machine. There is a simple formula to gage how much freedom or power you'll have if government keeps shrinking: Those with the most money will have all the power. They'll continually rig the systems in their favor. If you try to start a small business- some big corporation will just railroad you and tie you up in court until you're bankrupt. If their business practices are poisoning the air you breathe or the water you need-- good luck taking them to court. Do you think they are going to make sure you have a living wage, affordable health care, or free public schools... etc? They'll tell you that the best and brightest will lift thems
The only thing I will say to this, because your post in its entirety, is nothing short of something Rachel Madcow would produce, is Donald wanted to return power to the people, and have government shrink even further than he was able to get it. I think once he finishes this term in 2024 , he'll bow out. Donald believes elections should be held with paper ballots, limited to American citizens, and held on one day, don't you? There will be no Smartmatic or Dominion machines going forward. I'm guessing you think Justin Castro of Canada isn't a dictator? That he was installed by people's votes and proper democracy. How about the other young global leaders of the World Economic Forum who are trying to usher in Agenda 2030 and the NWO? There's many out there, just look at the countries suffering the most as far as freedom...France, Australia, Austria etc. They will all fall, and the media will show you none of it. We were told the Revolution would not be seen.
Your response shows how miles deep you have bought into Right-wing propaganda machine going back to Reagan. It is a ridiculous fairy-tale that a smaller government means more power and freedom to the people. There is a simple formula for how much power and freedom people will have if government gets as small as Republicans want: Whoever has the most money- will have all the power. They always say the best will rise to the top, but Republicans are also the ones who do everything possible to eliminate the lowest rungs on the ladder of upward mobility. If you try to start a small business, a big corporation can tie you up in court until you are bankrupt. If their business practices are poisoning your air or drinking water- good luck fighting back. The only power that gives working class people any power is a truly democratic government- with an informed electorate- and voting rights protected. That is not what Republicans want.
BTW- I agree with with all paper ballots-- but who benefits from only one day to vote? If you work for a living- and you have to take off the day to go stand in line for 4+ hours because the Republicans put only one polling place in your area- and your rich business owner won't give you a day off... is that what you call a fair system? Where I live in AZ the Scottsdale precincts (rich area) have practically no lines-- and the ones in poorer areas have lines stretched around the block-- courtesy of the Republicans trying to suppress the vote.
The only thing I will say to this, because your post in its entirety, is nothing short of something Rachel Madcow would produce, is Donald wanted to return power to the people, and have government shrink even further than he was able to get it. I think once he finishes this term in 2024 , he'll bow out. Donald believes elections should be held with paper ballots, limited to American citizens, and held on one day, don't you? There will be no Smartmatic or Dominion machines going forward. I'm guessing you think Justin Castro of Canada isn't a dictator? That he was installed by people's votes and proper democracy. How about the other young global leaders of the World Economic Forum who are trying to usher in Agenda 2030 and the NWO? There's many out there, just look at the countries suffering the most as far as freedom...France, Australia, Austria etc. They will all fall, and the media will show you none of it. We were told the Revolution would not be seen.
What is your source for information? I am guessing based on your posts you are Qanon. But I am actually curious where you think is a source of good information.
Trump is a lot of things.
-he’s a two bit racketeer. Hopefully, time will hold him to account for his racketeering.
-he’s a wannabe mob boss who settled for the Oval Office, and then ran it like a mob boss.
-he’s the center of a cult of personality. And a cult of ignorance. I think the latter is somewhat out of control. It infects what was the Republican Party and produces the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene. A cult of ignorance elevated to a desirable standard by too many. Maybe Trump will not run in 2024. But that cult of ignorance isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.

I recognized Trump the day he descended the escalator in Trump Tower and announced if you were a fan of his then you had an open invitation to hate “the other”. Yeah, I recognized that. I knew exactly what that represented.

I watched as many of his rallies as were available to me. And listened to a master hate monger at work. Appeals to hatred of “the other”. Open beatings. “In the old days, we’d take them out on a stretcher”.

I watch the news. But I like primary sources. Listening to Trump is all a thinking person should need. The center of a cult of personality and ignorance…

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”​

― Issac Asimov

What is your source for information? I am guessing based on your posts you are Qanon. But I am actually curious where you think is a source of good information.
Okay, Ill answer my own question from private messages from this person. This person is not Qanon, but believes everything they are saying is right. They think Project Veritas is 100% accurate. They like sources like Breitbart and The Gateway Pundit. No idea if this is a serious account/alt account/troll account. If they are serious the gap between reality and their ideas on this are far too big of a gap for me to have a real conversation about this type of stuff. See you in the Jazz section though!
I love the thought of Trump ******** his pants. He's trying to rally his troops but they've moved on to the next conspiracy.
So is he going through things yet?

I'm really starting to not trust this ****.

When Trump is sitting in criminal court as a defendant I'll believe he's in some kind of trouble.

Matt ****ing Gaetz is apparently in zero legal trouble at the moment.

I call out stupid *** Trumpers when they get lied to and don't care.

I'm not listening to this **** anymore.