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How did you become a Jazz fan?

i became a jazz fan, i think when my parents got me the nba records book in the 90's. ive always been a stats, numbers, facts, and tidbits kind of guy, even as a kid, and seeing the countless statistical wonders stock and malone provided, forced me to watch. after they made it past barkleys rockets i couldnt stop watching.
Have lived in Los Angeles my whole life. I did not follow basketball when I was younger...one year, 1992, I caught the WCF between the Blazers and the Jazz. I was hooked.

Done. History.
Always good to have a Californian as a Utah Jazz fan.

To put it short, I spent my first eleven years of my existence in the Salt Lake area and being a Jazz fan was inked before I was born. Proud of it, too. Go Jazz!

There are a lot of Jazz fans in California. I've been one since the 1988 Western Semis when the Jazz really took it to the Lakers.
I was a Laker fan in SoCal and then I saw The Light! Hallelujah, Lordamighty, I saw The Light!
When the Jazz played the Bulls into triple overtime in February '92, I had to shoot threes and dunks with my Jazz miniball to relax from the win with my friend. I was a Jazz fan before then but that made it official!
I know how I'm starting to not be a fan of the Jazz. Mostly management and the Miller family never trying hard enough to get good players and keeping crappy ones.
Thought I would bump this thread…

I was born a Jazz fan, everyone in my family is a big Jazz fan. *I think this comes from my grandparents, they had season tickets as far as I can remember. *They had a jazz room at thier house were they stored all the free stuff you got being a season ticket holder and the second me and my siblings stepped into thier house we would b-line to that room and get to pick a couple of things to take home. *This turned mine and my brothers room into a jazz santuary. *One year they handed out cartoon posters of the Jazz players, like Malone dunking into a mail box, but my favorite one was Greg Foster guarding a guy with his shoe in his hand, classic jazz moment!

When I moved to st. George when I was twelve the jazz would have their summer camps here and the Jazz would workout at the Gym my mom worked at. One year I got the whole team to sign my jazz pennant.

During the finals years my best friend was a big Jordan fan,so we had some epic basketball arguments and is the main reason that I absolutely hate Jordan, that and the whole taking two championships from my team!
Born in Utah and the Jazz are the team that dominates the media here.
I was trying to figure out which team to follow, and The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft the Jazz logo from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, JazzSpazz, was to carry the Jazz fandom. THAT is why I am your king.
I went to my first Jazz game in my early 20's in the 82-83 or 83-84 season. The tickets were like $5. I ended up going to about 20 games that year. I bought season tickets the next year and have fully owned or shared season tickets ever since.
I know how I'm starting to not be a fan of the Jazz. Mostly management and the Miller family never trying hard enough to get good players and keeping crappy ones.

This is called speaking of out your ***! You do realize for 3 or 4 years the jazz were one of the highest paid teams in the league right, not bad for a small market team. What the hell is wrong with you?
Where I'm from everybody loves Seattle. I don't. I hate Seattle. Plus they're all Baseball fans. I'm not. When I decided I to follow sports I was 19 or so. Football was first, and I chose the Browns. A year or so later I got into round ball and Malone was far and away the baddest dude playing. This was right around the time Cleveland lost the team. Jazz were at or near the top of their heyday. Both of these teams represent what I like in sports, a gritty lunchbox approach and always have to get theirs the hard way.

Too bad I've almost never actually physically met another Jazz or Browns fan. I feel lucky just finding somebody who gives a damn about the NBA. Back in the home town bars they'll turn off playoff games to watch the Mariners. Ugh. Where I live now more people are into fishing, rifles and 4 wheelers than team sports. I watched the last Deron/Jerry playoff series with 3 Laker fans and was happy to just be around people that loved BB.

My 12 year old is a Heat fan, of course.
When I was five my family moved from Germany to Utah. I grew up a Jazz fan. I remember being a young boy and the only time I was able to stay up past my bed time was to watch Jazz games with my dad. I did the Jr. Jazz thing, so I was able to go to a game or two a year. However, I was a season ticket holder for the Jazz for two years (06-07; 07-08) before I decided to go to seminary.

My fondest memory was sneaking into the Delta Center for a Jazz-Bulls regular season game)\and sneaking down to the third row. We beat up on Jordan that game... Good times.