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Hayward/West Incident - Bigger Issue ?

I think Hayward's full of crap. When West poked him he just kept walking. Hayward didn't even try to make eye contact with him.


I still think Gordon has confidence issues. His body language has gotten better, but he still looks scared out there sometimes. Like he doesn't realize how good he is.

Or maybe he just has incredible self control when somebody pokes their finger in his ear.
I think Hayward's full of crap. When West poked him he just kept walking. Hayward didn't even try to make eye contact with him.

So in order for him to not be full of crap he has to even attempt to engage? Cool story! Thankfully even if he wanted to fight him he kept his head in the game and focused on what the Jazz are trying to do. He retained control. Hell, with what indeed did look like he gave West a shot when the break started, perhaps he was looking for some plausible deniability. I like that he got under West's skin...
Yeah, I don't buy that he wanted to fight ... lol. He sure didn't look like he did; if he so, he would've given West at least a scowl. Instead, he just walked out of harm's way.
This article will explain the "I don't care who it is" part of Earl Watson's tweet. It was directed at Al Jefferson ...


“Gordon’s a better man than me,” Jefferson said, referring to Hayward’s restraint. “But that just shows you the type of person he is. He got the last laugh on the court. Me and Delonte West are good friends. If it had been anybody else that would have done that to me, I probably wouldn’t have took it as well as Gordon did.”

Basically, Earl Watson was saying that it doesn't matter that Delonte West is Big Al's friend. He had to be put in his place by Hayward's teammates. In no way was he suggesting that there was some problem between Hayward and his teammates.
This article will explain the "I don't care who it is" part of Earl Watson's tweet. It was directed at Al Jefferson ...


“Gordon’s a better man than me,” Jefferson said, referring to Hayward’s restraint. “But that just shows you the type of person he is. He got the last laugh on the court. Me and Delonte West are good friends. If it had been anybody else that would have done that to me, I probably wouldn’t have took it as well as Gordon did.”

Basically, Earl Watson was saying that it doesn't matter that Delonte West is Big Al's friend. He had to be put in his place by Hayward's teammates. In no way was he suggesting that there was some problem between Hayward and his teammates.

I wonder if Delonte knows Shirley

The more I get to know Al, the less I care if he were to get traded.
Hayward did the best thing. He kept playing and Utah won the game. Fighting would have eliminated him for that game and at least 2 others. Plus, not the best decision to get in a fight with someone who has been arrested for carrying guns.
Gordon's OK in my book. Fire in the belly, like Earl or Millsap have, is a good thing. But we don't need a bunch of hot heads either. Hayward let his game speak for him. I don't necessarily see that as weakness, but as a cool head and a "take care of business" attitude. Stockton is an example of a fierce competitor with a very cool head.
i also took "doesn't matter who" as a reference to delonte, not gordon.

as a matter of background, remember that delonte has been clinically diagnosed as a manic depressive. he's been the subject of several heart-warming "NBA player battles with being bipolar" stories and his emotionally instability is talked about openly (demarre: "delonte, though... delonte's delonte. does his own thing. you don't know what's going on in his head.")

i took earl's comment to mean that it doesn't matter if the instigator is a clinically proven emotional mess, that you have to protect your teammates from anybody. not the alternative "you have to protect your teammate even if it's some dorky white guy who plays video games and eats lots of subway sandwiches."
As long as Gordon responds to this kind of challenge by elevating his game, I could care less if he ever throws a punch or gets in a guys face.

Just let your game do the talking Gordon.
I thought about this incident and the more I do the more I get pissed no one stood up for Hayward.

Look at Watsons tweet tonite

@Earl_Watson: Just waking up out of surgery... Great win! BUT WE MUST PROTECT OUR TEAMMATES! I don't care who it is!

I don't understand the "I don't care who it is" comment ? Is Hayward not respected by his own teammates ?

Even Corbin played it down and he saw it. Sloan would have gone nuts protecting his player.

WE ARE TOO SOFT. I agree that I wish Hayward would have at least turned around and walked toward West instead of commenting today in the press that his impulse was to fight him...yea ... right...good save.

Also, the league flipped out on Kobe when he called a ref a 'Fin Fa&&ot.

I watched the replay in HD and West looked to end whatever he said with "white boy"

Anyone know what he said ? If you make a racial statement in a game it is supposed to be an immediate ejection....

Don't understand why this is not a bigger deal for what West said, not what he did....

screw watson,