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Dream scenario


Well-Known Member
I'm going to put it out there, I have a strange feeling about KD and the Jazz and here's why:

-Currently plays for what I consider a small market team that just happened to get a couple of great draft picks on which they could build the foundation for their success. I point this out because his personality fits a smaller market team, the Jazz being in this group, better than it does say NY or Divaville (LA).

-KD is championship material. He knows it and is going to do whatever is in his hands to get to the top. The Thunder tried hard to put the best team they could around him, but not good enough to achieve his final goal. If he needs to leave the team that drafted him, I see him doing it.

-The Jazz are in a better position than the Thunder as for who to surround KD with. You take out a healthy Westbrook and the Jazz as a whole are already a better team than the Thunder, and will only be getting better for years to come as there's still tons of room for improvement (KD was here the other night to witness it for himself).

-In a recent interview Dennis Lindsey stated that the Jazz are ready to go aggressive during free agency. This tells me that he already has a good idea of the shape he wants to give this team and is ready to take it to the next level. With the upcoming TV deal Gordon Hayward will no longer necessarily end up being the best paid player in the Jazz.

-And what thrills me the most, KD is friends with Karl Malone and talks to him on a regular basis as he stated in an interview during the preseason. I think this is huge.

Favors (I'm confident he will add a reliable jump shot)

Burks&Hood off the bench
<add your other choices>

Bump accordingly as the story develops.

I think you are going to be disappointed when you wake up from your dream but life is about having dreams and I hope this one comes true. However, I am too cynical to think it will.
I like this dream, but as with others, I think the chances are very slim. Interesting about the Malone connection though, I didn't know about that. I think the only chance for this to even be a slight possibility is if Exum really breaks out over the season and shows tangible superstar potential, like better than Westbrook potential, and KD knows the Jazz are the team of the future.
Last night I watched The Offseason: Kevin Durant on HBO, in the doc Durant expressed frustration over getting big names to play for small market teams (e.g. Pau Gasol, who Durant lobbied for personally).

Durant may very well stay in OKC - he makes a zillion dollars in salary and endorsements playing in a small market where everyone loves him almost unconditionally; but if he leaves it sure as hell won't be to play for another small market team.
why would he go to another small market when all he wants to do is go 'big'. signing with jay-z, 2nd best seller for nike and etc? KD would become the biggest if he goes to a bigger market.
why would he go to another small market when all he wants to do is go 'big'. signing with jay-z, 2nd best seller for nike and etc? KD would become the biggest if he goes to a bigger market.

Ok give me a ranking of teams that would best complement KD's game and tell me that Utah isn't or won't be top 5 in the near future. We're talking about winning a championship, not showcasing your game in a forever underachieving team. We're not 'big' but we're going big, there's a difference.
When he leaves OKC, it will be to sign with Dallas or Houston.

Dallas - Mark Cuban will put up a ****ty video like he did with Dwight Howard that will scare him off.
Rockets - Where's the cap room? They're in win a championship now mode with what they have, and his place is taken already. NEXT
Don't discount Brooklyn, Knicks, or DC for Durant. He strikes me as a solid individual and I could easily see him staying in OKC and trying to turn the Thunder into the Spurs. Westbrook on the other hand will probably bolt to the purple and gold.
Now days the "big" market thing isn't as big as it was before social media and ESPN etc..... Now athletes get endorsements in all venues, it's solely based on performance and how well you are liked in the league. If Durant came her, which isn't likely, he would still get many endorsements. Just my 2 cents.
I'm going to put it out there, I have a strange feeling about Megan Fox and the me and here's why:

She's Hot...

I am a man...

We will definitely be hooking up soon.

If he likes talented small market team with a chance of winning a championship wouldn't he rather go with the Blazers with Lillard & Aldridge?

What gives us the advantage over the Blazers?
If he likes talented small market team with a chance of winning a championship wouldn't he rather go with the Blazers with Lillard & Aldridge?

What gives us the advantage over the Blazers?