I did notice. It used phrases like "drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud." (but I notice you didn't say they were Freudians). One of their motivations was to criticize "both the model of science put forward by logical positivism, and what he and his colleagues saw as the covert positivism and authoritarianism of orthodox Marxism and Communism". It talks of using "critique" in the way Kant and Marx used the word. If you actually read the article, you see critical theory distinguishes itself from Marxism and/or analyzes the failures of Marxism in most of the mentions of "Marx" in the article. I mean, did you just do a word count without bothering to to learn anything?
Critical theory was post-modernism-style analysis applied to some political systems, much like critical race theory is a post-modernism-style analysis applied to the relationship between governments and race.
I agree Wikipedia is not a source worthy of use in a professional setting, but this is a comment board, and I feel quite comfortable using it here. That said, if you feel you have a more reliable source on the contents of critical race theory, I would be happy to read a brief summary.
You seem to have lost the thread here. You were responding to the contents of a speech by Gen. Miley, and there was no recommended reading list put forth that I could see. What is your source for this list? I did find this, which mentions Kendi's book as one that uses some principles and ideas:
What are the theorists, critics, and popular authors saying about Critical Race Theory?
Have you read Kendi's definition of "anticapitalist"? Perhaps you could point out to me the parts that are explicitly Marxist in the quote below?
1125 quotes from How to Be an Antiracist: ‘As Audre Lorde said in 1980, “We have all been programmed to respond to the human differences between us with ...