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Good Bye Downs?

But ethicists fear that genetic manipulation could spell the end of the disorder – and of people who have it.


Yeah that would be a...um...bad thing?
It's nuts to me that some people don't want Downs gone due to the positive culture it brings.

Like yeah, I get that it can be positive-- but pool your efforts to other debilitating mental illnesses, like Cri-du-chat or something

Good article Scat

Keep advancing this medicine!

This. I was disturbed by this line in the article:

...it’s unclear what costs there may be to shutting down the mechanism that creates people who offer lessons in patience, kindness -- and what it means to be human.

"If Down syndrome were completely cured, the world would lose something from the absence of that culture," said Skotko, who has a sister with the condition. "There is something positive that people with Down syndrome contribute to the world."

Seriously? You're going to tell these citizens of the world that although we can make you a normal, functioning part of society.. but we won't because you teach us so much as it is? Isn't that a little selfish?

The answer to "Should we get rid of downs" is an emphatic "Yes". To say anything else is..



Can't imagine hesitating because of the culture surrounding downs or the lessons it teaches us. If society has a need for people like that let's start lobotomizing repeat offenders and giving them to families who need to learn patience and kindness. Meanwhile, let's cure these people of their debilitating disease.