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Game Thread: Denver Nuggets @ Utah Jazz. 7pm MST.

I really have to wonder how much this enthusiasm is just delusion though. If we really keep these guys together, could we really contend for a title?

Sent from the JazzFanz app

This group as constituted, with personal improvement in mind, is not a true contnder. They are a playoff team but will not win it all.

They need 1-2 more players in the back court or for 1-2 current players to unexpectedly explode the way Rudy did. One player doing that is awesome, two a miracle. 3? Not a chance.
After watching that video I'm impressed. I had this image of Exum making passes that would convert but instead I see him dribbling all over the place with his head up making tight passes for assists. Amazing. Super excited to see if he keeps this up. I don't care if he scores 2 points a game as long as he can get assists and play defense. I just want to yell, "Where have you been, Dante?" Assist city.
Considering that he hit the rookie wall at freight train speed, I'm really impressed that he played as well as he did this late in the season. Im hoping it's just a sign of more to come. If he can put together 3-4 more games like that AND a solid offseason. . . he could be ahead of the curve by next season.
Geez, what a frick'n killjoy. While it's eminently true that the rest of the posters here lack your erudite sophistication and real world smarts, why not dig deep and find it within yourself to let them have some fun, and to summon up some optimism and hope for the future after a succession of less than stellar seasons. At the same time, we'll consent to allow you to continue to feel smugly superior.


I guess that one went right over your head...

It's a joke ya know, like how I obviously know that we aren't going to beat teams by 80 points every night. That's what makes it funny! I am also in on the enthusiastic kool-aid drinking fun.

Jokes man, everyone else seemed to get it.
I really have to wonder how much this enthusiasm is just delusion though. If we really keep these guys together, could we really contend for a title?

Sent from the JazzFanz app

That's the million dollar question. You need three to win a title, right? Duncan, Ginobili, Parker. Wade, LeBron, Bosh. Jordan, Pippen, Rodman. Stock, Malone, Horny.

I believe Favors and Gobert are two. BUT, I don't think either are LeBron, Shaq, Jordan, Duncan, Malone, etc. So, we need that guy. I think Hayward is behind those two.

So, we still need that one. Either we need a Reggie White to want to come here (which probably isn't happening) or we need Exum to become that guy. I believe that Exum can become a star. I believe that his size, leadership, smarts, and ability are good enough to become a guy to carry a team to a title.

The question is, can Exum reach his potential?

I dunno. I hope so. I LOVE how the Jazz are bringing him along. They are putting him in positions to win. He is doing things he can be successful at. He can hit open threes. He can defend. We saw him take a baby step forward last night in getting into the lane. Dante will go into the offseason full of confidence.

He's never been knocked on his butt. He's never gone 2-20. He's never had a 10 TO game. He knows he can be an elite defender. He knows he can hit an open three. He knows he can be a top flight passer in the NBA. Hopefully this year ends and he knows he can get into the paint at will.

This summer, he knows what to work on: strength and handles.

Dante is the key. If Dante pans out, I think Favors, Gobert and Dante can win a title. That the best defensive three players in the NBA. Favors is coming along nicely offensively. Gobert will be good enough offensively. Can you give the ball to Exum down 10 with five minutes to go, and can be get you 15 points, either through assists and scoring? That's the question.
This group as constituted, with personal improvement in mind, is not a true contnder. They are a playoff team but will not win it all.

They need 1-2 more players in the back court or for 1-2 current players to unexpectedly explode the way Rudy did. One player doing that is awesome, two a miracle. 3? Not a chance.

Rodney Hood, anyone...?
That's the million dollar question. You need three to win a title, right? Duncan, Ginobili, Parker. Wade, LeBron, Bosh. Jordan, Pippen, Rodman. Stock, Malone, Horny.

I believe Favors and Gobert are two. BUT, I don't think either are LeBron, Shaq, Jordan, Duncan, Malone, etc. So, we need that guy. I think Hayward is behind those two.

So, we still need that one. Either we need a Reggie White to want to come here (which probably isn't happening) or we need Exum to become that guy. I believe that Exum can become a star. I believe that his size, leadership, smarts, and ability are good enough to become a guy to carry a team to a title.

The question is, can Exum reach his potential?

I dunno. I hope so. I LOVE how the Jazz are bringing him along. They are putting him in positions to win. He is doing things he can be successful at. He can hit open threes. He can defend. We saw him take a baby step forward last night in getting into the lane. Dante will go into the offseason full of confidence.

He's never been knocked on his butt. He's never gone 2-20. He's never had a 10 TO game. He knows he can be an elite defender. He knows he can hit an open three. He knows he can be a top flight passer in the NBA. Hopefully this year ends and he knows he can get into the paint at will.

This summer, he knows what to work on: strength and handles.

Dante is the key. If Dante pans out, I think Favors, Gobert and Dante can win a title. That the best defensive three players in the NBA. Favors is coming along nicely offensively. Gobert will be good enough offensively. Can you give the ball to Exum down 10 with five minutes to go, and can be get you 15 points, either through assists and scoring? That's the question.

I think that Defense is the key. Jazz went to the finals because Ostertag could protect the rim. Once he went to suck, the jazz couldn't even get back to the conference finals. Generally, really good playoff teams get some pieces of the defensive puzzle, but not all of it. I think we have everything we need but depth and experience on the defensive side.

Do you remember in the finals the games where the bulls held us to under 60 points? The Jazz ran a very, very good offense, but the ability to dictate with defense is what made Jordan's game winning shot possible. I believe our defense can be as good as the late 90's Bulls, maybe better. The question is can we score enough when things get tight. I've seen Hayward do it. I've seen Favors do it, those free throws by Gobert the other night were huge for his development. Trey can score in the waning moments. We have no clue about Exum. By the time one of those guys turns 27 or 28 there is a possibility that one or more of them can be go to guys even if we just roll with what we have. Our defense is good enough I don't think we need a Jordan. We need a guy or two, but it is not out of the question that those guys are already in the system.
I'm just posting in a game thread because it feels like it should be a game day. This is the first time in a month the Jazz have had back-to-back days with no game :(
I'm just posting in a game thread because it feels like it should be a game day. This is the first time in a month the Jazz have had back-to-back days with no game :(

Soon enough, we'll have to go months without games. :(
I really have to wonder how much this enthusiasm is just delusion though. If we really keep these guys together, could we really contend for a title?

You what is cool though? It is not ridiculous now to think that this team could possibly contend. Yeah, a stretch but not a crazy thought like it would have been in November. The D is absolutely stellar, and it is amazing to see what Quin gets out of some marginal NBA talent. I believe that the Gobert-Exum squad will get to a finals at some point.