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Firewall blocking connection


Well-Known Member
2022 Prediction Contest Winner
This happened early in the morning for 3-4 hours and got fixed on its own but the error started again. Weirdly, It only happens when I am trying to access Utah Jazz forum, all other forums are accesible. I have tried mobile data and wifi but it doesn't change anything on Android.

Vpn seems to solve it but I would rather not use it.

Good luck.


  • Screenshot_2022-08-29-19-47-43-638_com.android.chrome.jpg
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Can you tell me if this continued or continues from here? Tried a setting change a few hours back as you’re the second report but it could take up to 24 hours to appear based on your isp.
Can you tell me if this continued or continues from here? Tried a setting change a few hours back as you’re the second report but it could take up to 24 hours to appear based on your isp.
It happened right after I posted it but was fine 30 minutes later. Haven't happened since then so maybe it's fixed. Will let you know if it happens again.
Can you tell me if this continued or continues from here? Tried a setting change a few hours back as you’re the second report but it could take up to 24 hours to appear based on your isp.
It's back again.
Same issue here, intermittently. Both from my workstation at work (which appears to come out of Netherlands, due to company VPN) and from laptop in Norway. Both Firefox on Linux.

Has been going on for some days, I can often get back in by doing a captcha to unblock, then I get an error from the forum, but can get in via New Posts or something like that. Weird stuff.
Thanks all. We think we have the cause so working through how best to resolve.

@hgb would you say that it wasn’t as prevalent until the last 12 hours or so relative to the two days prior to that?
Thanks all. We think we have the cause so working through how best to resolve.

@hgb would you say that it wasn’t as prevalent until the last 12 hours or so relative to the two days prior to that?
There was at least a period which was better. I do believe I saw it a couple of times before these past 12-ish hours (well, probably more like 16 now), but definitely more prevalent lately.