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Gotta give credit to corbin

Burks has been such a pleasant surprise recently. Suddenly, he's already a solid rotation player with potential to be so much more.
OK, I have to admit I suspected Corbin would sit Burks in order to give Hayward time. Now we suddenly have a logjam at the wing positions.
If Mo and Earl don't go down with injuries, Burks still is in Corbin's black hole. .....Figuratively, not literally.
LOL.. c'mon Bro.. Big Al with an All Stars performance tonight and you can't see the trees but the speck in your eyes???? COME ONNNNNN!!!!
Burks has been such a pleasant surprise recently. Suddenly, he's already a solid rotation player with potential to be so much more.

i'm not sure if you are sarcastic or not.
for the record i was.

burks has not been a suprise.
everyone except corbin knew what this kid could do.
the injury bug stepped in and gave burks some playing time and now youa re suprised.

if you where sarcastic forget i posted this
Burks is getting quality minutes at PG. With Hayward back, it seems like Carroll is the guy losing minutes, but next game it's possible Carroll will play and someone else will sit.
Burks is easily the best pick and roll guard this team has. Rewatching right now, the way he delivered it to Favs in the 2nd it was perfectly placed.
Burks is getting quality minutes at PG. With Hayward back, it seems like Carroll is the guy losing minutes, but next game it's possible Carroll will play and someone else will sit.

maybe corbin who lacks balls
will give em 2 games carol
2 games burks or something like that.

the way he did with watson and tinsley.

it shows lack of balls
True, but he didn't do this to start the regular season. He's earned his time, good for him, cause he looked like **** for the first 20 games or so.

That's because Corbin starting DNP'ing Burks out of the blue and he didn't know how to handle it. Whenever he did get minutes he ran around like a chicken without a head trying to do 5 things at once. As soon as he starting getting consistent minutes he started producing - to me Corbin gets not credit because it was a no-brainer since day 1.
True, but he didn't do this to start the regular season. He's earned his time, good for him, cause he looked like **** for the first 20 games or so.

to do stuff you need regular consistent minutes.
he was not getting the minutes.

thanks to the coy called injury bug, he finally got consistent minutes
If I were KOC, I'd trade Marvin for some junk expirings and have Corbin start Carroll. DeMarre works well as the 4th/5th option. And if he saw an opportunity to start, there's no doubt he would want to re-sign with the Jazz. Of course, if not playing DeMarre is an attempt to hurt his value as a FA, it won't work. He may get offered a bit less by other teams, but he's not going to want to return to the Jazz.
Corbin is doing what he's paid to do. Win. Of course it's in his best interest this season to play Millsap and Jefferson over Favors and Kanter. Another thing I'll give Corbin credit for is giving his shooters the confidence and freedom to shoot threes. Sloan was quick on the trigger to bench players for chucking up threes or bad shots. Corbin sticks with them. I'm a Corbin fan, he's still learning, but I also know if its a close game and we need a game winning play out of a timeout, it's gonna be an epic fail. Corbin blows in timeouts.
True, but he didn't do this to start the regular season. He's earned his time, good for him, cause he looked like **** for the first 20 games or so.

That's kinda hard to do when you're getting the same amount of minutes as a poster on Jazzfanz.