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Following Potential 2018 Draftees

Keep an eye on Jaylen Hands. Not sure if he'd come out this year, but he's been underrated all year with Holliday handling the ball so much for UCLA. I think he can swing between guard spots.

He is likely to return and compete to be one of the top PG's off the board in the 2019 draft. UCLA's team next year will be better for him to showcase on, especially if Kris Wilkes stays too.. He's a true speed merchaant and so quick his floor isn't really far below the fringe first..
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I'm Paraphrasing but last night Fran Fraschilla probably said it best;

"Every year there's kids that come out of nowhere that look really good, and this year, Kouat Noi is one of them"

I agree 1000% with that statement.

We are reaching the point in the season where some crazy high FG or 3pt %'s should be dropping but some aren't.

46% 3's on 3.7 attempts per game and he only plays 20minutes a night......

Just look at his per 40 minutes stats... They read 20points 11 boards 1.5 stls and 3.4 3pt makes per game (on 7.5 attempts..)

He's capable of a meteoric rise up all boards, i'm sure of it, when I first posted about him here I said i liked him better than Deng Adel at UL, whos solid...

Redshirt Freshman born 10/29/97

Here's the highlights of Shamorie Ponds dropping 33 on Duke in the upset, the last 3 was well defended too LOL.

The Johnnies have #1 Nova on schedule tonight. Should be a nice showdown with Jalen Brunson, in their last matchup Ponds dropped 37...

He just started playing basketball a few years ago IDK how u could possibly try and say his ceiling is 'wont sniff the NBA' at this point. This is the type of kid who can do okay in college and get drafted in the late 1st, or dominate and go in the lottery, he is a premier shot-blocker and force on the oboards...

If those players I mentioned back in the day made no noise years later, then you'd certainly be unimpressed? no? I'm not here to impress u anyways. This is great year for seniors as far as I'm concerned, and it just so happens that many of them were favorites of mine before they played a game (too many to list or I would..) and I mentioned them here..

Lets also not pretend that there's 4 years of players I've been hyping on this forum in college right now.... y'all been repeating this basic complaint on different troll accounts for years to me but now i've been here long enough where there's ...

IDK if you actually look at these recruiting and mock draft lists they are pretty big (multiply that by 4-years and honestly sometimes a 5-th cuz of cases like Bagley and Anfernee Simons..) my comments believe it or not, are filed down there's been a long process of elimination that takes place before I even drop a name, it just so happens there's a lot of names because amateurs are better than ever (see Donovan Mitchell)..

If only we could look at all the names you posted back in the day.

Alas, you deleted your posts after one of your annual "sabbaticals".
Can't help but think JJJ might be worthy of #1 overall. Not a scorer at this point, but could still develop that and is so good in other aspects and with his physical and athletic traits. It would be risky because he's not playing a lot of minutes and having the production that comes with minutes, but damn- he's impressive.

By far the youngest of the top prospects as well.
If only we could look at all the names you posted back in the day.

Alas, you deleted your posts after one of your annual "sabbaticals".

That sounds a lot like an excuse to me. You can't muster up ammo to fire at me because I deleted the posts? C'mon now. clearly; if you knew better you'd do better..

If those posts still existed I'd be bumping em way more than you guys cuz now that I'm here for years I can establish trends and demonstrate how I roll on a larger sample size..

I deleted them because I never needed to be an i told u so type of dude cuz I know more than u right now at this very second. I can demonstrate the knowledge at the drop of a hat, just give me the test -- I'll pass it.. I am like some insane samurai who's just isolated training, waiting to be tested.. Clearly I'm getting better, I still feel like I have a lot to learn tho.

There was a list I did of 100's of prospects many summers ago... The Wasatch Academy kid Penn-Johnson was an honorable mention back then and HE JUST STARTED PLAYING BALL, and he was like 6'8" or 6'9" MAX back then..

Facts of the matter is i'm often WAY ahead of the curve.. It's not magic, it's not because I am in fact a grand ****ing wizard, it's because I follow recruiting. end of story. Many of those deleted posts were spectacularly on point.. I'm like a musical artist with too many hits to list in this bitch....
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You are the most fantastical of them all. Congrats! You're a prospect guru on an obscure basketball message board. We're all very proud of you.
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You are the most fantastical of them all. Congrats! You're a prospect guru on an obscure basketball message board. We're all very proud of you.

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Shelley’s Poetry and Prose (1977)
Yes. I certainly shall despair over your knowledge of teenaged basketball players.

I have no idea at all how I'll live without it. Thank you so much for pointing that out to me!
LOL.. What would make this thread more readable is if y'all actually watched prospects and the games and discussed on the court ****...

This thread just sits here collecting dust while dozens of MAJOR ****ing matchups go on.. This thread is a ****ign case-study of recency bias, I'm one of the only members here saving it from that.. Everytime I speak on chronology u try to make it like i'm puffing my chest out tho, its queer that thats your reaction -- but thats a discussion you need to have with a professional.

Instead we have a bunch of wanna-be-know-it-alls, who'd obviously never put in 1/10000th of the time needed to speak on what they think they know, who want to pass along 3rd hand info while casting weak UNFOUNDED stones at AMATEURS, based on woefully small sample-sizes, who don't want to be remanded by ME, for spreading false info.... so instead they aim their crosshairs at me personally, and the quality of the discussion plummets, and nothing is accomplished, no real information is exchanged --- it's like how many females operate..

George Carlin has a great bit on how dudes talk on the phone that certainly wasn't absorbed by some of Jazzfanz Semantics warriors.. I drop paragraphs but they are chock full of pertinent details..

Look at this dudes posts, it's all fluff. Get off the T-I-P of my ****...U mad cuz I know the best HS prospects in Utah better than the Utah natives here and I'll waive it right in their faces. There's this fantastically talented kid in a Utah HS but look at how you've chosen to steer the conversation away from this kid who's mentioned here STRICTLY based on merit, who's the hater here?..... if you were running this site and said "Gee we don't want it to seem like PG_AB is really just the onlyone posting in this thread", you'd send some alt to come here, just as he's done, and try to artificially run up the post count (with off-topic discussion) to make it seem like this thread is actually alive, when it's mostly dead even in a lottery bound season.. and I'm the man who killed it, who's here dancing on its grave...
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One of the top Canadians in prepschool Lugentz Dort is gonna be eligible for the 2018 draft even tho he's signed to go to Arizona St. next year.... I always liked this kid, thought he'd be rated higher if he was a domestic product......... if he can work on that shot he'll pass the eye test with ease. Definitely could be worth a flier in the 2nd rd.. He attacks the rim with extreme aggression like Donovan Mitchell, they sorta built the same too..

Question. If I have somebody on ignore, can they still see my posts?
yup. the ignore function on this forum is poorly constructed tbh. I have always invited anyone who doesn't like my posts to put me on ignore. Go for it.

Look at the responses I get here tho, it's poetic.. Is it not? U pick a fight then cover your ears like some autistic kid.
Not sure why you guys let pgab bother you. He's harmless. He mentions guys, i watch to see what i think. No reason to make it any bigger than that.
Can't help but think JJJ might be worthy of #1 overall. Not a scorer at this point, but could still develop that and is so good in other aspects and with his physical and athletic traits. It would be risky because he's not playing a lot of minutes and having the production that comes with minutes, but damn- he's impressive.

By far the youngest of the top prospects as well.

He'd sure be sweet on the Jazz. With him on the perimeter or high-post and Gobert down low, we'd be pretty potent on both ends.