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Anyway, to me this feels a lot like punishing a whistleblower. Anyone have any more insight?
Uri Berliner is under contract with NPR and is constrained from competing with NPR by appearing on other news content without prior written consent from NPR. He violated that and was suspended for five days without pay along with being warned that if he did it again he'd be let go.

I really dislike the idea that contacts can be ignored if the reason is good enough. If you sign a contract with a non-disclosure or non-disparagement provision and were duly compensated then STFU. We all know NPR is leftist garbage that doesn't hold a candle to the standards they had in decades past. Uri Berliner may be a truth teller but he is a truth teller that was under contract and he deserves to get suspended for five days without pay for violating a thing he promised to abide by.
Uri Berliner is under contract with NPR and is constrained from competing with NPR by appearing on other news content without prior written consent from NPR. He violated that and was suspended for five days without pay along with being warned that if he did it again he'd be let go.

I really dislike the idea that contacts can be ignored if the reason is good enough. If you sign a contract with a non-disclosure or non-disparagement provision and were duly compensated then STFU. We all know NPR is leftist garbage that doesn't hold a candle to the standards they had in decades past. Uri Berliner may be a truth teller but he is a truth teller that was under contract and he deserves to get suspended for five days without pay for violating a thing he promised to abide by.
Science Friday, This American Life and Radiolab are just as good now as they were decades ago. Not sure WTF you're talking about? Radio West still pretty good, too.
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Not sure where to post this but it feels like a good discussion topic. Maybe we can have a thread to post news pieces that don't necessarily fit elsewhere.

Anyway, to me this feels a lot like punishing a whistleblower. Anyone have any more insight?

Its a pretty stupid thing to do, I consume news from NPR here, its one of the few respected American news outlets internationally. Its not the BBC or the ABC but it is internationally respected. The far right is mobilising against independent non partisan media and public media. Calling out the republican party and Trumpsters for their blatant misconduct and lying is a public duty for a journalist. Its a difficult line to walk because of the duty to balance but how can you balance when one side is indifferent to reality, does that make the other side perfect no but preferable.

This is media watch, its a weekly ABC show into media culture, been one of my favourite TV shows for the last 30 years. The last story (theres three stories this week) is on the misconduct of one of their own networks journalists.

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The far right is mobilising against independent non partisan media and public media.
The right wing politicians are mobilizing to make NPR independent, as in cut their government funding so they aren't being financed by the state to produce political propaganda for the Democrat party such as the disinformation effort to convince the public the President's son's laptop full of incriminating evidence was fake when it clearly was actually Hunter Biden's real laptop. If the Democrats want a media outlet to parrot their talking points then they should call up and donate to keep NPR alive but the taxpayers shouldn't be forced at the point of a gun to support it. NPR should be totally, completely, absolutely independent from the state with zero dollars and zero cents coming from government sources in terms of their revenue.
right wing politicians are mobilizing to make NPR independent, as in cut their government funding so they aren't being financed by the state to produce political propaganda for the Democrat party
Tell me you don’t use NPR without telling me you use NPR.
The right wing politicians are mobilizing to make NPR independent, as in cut their government funding so they aren't being financed by the state to produce political propaganda for the Democrat party such as the disinformation effort to convince the public the President's son's laptop full of incriminating evidence was fake when it clearly was actually Hunter Biden's real laptop. If the Democrats want a media outlet to parrot their talking points then they should call up and donate to keep NPR alive but the taxpayers shouldn't be forced at the point of a gun to support it. NPR should be totally, completely, absolutely independent from the state with zero dollars and zero cents coming from government sources in terms of their revenue.

The rights not interested in independence, they want collaborators and compliance. In a better time in our history people who supported this **** and acted in the ways that Trump would encourage people to act were treated very differently. I and millions of others consider them to be traitors, in the good old day these morally bankrupt scumbags would be put up against a wall and shot and that's exactly what they deserve.
The rights not interested in independence, they want collaborators and compliance. In a better time in our history people who supported this **** and acted in the ways that Trump would encourage people to act were treated very differently. I and millions of others consider them to be traitors, in the good old day these morally bankrupt scumbags would be put up against a wall and shot and that's exactly what they deserve.
That would be the difference between us. I want NPR to be independent from the influence provided by government funding while you want people you don't like to put up against a wall and shot.
NPR is propaganda. Listen to the new psycho of a CEO. Listen to what she says about the truth and the first amendment. They are both challenges for her.... If those are challenges you aren't working in journalism, you are working in propaganda.

View: https://twitter.com/Wise1Philosophy/status/1780676261154574360

“Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.”
Why would you want to find common ground with liars? How can truth get in the way when you're a journalist? gtfo

"My truth" is that she is a liar and a propogandist. She wants to protect the rights of billionaires and platforms, but definitely not regular Americans.

View: https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1780597079439446250

NPR's CEO is a propogandist

View: https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1781877961034981403
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That would be the difference between us. I want NPR to be independent from the influence provided by government funding while you want people you don't like to put up against a wall and shot.
“The purpose of propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human” - Aldous Huxley

I’d say the propaganda is working pretty good on some of these morons.
Not sure where to post this but it feels like a good discussion topic. Maybe we can have a thread to post news pieces that don't necessarily fit elsewhere.

Anyway, to me this feels a lot like punishing a whistleblower. Anyone have any more insight?

There should be an option to exclude certain posters from crapping all over threads. You asked a good question and I’m not sure you’re getting very good answers. I guess we can’t expect much when trolls can run rampant as they currently do.
Actually, @Jason a more effective tool might be an “exclude poster” option for threads rather than ignore option. How difficult would that be to add? Could such a thing be added? That would almost certainly eliminate trolls. They’re derailing almost every thread in GF no matter what the topic is. It would probably cut down on the amount of moderating necessary as well since the oxygen these trolls consume would be essentially eliminated.
Not sure where to post this but it feels like a good discussion topic. Maybe we can have a thread to post news pieces that don't necessarily fit elsewhere.

Anyway, to me this feels a lot like punishing a whistleblower. Anyone have any more insight?

I guess I wasn't responding to your question directly... It's less "punishing a whistleblower" and more like disciplining a cult member that I guess decides he wants to be excommunicated.