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Gobert Makes Conference Finals Before Mitchell

Also I don't think Edwards has had a single top 5 finish in MVP voting.
The narrative initially goes:

1. Rudy sucks and won’t elevate anything.
2. Especially Minnesota because Minnesota sucks and is a loser franchise.

Then when this falls apart, do people respond with recognizing that maybe Rudy was good? No, they double down on the part of their opinion above that was emotionally charged and adapt as follows:

1. Rudy sucks.
2. Minnesota is awesome despite Rudy!

YoungJefe did this recently by going from “Minnesota is a fringe playoff team” to Rudy’s playoff success due to being surrounded by “a god squad.”

The narrative around Rudy’s team seems to change based around which view allows people to continue with their belief in Rudy sucking. Everything else is pliable.
The narrative initially goes:

1. Rudy sucks and won’t elevate anything.
2. Especially Minnesota because Minnesota sucks and is a loser franchise.

Then when this falls apart, do people respond with recognizing that maybe Rudy was good? No, they double down on the part of their opinion above that was emotionally charged and adapt as follows:

1. Rudy sucks.
2. Minnesota is awesome despite Rudy!

YoungJefe did this recently by going from “Minnesota is a fringe playoff team” to Rudy’s playoff success due to being surrounded by “a god squad.”
Also when Rudy/Minny wins

1. Lol why do y'all care so much
I have never rooted for any non-Jazz player to win a championship as much as I'm rooting for Rudy. Tons of people need shutting up and championship is not the be-all and end all, but just as it happens the most annoying ones actually believe that so... I really hope Minny wins it all this year.
The narrative initially goes:

1. Rudy sucks and won’t elevate anything.
2. Especially Minnesota because Minnesota sucks and is a loser franchise.

Then when this falls apart, do people respond with recognizing that maybe Rudy was good? No, they double down on the part of their opinion above that was emotionally charged and adapt as follows:

1. Rudy sucks.
2. Minnesota is awesome despite Rudy!

YoungJefe did this recently by going from “Minnesota is a fringe playoff team” to Rudy’s playoff success due to being surrounded by “a god squad.”

The narrative around Rudy’s team seems to change based around which view allows people to continue with their belief in Rudy sucking. Everything else is pliable.
First it was "Rudy can't guard the perimeter"... Followed by Rudy(and the whole Minny team, because believe it or not basketball is a team game) shut down what was supposed to be his worst ever matchup in PHX mid-3.

Then it was "Rudy can't guard his own man"... when his own man is a guy that nobody in the league has been able to stop for the last 3-4 years. Then citing 8/9 of Jokic vs Gobert in game 5... conveniently avoiding to mention that he was 11/28 in the previous games vs Gobert...

Then the all encompassing and ever present "Rudy gets played of the floor in the playoffs" ... well Rudy has the highest +/- in this playoffs and this is with him missing the easiest +/- grab in game 2 when every Minny starter was +30-+40...
I have never rooted for any non-Jazz player to win a championship as much as I'm rooting for Rudy. Tons of people need shutting up and championship is not the be-all and end all, but just as it happens the most annoying ones actually believe that so... I really hope Minny wins it all this year.
I tried with Dwill after the trade, but the Nets were awful to watch.

Minnesota is enjoyable to watch. The Jazz aren't in the playoffs. It's cool having some skin in the game. It's actually almost more fun than watching the Jazz because when the Wolves lose it's way less painful. It's like the watching a Jazz playing game is doing heroin, really high highs and low lows, but the Wolves are just having a few drinks.
First it was "Rudy can't guard the perimeter"... Followed by Rudy(and the whole Minny team, because believe it or not basketball is a team game) shut down what was supposed to be his worst ever matchup in PHX mid-3.

Then it was "Rudy can't guard his own man"... when his own man is a guy that nobody in the league has been able to stop for the last 3-4 years. Then citing 8/9 of Jokic vs Gobert in game 5... conveniently avoiding to mention that he was 11/28 in the previous games vs Gobert...

Then the all encompassing and ever present "Rudy gets played of the floor in the playoffs" ... well Rudy has the highest +/- in this playoffs and this is with him missing the easiest +/- grab in game 2 when every Minny starter was +30-+40...
Side note: a big thing that is missed in the "who guards Jokic" conversation is that these guys can guard Jokic well because Gobert is there to help and close off the Aaron Gordon lobs/passing lanes.

If Gobert has another Gobert he would guard Jokic much better.
Side note: a big thing that is missed in the "who guards Jokic" conversation is that these guys can guard Jokic well because Gobert is there to help and close off the Aaron Gordon lobs/passing lanes.

If Gobert has another Gobert he would guard Jokic much better.
Yeah... but even if Gobert is not the greatest one-on-one matchup vs Jokic... lets be clear about what exactly we are talking about - we are talking about a generational offensive player... quite possibly the best ever offensive center in the league just being plain unstoppable. And Gobert's value has never been as a one-on-one defender. The whole point of Gobert's defensive impact is that Gobert doesn't guard one player... he guards the whole opposing team in the paint as a help defender. It's shocking to me that some Jazz fans of all people don't understand that when they've been watching him be the best at this for a decade. And of course that allows you all sorts of conveniences when guarding the rest of the floor... like... not leaving shooters open. It's a joy to watch a team buy in and execute defensively around Gobert. I think right now one of the most undersold stories of this playoffs is just how special of a defensive unit that Minny team is. They just held the best offense in the 2020s NBA to scores more representative of the 90s than anything we've seen in the modern era.
Side note: a big thing that is missed in the "who guards Jokic" conversation is that these guys can guard Jokic well because Gobert is there to help and close off the Aaron Gordon lobs/passing lanes.

If Gobert has another Gobert he would guard Jokic much better.
This was the frustrating part of the roster construction of our Rudy teams. We had success running Rudy and Favors, even though Crowder would close and not Favors. We still had defensive success with just Rudy, but even when we had Favors, we saw (or at least it was there for people to see) that Rudy would have to cover the ball handler who came in to the paint and contest the shot. Nobody was behind him to grab rebounds (Bojan or Crowder). This was prominent during our game 6 victory against OKC when OKC got like 3-4 offensive rebounds, and was also why we couldn’t rebound in the clutch.

Imagine that problem fixed with Lauri.

Just saying.
Yeah... but even if Gobert is not the greatest one-on-one matchup vs Jokic... lets be clear about what exactly we are talking about - we are talking about a generational offensive player... quite possibly the best ever offensive center in the league just being plain unstoppable. And Gobert's value has never been as a one-on-one defender. The whole point of Gobert's defensive impact is that Gobert doesn't guard one player... he guards the whole opposing team in the paint as a help defender. It's shocking to me that some Jazz fans of all people don't understand that when they've been watching him be the best at this for a decade. And of course that allows you all sorts of conveniences when guarding the rest of the floor... like... not leaving shooters open. It's a joy to watch a team buy in and execute defensively around Gobert. I think right now one of the most undersold stories of this playoffs is just how special of a defensive unit that Minny team is. They just held the best offense in the 2020s NBA to scores more representative of the 90s than anything we've seen in the modern era.
The more frequent and more loud the Twitter narratives become, the easier it is for many to forget the evidence of their eyes and blend in to a consortium of online orthodoxy. New ownership and new hire FO management among them.
I tried with Dwill after the trade, but the Nets were awful to watch.

Minnesota is enjoyable to watch. The Jazz aren't in the playoffs. It's cool having some skin in the game. It's actually almost more fun than watching the Jazz because when the Wolves lose it's way less painful. It's like the watching a Jazz playing game is doing heroin, really high highs and low lows, but the Wolves are just having a few drinks.
Some skin in the game and is almost more fun than watching the Jazz? What in the actual hell is this post. It’s disgusting coming from a Jazz fan. We used to be a proper fan base.
People dunking on other people about a player on another team who’s our division rival isn’t the flex you think it is.
I don't really like the Rudy and Don hate. But Rudy is just a different player to me. He just doesn't pass the eye test but is undeniably good. I mean seeing Jokic dominate him this series and in yesterdays game the wolves seem to play better when he wasn't on the court. idk Rudy is a weird one for me.
I don't really like the Rudy and Don hate. But Rudy is just a different player to me. He just doesn't pass the eye test but is undeniably good. I mean seeing Jokic dominate him this series and in yesterdays game the wolves seem to play better when he wasn't on the court. idk Rudy is a weird one for me.
You might need to adjust your eyes. Minny is definitely better when he is on the court and the stats back that up big time.