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Hungry Games

The Thriller

Well-Known Member
A while ago I wanted to know what the fuss was over a movie which celebrated kids killing kids and found out that it was based on a book... A trilogy... So I read them. Not bad. Very interesting concept. But I don't understand how anyone could be excited over this second book being launched on movie knowing how bad the third book is. If they follow the book it's going to make Indy Jones 4 look like a master piece.
Never heard of that movie...I wonder if they changed the name in order to not get sued by the Hunger Games franchise.
As a general rule I don't post in a Thriller thread, but I will this time cuz I just saw Hunger Games Catching Fire and it was BAWSE and the 3rd book is not as bad as everyone says and will make for an awesome movie.


The books were pretty ok.... the third book wasn't really any better or worse than the first two.

I thought the first movie was kinda lame cause they had to tone down the violence so that kids would be able to watch it.

I have heard that the second movie is WAY better than the first one.
I liked the books fine. Decent escapist fare. I have been pleasantly surprised by how good the first movie was, even with the limitations of converting a book to film. They hit the right high points, downplayed the violence just fine while still having enough to add a feeling of real danger and loss, and didn't leave out or change anything crucial, like they did in Ender's Game, which was a travesty of epic proportions. I am looking forward to the second movie.

FWIW, I thought all 3 books were consistently the same quality. I liked the underlying story and I thought they pulled it off well. The only gripe I had was that in choosing to stick to the 3rd person narrative, it is limited to how Katniss sees the story, and since she is in essence confused through much of what is going on it serves to confuse the reader a bit as well. The author doesn't give us quite enough observational data to deduce what is going on, in other words, as usually is done in 3rd person, so the reader can generally know more than the main character by figuring it out when the main character doesn't figure it out and it isn't explained outright. They would have done well to use a limited omniscient narrative for parts just to help fill in blanks for the reader, when in the end the author had to jump through some minorly awkward hoops to fill out the story for us after the fact. Otherwise, I thought the last book was a fine read. The author even managed to pull off a reasonably satisfying ending contrary to what the whole story generally built as the desired outcome.

(trying to avoid major spoilers for people who may not have read the books yet)
I liked the books fine. Decent escapist fare. I have been pleasantly surprised by how good the first movie was, even with the limitations of converting a book to film. They hit the right high points, downplayed the violence just fine while still having enough to add a feeling of real danger and loss, and didn't leave out or change anything crucial, like they did in Ender's Game, which was a travesty of epic proportions. I am looking forward to the second movie.

FWIW, I thought all 3 books were consistently the same quality. I liked the underlying story and I thought they pulled it off well. The only gripe I had was that in choosing to stick to the 3rd person narrative, it is limited to how Katniss sees the story, and since she is in essence confused through much of what is going on it serves to confuse the reader a bit as well. The author doesn't give us quite enough observational data to deduce what is going on, in other words, as usually is done in 3rd person, so the reader can generally know more than the main character by figuring it out when the main character doesn't figure it out and it isn't explained outright. They would have done well to use a limited omniscient narrative for parts just to help fill in blanks for the reader, when in the end the author had to jump through some minorly awkward hoops to fill out the story for us after the fact. Otherwise, I thought the last book was a fine read. The author even managed to pull off a reasonably satisfying ending contrary to what the whole story generally built as the desired outcome.

(trying to avoid major spoilers for people who may not have read the books yet)

Not saying Youre wrong, but can you give an example of where the reader is confused because Katniss is confused? Can't really think of anything.

[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];705248 said:
Usually I find youth fiction to have the emotional depth of.... youths.

Gasp!!! You don't say...
My only real complaint about the books lies in the third one. It just seemed like the author had told the story/got bored with the story so she just banged out an ending to get it over with.