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If you ran the Jazz, what would you do?

Do what I can to trade Millsap for DeAndre Jordan move Big Al to pf. I would entertain offers for For Ak, but I only pull the trigger if I think it helps me win a championship. Otherwise I let him play out and let him walk. Along with trading for Jordan I go after Marcus Thornton. My thought is trade trade Hayward and Fes because he is the biggest waste of space to ever play on this team. Trade Memo to Detroit for Rip. I know he has a bad contract, but it helps to convince Deron to stay.

Pg. Deron. Watson
Sg. Thornton Rip. Price
Sf. Cj Ak. Bell
Pf. Al. Ak. Evans
C. Joradan. Al. Elson

I think this goes a long way to keeping Deron and winning a championship. By the way I retain Slone to coach.
Do what I can to trade Millsap for DeAndre Jordan move Big Al to pf. I would entertain offers for For Ak, but I only pull the trigger if I think it helps me win a championship. Otherwise I let him play out and let him walk. Along with trading for Jordan I go after Marcus Thornton. My thought is trade trade Hayward and Fes because he is the biggest waste of space to ever play on this team. Trade Memo to Detroit for Rip. I know he has a bad contract, but it helps to convince Deron to stay.

Pg. Deron. Watson
Sg. Thornton Rip. Price
Sf. Cj Ak. Bell
Pf. Al. Ak. Evans
C. Joradan. Al. Elson

I think this goes a long way to keeping Deron and winning a championship. By the way I retain Slone to coach.

Also over the next couple years I try to acquire shooters.
AK woulda been gone years ago. Seriously, the Jazz are the only team in the league that would hold onto such a bad contract until it's expiration. I would have never started Raja - CJ instead.. From day 1.
What would I do? It depends on perspective:

1. Business perspective: goal = to maximize profit and keep the franchise in SLC. What do I do? Nothing, status quo. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

2. Championship perspective: goal = to win a ring asap. What do I do? Retire Sloan and build around Deron. No one else matters. We need two more pieces to get it done, so trade anyone and everyone to get piece 2 with Deron and develop a strategy to get piece 3. The other players are all filler and can be had year in and year out, like the Lakers and Spurs do.

My guess as to which is selected? Option 1 will always be the Miller way. Cannot blame them for it only they could be a little more honest about their intentions.
You'd think from reading many of these posts that the OP was "....what would you have done?

Look at our team. There isn't a lot of mid-range moves we can make, which is what I'd be trying to do. Meaning, I'm not anxious to get rid of Millsap, Jefferson, or Williams, nor am I interested in parting ways with youth like Hayward or Evans, nor am I interested in swapping deep-bench players like Elson or Fes. Price has no trade value, and Watson is a keeper.

So, I'm shopping AK and Memo the hardest, and I'll be willing to throw in CJ to make the deal more attractive if I have to. These are the mid-range trades that have the ability to affect the whole without changing its most elemental parts.

As a fan, I'm not the most knowledgeable about trade dynamics, but I gotta think an expiring the size of AK's is worth something to a team that is now SURE that they have to make infrastructural changes. I'm being realistic for what we can get for him; I'm not expecting that we get a 6th man of the year or an all-star.

Also, shouldn't Memo be worth the risk to a mid-tier Eastern conference team that, come playoff time, envisions themselves needing a floor-stretching 4/5 guy? Orlando? Chicago? Atlanta?
You'd think from reading many of these posts that the OP was "....what would you have done?

Look at our team. There isn't a lot of mid-range moves we can make, which is what I'd be trying to do. Meaning, I'm not anxious to get rid of Millsap, Jefferson, or Williams, nor am I interested in parting ways with youth like Hayward or Evans, nor am I interested in swapping deep-bench players like Elson or Fes. Price has no trade value, and Watson is a keeper.

So, I'm shopping AK and Memo the hardest, and I'll be willing to throw in CJ to make the deal more attractive if I have to. These are the mid-range trades that have the ability to affect the whole without changing its most elemental parts.

As a fan, I'm not the most knowledgeable about trade dynamics, but I gotta think an expiring the size of AK's is worth something to a team that is now SURE that they have to make infrastructural changes. I'm being realistic for what we can get for him; I'm not expecting that we get a 6th man of the year or an all-star.

Also, shouldn't Memo be worth the risk to a mid-tier Eastern conference team that, come playoff time, envisions themselves needing a floor-stretching 4/5 guy? Orlando? Chicago? Atlanta?

Well, mine was actually what I would do. Not what I would have done. But I do agree with pretty much everything you said.
Do what I can to trade Millsap for DeAndre Jordan move Big Al to pf. I would entertain offers for For Ak, but I only pull the trigger if I think it helps me win a championship. Otherwise I let him play out and let him walk. Along with trading for Jordan I go after Marcus Thornton. My thought is trade trade Hayward and Fes because he is the biggest waste of space to ever play on this team. Trade Memo to Detroit for Rip. I know he has a bad contract, but it helps to convince Deron to stay.

Pg. Deron. Watson
Sg. Thornton Rip. Price
Sf. Cj Ak. Bell
Pf. Al. Ak. Evans
C. Joradan. Al. Elson

I think this goes a long way to keeping Deron and winning a championship. By the way I retain Slone to coach.

I like the idea of getting Deandre Jordan here but Clippers have Blake Griffin at PF so are not doing that trade.
I like the idea of getting Deandre Jordan here but Clippers have Blake Griffin at PF so are not doing that trade.

Griffin can play some time at C. Millsap could still play plenty of minutes as their six man. We played Boozer and Millsap in the same lineup a lot. I'm guessing a Griffin millsap combo would be even better.
It's a good thing then that Griffin doesn't make personnel decisions. What does being BFFs. have to do with weather the clips trade Jordan or not.

Yeah, you're right, why should a franchise as storied as the Clippers do anything to make sure their young superstar is happy? I mean, I agree with you, the Clippers have nothing to prove: Griffin is in a perfect situation to win championships; and the Clippers have a proven track record with smart personnel moves. repppppppp'd.
I would shorten the rotation to 8. With Watson, Evans, and Fez, being the 6,7,8 man. Play Bell 15 to 20 minutes. And turn the team over to DWill and tell him to go to work. Run it, Play half Court. Just win me some games! So what would you guys do?

Shorten the rotation this early in the season? Got to keep players fresh and healthy as possible.

This team.

#1 We need a SG that could actually start for most NBA teams. Something we haven't had since Hornacek (Wes Matthews being the lone exception).
#2 We need a SF that is an actual offensive threat. Something we haven't had since Harpring had 2 knees.
#3 We need a PF that is bigger than most guards in this league.
#4 We need more size and depth inside.
#5 We need a coach that adjusts his system both offensively and defensively to take advantage of his own personnel and to exploit to opponents'.
If I ran the Jazz, I would sell them to a conglomerate in Las Vegas, who would then re-name them the "Las Vegas Rat Pack", so that Jazzfanz wouldnt have anything to bitch about anymore.