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Draft Cole Aldrich.....

Um, it's not that hard to look up. Aldrich measured out at 8.5% fat.

I didn't think the OP deserved the little time it took to find it. :)


And I try to avoid making a big deal of highlight videos. The one 1-Jazzfan provided really showed Aldrich well. It does make me feel a little better if the Jazz decide to go that route, although his jump shot form looks ridiculous to me.
Aldrich would be a good pick at 9 if Monroe and Udoh are both gone, but other than that I dont want him. I think he is being underrated by most due to the fact he is white.
I like Udoh better than Aldrich. I still think I like Monroe better than Aldrich. I'm not sure I like any other big that may be available at 9. I don't think ANY of them helps the Jazz beat the lakers next year, not even Favors or Cousins helps with that.
Any big we draft in the top 10 will help us beat the Lakers. They will all be improvements over Fess and Doufus, so there for they will be "help".
I think Aldrich is like a defensive -minded Kevin Love. I'm okay with it, but the Jazz should aim for a higher impact player. Aldrich could get 10 rebs. per game, but I wouldn't expect much more than that.
I really like Aldrich at pick 9. This is the my best player available order at pick 9. Udoh, Aldrich, Monroe. Gotta go big. If we go wing then we either trade up for Turner or (more realistic) W Johnson or trade back for more picks and get Henry or Hayward ect. Just say no to Davis. i am unsure of Whiteside and would say his worth the risk at pick 15 - 20 range.
PLEASE lose that God awful sig...I hide the computer if a post from you is showing. Unfreakingbearable...
I wouldn't hate the Aldrich pick. I just wouldn't love it. And I give Aldrich a 2 percent chance of making me love him. So if we're this high in the draft, trade around him some way to go for a higher ceiling player.
If there are two things the Jazz definitely don't need it is rebounding and shot blocking. We are stacked with rebounders and shot blockers, and therefore a guy like Aldrich is redundant.

What we do need is an athletic 2/3 guard with the ability to spread the floor and play defense, who still has room to grow, because neither Matthews or CJ Miles fit that description.

If we can't get that we should take a flyer on a point guard with all-star potential.
If there are two things the Jazz definitely don't need it is rebounding and shot blocking. We are stacked with rebounders and shot blockers, and therefore a guy like Aldrich is redundant.

What we do need is an athletic 2/3 guard with the ability to spread the floor and play defense, who still has room to grow, because neither Matthews or CJ Miles fit that description.

If we can't get that we should take a flyer on a point guard with all-star potential.

Are you sure you're talking about the Jazz? Their lack of defensive interior presence, including shot blocking, is probably the team's biggest weakness. This is evidenced by them being 21st in the league in BPG differential (https://www.nba.com/statistics/sortable_team_statistics/sortable2.html?cnf=1&prd=1#top). And sure I'd love an athletic 2 guard with the ability to spread the floor and play defense. Too bad you aren't likely to get one with the 9th pick in the draft.

Unless you're being sarcastic of course...hard to tell on a message board.
Are you sure you're talking about the Jazz? Their lack of defensive interior presence, including shot blocking, is probably the team's biggest weakness. This is evidenced by them being 21st in the league in BPG differential (https://www.nba.com/statistics/sortable_team_statistics/sortable2.html?cnf=1&prd=1#top). And sure I'd love an athletic 2 guard with the ability to spread the floor and play defense. Too bad you aren't likely to get one with the 9th pick in the draft.

Unless you're being sarcastic of course...hard to tell on a message board.

He was being very sarcastic. Everything he said was the exact opposite which is how you tell if its a joke.
He was being very sarcastic. Everything he said was the exact opposite which is how you tell if its a joke.

Proably right. Still hard to tell though, especially since it's a new poster. People say some crazy things sometimes...