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Makes sense why the nba and nfl have about the same amount of every race in them
An out of context quote that completely disregards everything I said in order to keep you from reexamining your opinions in a meaningful way. Since that's how you want to play it, I won't waste your time or mine.
Most black people are NOT athletic. It is true that certain groups will have small physical differences that give them notable advantages over others at high levels of competition. For example, people of West African descent will typically have minute differences in fast twitch muscle fibers and a couple of others things that make me the best sprinters. Yet, the difference between a world class sprinter from European descent and one from West African descent is like 0.1 seconds or some ****.

I play with over 20 black dudes at the gym every Saturday. Not a single one of them is specially athletic.

Stereotypes act as a barrier to true understanding, and I do think we should let go of them.

You might be on to something....... being surrounded by white people may actually cause the loss of athleticism. Black people born and raised in Utah are in grave danger.
0.1 seconds for a sprinter is actually a lot...and the difference is usually more like 0.3-0.4 tenths at a minimum.
An out of context quote that completely disregards everything I said in order to keep you from reexamining your opinions in a meaningful way. Since that's how you want to play it, I won't waste your time or mine.
Good post but only an idiot would think that a statement like "black people are athletic" means literally ALL black people. No one thinks all black people are athletic and everyone should understand that. Obviously there are elderly black people, crippled black people, infant black people and some black people that were not blessed with athleticism.

That's why I think it's dumb that a statement like "a higher percentage of black people are athletic than other races" is not racist, but a statement like "black people are athletic" is racist. Everyone should know that those two sentences mean the exact same thing (since its obvious that not every black person is athletic)
Exactly. But when people in the US say "athletic," it generally means one of the Big3 sports in the U.S. and perhaps track and field. Now throw in hockey, swimming, golf, soccer, ice skating, etc. and the numbers change quite significantly. AS Clinton famously said, it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
Exactly. But when people in the US say "athletic," it generally means one of the Big3 sports in the U.S. and perhaps track and field. Now throw in hockey, swimming, golf, soccer, ice skating, etc. and the numbers change quite significantly. AS Clinton famously said, it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
Please don't mention golf and athleticism together
A golfer is every bit as athletic as some of those fat-assed DH's in the American League.
Maybe. But I wouldn't call a fat *** swinging a bat athletic

I think some people think that because something is difficult it makes you an athlete if you can do it. (Golf, hitting a baseball, driving a race car, etc)
Sewing takes hand eye coordination and not everyone can do it well, that doesn't mean you are athletic cause you can sew.
Same with golfing, racing cars, hitting a baseball...... yes it's very hard to be really good at those things but I don't consider that being athletic.

My interpretation of being athletic is based primarily off speed and jumping ability. But that is just my definition.
Maybe. But I wouldn't call a fat *** swinging a bat athletic

I think some people think that because something is difficult it makes you an athlete if you can do it. (Golf, hitting a baseball, driving a race car, etc)
Sewing takes hand eye coordination and not everyone can do it well, that doesn't mean you are athletic cause you can sew.
Same with golfing, racing cars, hitting a baseball...... yes it's very hard to be really good at those things but I don't consider that being athletic.

My interpretation of being athletic is based primarily off speed and jumping ability. But that is just my definition.
But maybe baseball players who can steal bases and play CF, 2nd base or SS are athletic. I forgot to put swimming in there as well. Definitely need speed and endurance. You don't leap, per se (except off the blocks), but the leg strokes probably count as an action which on land would translate.

Again, back to my quote of Clinton (what the definition of "is" is). You have a very narrow version of "athletic" which is probably not shared by most. In fact, the Oxford dictionary defines athletic as being "physically strong, fit and active." BY that definition you don't have to be fast nor jump high to be considered athletic (although one who does is certainly athletic).

I'm not defending golf. In fact, I've only done it a few times in my life. My point is that the original statement of 'blacks being more athletic" is largely derived by our observation of just a few select sports which are or have been dominated by "athletes" of darker skin color (please read further before calling me racist here). So just include soccer in the group, which is the most widely played sport in the world. It certainly takes speed and leg strength to play. The action of kicking a ball at the goal or 40-50 yards downfield would be equivalent to leaping, IMO. So even by your definition, I would classify most soccer players as being "athletic." And for those who might consider my earlier phrase "racist," I mean no offense by using "black" or "darker skin color" instead of "African-American." I don't use the latter phrase because we need to include people of all nationalities in the discussion. It's also extremely difficult to classify many people as one race vs. another. Having lived in Brazil for a year, I can tell you most are of mixed race.

What am I arguing? I don't know. I guess it's that the original stereotype which Americans have heard for decades contains a lot of bias: first, the very definition of "athletic" and second, the sport(s) being observed to arrive at that broad generalization.
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But maybe baseball players who can steal bases and play CF, 2nd base or SS are athletic. I forgot to put swimming in there as well. Definitely need speed and endurance. You don't leap, per se (except off the blocks), but the leg strokes probably count as an action which on land would translate.

Again, back to my quote of Clinton. You have a very narrow version of "athletic" which is probably not shared by most. In fact, the Oxford dictionary defines athletic as being "physically strong, fit and active." BY that definition you don't have to be fast nor jump high to be considered athletic (although one who does is certainly athletic).

I'm not defending golf. In fact, I've only done it a few times in my life. My point is that the original statement of 'blacks being more athletic" is largely derived by our observation of just a few select sports which are or have been dominated by "athletes" of darker skin color (please see my last sentence before calling me racist here). So just include soccer in the group, which is the most widely played sport. Even by your definition, it takes speed and leg strength to play. The action of kicking a ball at the goal or 40-50 yards downfield would be equivalent to leaping, IMO. Also, I mean no offense by using "black instead of "African-American." I don't use the latter phrase because we need to include people of all nationalities in the discussion.
So then how about "a higher percentage of black people are faster and can jump higher than other races"

So then how about "a higher percentage of black people are faster and can jump higher than other races"

Probably true.

And how the hell did a thread talking about the Laker game end up on this topic?
An arguably less athletic Jazz team won? :confused:
So it's racist to say black people are athletic..... but not racist to say most black people are athletic.
Ok. I think that is stupid.

Oh and no one should say the sky is blue because sometimes it isnt blue. Dont say babies are cute cause some babies are not cute. Blah blah blah

Also why would people get upset over recieving a compliment like black people are athletic?
If someone was to say white people are good looking I certainly would not get upset and cry racism.... I would just say thanks
Does not matter if it's mean or nice, grouping people together as one and saying they are all something is racist. It's not a compliment to say all black people are athletic it's making an assumption based on their race that may or may not be true. Being grouped in with others in a compliment that is not true is not a compliment. It's like me saying you're attractive because you're white, when you know you are not attractive, and you know I know you are not, but I said it as a compliment right?
Making an assumption about some one, even if it has a higher likelihood of being true, based on their race is what racism is. It's okay to think those things, they pop in all of our heads, but it's racist and needs to be acknowledged as such. I think racist things sometimes I just try to realize it's racist and correct my error.
Does not matter if it's mean or nice, grouping people together as one and saying they are all something is racist.

Like I said before, if you really think that a statement "black people are athletic" literally means ALL black people, then you are not very bright.
Why would you take that statement literally but not all other statements?
If I met you and said "what's up?", would you think I literally meant that I want to know what objects are above me?
If I call you bro, do you think that I truly believe we have the same parents?
Try not to take statements literally, use your judgement, and realize context and you will have no problem understanding that a statement like "black people are athletic" does not mean that literally every black person is athletic. I think that would be quite obvious since like I said before, we all know that there are black elderly, black infants, blacks that are sick or injured, and blacks that just simply were not blessed with athleticism.

I guess I'm sorry for saying something that people find offensive and racist...... I just feel that people get upset over the dumbest and most harmless things nowadays and I think it hurts society, not helps, to be so easily offended.
Like I said before, if you really think that a statement "black people are athletic" literally means ALL black people, then you are not very bright.
Why would you take that statement literally but not all other statements?
If I met you and said "what's up?", would you think I literally meant that I want to know what objects are above me?
If I call you bro, do you think that I truly believe we have the same parents?
Try not to take statements literally, use your judgement, and realize context and you will have no problem understanding that a statement like "black people are athletic" does not mean that literally every black person is athletic. I think that would be quite obvious since like I said before, we all know that there are black elderly, black infants, blacks that are sick or injured, and blacks that just simply were not blessed with athleticism.

I guess I'm sorry for saying something that people find offensive and racist...... I just feel that people get upset over the dumbest and most harmless things nowadays and I think it hurts society, not helps, to be so easily offended.
Does not offend me at all. Just explaining why it's the definition of racism. I don't think you are saying every last black person is athletic. You are simple making assumptions about people based on race. Also if you called me bro I would assume you're a dbag white guy.
Does not offend me at all. Just explaining why it's the definition of racism. I don't think you are saying every last black person is athletic. You are simple making assumptions about people based on race. Also if you called me bro I would assume you're a dbag white guy.

Lol. Making assumptions about a person based off usage of a harmless 3 letter word and thinking that classifies them into a race of people is ok doe.
Lol. Making assumptions about a person based off usage of a harmless 3 letter word and thinking that classifies them into a race of people is ok doe.
Nope, I make assumptions all the time about people, including based on race, and it's racist.