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Game Thread Feb 16, 2022 08:00PM MT: Jazz at Lakers

Added to Calendar: 02-16-22

Rudy is an all star for his defense, his ability to screen and his ability to finish only at the rim. If the PnR game is not working adequately at the end of games, you have to question how effective Rudy is in there. Almost all teams go with 5 shooting options in their crunch time offense. The NBA is now all about guys who can take other guys off the dribble in iso situations. You never see a last second shot come from a big man screen at the top unless that big man is also a threat from deep (AD, Jokic, etc).

Donovan can shake great defenders in this league. We should try letting him go at a guy and maybe the opponent's rotation leaves somebody wide open for big buckets. Don can't get to the rim if Rudy is in there because the defense can always sag off Rudy taking away the rim option.
Rudy wasn't as big a problem this game as was our inability to handle the trap. As soon as they started showing on screens and full-on trapping Mitchell everything collapsed. This loss was on the coach's inability to adjust to this wrinkle. It also hurt that we did not have Joe, another ball-handler/creator to help break the traps open.
This actually might not be a joke. Given the problems that our 'system' players have against switchy, 5-out teams, the Jazz should try replacing Royce with NAW. Give him the same low-usage, spot-up shooter role, but let him create off the dribble when Mitchell gets doubled. Lets see what he can do in a 4-on-3 situation. Basically, hypnotize him and tell him he's Andre Iguodala playing for the Warriors.

Otherwise, it's possible that Trent Forrest can give the Jazz what they need, even though he's a negative-gravity shooter. He can at least drive in the paint and make something happen, or kick back out. Jazz need another guy who can play off the dribble and who doesn't suck on defense.
Trent on the floor with Mitchell and Conley would have helped break the trap. Get the ball to Conley or Trent when the trap comes, have them take advantage of a defender out of place and break the paint for a lob to Rudy or a kick-out while the defense scrambles. Granted that is a small backcourt/wing combo, but we needed ball-handling at that point more than Royce's size and inability to do aught but catch and try to shoot with little activity beyond that. But we did none of that. We did stand around and watch Mitchell try to get free by himself or stand around and wait for the pass. Little to no off-ball movement. Not much passing to speak of. Just a terrible response to the trap.
Every player takes plays off. It is a long grueling season, and they are playing at arguably the height of athletic play in all of sports for extended periods of time. It does not let up. Human nature takes over at some point and they conserve energy. It takes a concerted effort to push past the body's desire to rest and get the last of the endurance or power the muscles have to offer in a lot of these games. No wonder they take plays off.

I was never a world-class athlete, but in high school I could get up and down the court without being winded much, and could dig deep for a push at the end of a tough game. One of the 3 dunks I had in a high school games came near the end of an OT game when I and 2 other guys had played all but something like 3 minutes of the game time. We had a breakaway and I went up and technically had a dunk (the ball cleared the rim, I followed it and pushed it through the hoop with my hand on top of the rim. That's a dunk, right? LOL I could not palm the ball so that was my only option). I was thoroughly exhausted at that point, but I got one more big jump out of my tired legs and it was cool and a lot of fun and gave us like a 6 point lead or something. We ended up winning. Then I went home and ate like 4 plates of spaghetti my mom had made (she makes great spaghetti), and then I slept like 14 hours.

I cannot imagine the physical strain on these guys at this level. And for that many games. The 20-odd games we played in HS with the tournament and all were plenty for me. I felt like I was tired all the time, I could eat like a horse, and my muscles felt like jello a lot. What must it be like to be working at the level of a Donovan Mitchell. Insane. So taking plays off is not a surprise, especially at the end of an intense game. It takes serious mental fortitude to push past your human physical endurance levels and squeeze out that one last burst of speed or power to make that big play. Frankly I am surprised we don't see more of them take plays off like that. Of course, that is the different between us basic HS or even college players and the pros. Frankly, it is awesome to watch.
Regardless of all of our supposed weaknesses we were still up by five points with four and half minutes to play, and my biggest concern as always is our struggles to close out close games. So from the four and a half minute mark, still up by five points nobody attempted a shot except for Donovan Mitchell until after missing three consecutive shots including a routine layup, Bogey took a long three with 37 clicks left on the clock which he made followed shortly by another two pointer (too little, too late). Donovan went on to miss a fourth consecutive shot (a three down by four) to finish out the game. He's never hit a game winner in how many years is it @infection? and yet we continue to go iso Mitchell, I mean how stupid is that? One of those bad shots was a stare down three from 29 feet out score tied. Absolutely no attempt to make anything happen in the blender. This is on Snyder!

And then there was the infamous bad pass from Royce back to Conley when he should have pulled the trigger on the three. I feel like that's another conditioned response, "Oh wait, I better not, it's Mitchell time!" Sloan was a great coach and yet so so predictable down the stretch, everybody in the NBA knew exactly what was going to happen, it was going to be a pick and roll, Stock to Malone. And here we are thirty years later and we're still stuck with the same predictable nonsense except now it's not even a two man play with options - just get it to Mitchell. This is even worse than Sloan's predictability. Bet Sloan had a better record in close games.

Other than that, I thought we looked pretty good for the most part. I would have liked to have seen more minutes for Forrest (12 & change) and a little less for Conley, especially down the stretch. I would have loved to have seen my boy Dok make an appearance. That slight after some stellar play was conspicuous but not unexpected from Snyder. Dok has the best hands of any of our big men and when he finishes over you, it's not quickly forgotten. When you're primarily a finesse team, you gotta have some dawgs IMO. Oh and I absolutely loved Royce chirping at Lebron after that academy award performance got shot down..........we need more of that!
I'm hoping we learn from our mistakes by postseason. Hopefully this makes our team stronger. This was a humbling experience, no doubt.
Literally every player plays differently in garbage time lol. But you expect lebron to be the exception.
Also, I have seen games when the game is out of reach and lebron is on the bench with the rest of the starters. You just want to hate.
Too bad you aren't using reading comprehension bro. It's like you're looking over the main points, and creating a narrative to suit your argument. How is it hating when it's speaking facts? The dubbed greatest player of all time shouldn't be hanging out under the teams basket while the rest of the team is down the floor playing defense. Sorry you can't see that.
Every player takes plays off. It is a long grueling season, and they are playing at arguably the height of athletic play in all of sports for extended periods of time. It does not let up. Human nature takes over at some point and they conserve energy. It takes a concerted effort to push past the body's desire to rest and get the last of the endurance or power the muscles have to offer in a lot of these games. No wonder they take plays off.

I was never a world-class athlete, but in high school I could get up and down the court without being winded much, and could dig deep for a push at the end of a tough game. One of the 3 dunks I had in a high school games came near the end of an OT game when I and 2 other guys had played all but something like 3 minutes of the game time. We had a breakaway and I went up and technically had a dunk (the ball cleared the rim, I followed it and pushed it through the hoop with my hand on top of the rim. That's a dunk, right? LOL I could not palm the ball so that was my only option). I was thoroughly exhausted at that point, but I got one more big jump out of my tired legs and it was cool and a lot of fun and gave us like a 6 point lead or something. We ended up winning. Then I went home and ate like 4 plates of spaghetti my mom had made (she makes great spaghetti), and then I slept like 14 hours.

I cannot imagine the physical strain on these guys at this level. And for that many games. The 20-odd games we played in HS with the tournament and all were plenty for me. I felt like I was tired all the time, I could eat like a horse, and my muscles felt like jello a lot. What must it be like to be working at the level of a Donovan Mitchell. Insane. So taking plays off is not a surprise, especially at the end of an intense game. It takes serious mental fortitude to push past your human physical endurance levels and squeeze out that one last burst of speed or power to make that big play. Frankly I am surprised we don't see more of them take plays off like that. Of course, that is the different between us basic HS or even college players and the pros. Frankly, it is awesome to watch.
If 95% of college, or NBA players don't get back on defense they'd be benched.
I'm hoping we learn from our mistakes by postseason. Hopefully this makes our team stronger. This was a humbling experience, no doubt.
Thanks for reading. I mean it’s pretty much the same script as all of our meltdowns IMO which is why I’ve basically lost hope until if and when there’s a coaching change. I really feel like we have the roster (tools) to take it all this year but Snyder doesn’t understand how or when to use them. I went back looking through your posts (thought it was you said something about learning from Denver’s win) and found this from KqWIN which I agree with:
“Tonight was another full on display on why Quin Snyder is the most overrated coach in the league. Can't make a single adjustment to save a life. Once things go off script, he's useless. In fact, he's worse than useless because he sticks to the same thing that obviously isn't working. He is a massive roadblock for this team.”
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Too bad you aren't using reading comprehension bro. It's like you're looking over the main points, and creating a narrative to suit your argument. How is it hating when it's speaking facts? The dubbed greatest player of all time shouldn't be hanging out under the teams basket while the rest of the team is down the floor playing defense. Sorry you can't see that.

Jordan did that too. All players do.

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