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Huge pickup for Lil Brother

fishonjazz, you're a BYU fan? How the hell does that work?
fishonjazz, you're a BYU fan? How the hell does that work?

Mom and dad went to byu.... dad was a bishop.... brother is a bishop... both brothers went on missions.... I went to church every sunday (pretty much) till I graduated high school.

What really made me a byu fan though was all the hunting i did in the fall growing up.

We would go hunt chuckers, grouse, pheasants, dove, rabbits, ducks, etc etc really early in the morning and the we would come home and eat lunch while watching or even listening to byu football.

Some really happy great times with my dad and brothers tuning in to byu football... now its in my blood for good.

I hate the utes less and less every year though.
The difference being that byu is actually a team that is, you know, located South of the Utes so it makes sense. Also, it was good trash talk that had momentum.

The little brother thing obviously makes no sense to anyone but the 94' Aerostar minivan drivin, MLM schemin, White short sleeve dress shirt wearin mega zoobs. I've never heard someone say it besides Conan or Thriller (nobody in real life).

I always thought that "Lil Brother" was a Max Hallism, wasn't it?
I suspect it might be a reaction to the Ute coach who refused to ever mention BYU by name (Urban Meyer). He just called them "the team down south", or "TDS" for short.* Also quite silly/nerdy, imo.

* Wikipedia says he also wouldn't let his players mention BYU. I hadn't realized that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_War_(Utah_vs._BYU)

There is so much of this crap in Universities around the country. In Reno they won't let the kids call it UNR any more. It is the University of Nevada. They call UNLV the South Campus of the University of Nevada. If you wear red to UNR they poke fun at you relentlessly. On the up side, it does make for some interesting activities.

