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Jason Sucks (So do you!)


New Member
After a one-year ban for posting “obscene” photos on the board, I’m back.


Thank you. Thank you. I see everyone is pretty excited about this except GayVeganCommunist. He looks kinda bummed.

All I can say to the uptight prude that banned me, to the freak that runs this site, all I can say is that there is nothing obscene about the nude human body, and Jerry Sloan is a beautiful man.


That's right: A Beautiful Man!

Besides, the bushes outside his bedroom window interfered with my camera’s auto-focus feature and many of the pictures were blurry. I can't post any more of the "artistic" (ie, nude) shots or I'll get banned again. But here's a nice one of him once he saw me and put his his pajamas on


You don't want to know what he said he was going to do with that thumb.

Being banned from Jazzfanz was the beginning of a strange and wonderful journey for me. Mostly strange.

I decided to use my time off to meet interesting people and make new friends. No, I wasn’t going to do anything radical, like going to church, joining a sports league or volunteering to serve Thanksgiving meals to bums (Trout), degenerates (you know who – if I say it, I’ll get banned again) and druggies (Viny). No, this was 2009. We had the internet now. I decided to find an internet message board that appealed to my various interests.

I’m a family oriented type of guy. I like kids. I have two of my own. I enjoy sharing my time and talents to offer guidance and direction to youth. I’d actually been missing doing that since I got kicked out of the Boy Scouts. That’s another story entirely, but to avoid 30 PMs asking me what happened, I’ll just explain.

We were working on our health merit badges and I thought a live demonstration using props would be more educational than a dry, boring lecture. So using a banana, a birth control device and a German Shepherd, I demonstrated an important health principle to the boys that was very pertinent to their age range.


Unfortunately, the demonstration startled Adolf.

Apparently the Boy Scouts of America would rather have a bunch of diseased, infected teen-aged boys running around than to have a Scout leader offer a mature, common-sense approach to health.

The Boy Scouts are a petty and vindictive organization. They refused to pay for my medical treatment for injuries suffered in the line of duty. The bite marks on my forearms became infected and my reconstructive ear surgery was incredibly expensive. Way to go, BSA.


Artists Representation

But anyways, I decided to find a new message board. I did some internet research and I found a NAMBLA message board. Yeah, I know it’s a dumb name. Who knows what it means. But Jazzfanzz is a dumb name, too. Everybody knows fans is spelled with an “s”.



But there seemed to be a great buncha guys on this board. They were very family-oriented and kid friendly. I made a lot of friends; Dan the pediatrician, Bob the elementary school principal, Rick the school bus driver and Mark the Pop Warner football coach.


Some of my new friends.

They did have their idiosyncrasies, though. They didn’t talk about their wives or girlfriends a lot. They’re kinda private that way. But I found it refreshing. No talk about “bitches” and “ho’s”. They were respectful and decent. I liked that. That’s why I accepted an invitation to their picnic. It was held at a weird time, though. I had to take off work a couple hours early to get to the park on time (you know, the one over by that elementary school near State Street).

Unfortunately I had a flat tire on the way over so I was running late. Just as I pulled into the park several squad cars filled with policeman showed up and began fighting with them. I’m not sure if they didn’t get the right permit for the picnic, or what, but because of my restraining order (thanks for nothing Boy Scouts), I decided to make a discreet retreat.


My new friend Tom also decided to make a hasty exit.

(continued below...)
So feeling like such a nerd for failing to make any new friends, I decided to do what all nerds do and find a good game of Dungeons and Dragons. I did a little research and found a dungeon in my area. I called and was invited over.

Let me give you a little warning. Never play D & D if Nick Bingham is the Dungeon Master. There weren’t any elves or wizards or spells and monsters. There was just a lot of…well, never mind what there was a lot of. Just take my word for it that it was the worst game of D & D I ever played.


Worst Ever.

Moving on I decided to find some fellow comic book fans to hang out with. After giving it some serious thought, I decided to join a board dedicated to one of my favorite superheroes:


The Black Panther!

It turned out they were having a get-together in Oakland which worked out well since I needed to go to the Bay Area on business. I figured since we were all comic book fans, there would probably be a lot of people wearing costumes of the favorite hero so I decided to get into the swing of things and wear a costume, too. My Black Panther costume was at the cleaners, so I decided to go dressed as…


Moon Knight! Woo Hooh!

Moon Knight had made a guest appearance in Black Panther Volume 3, Number 33, so I thought it was more than appropriate.


Do I make a great Moon Knight or what?

So I arrived at the neighborhood center and walked into the conference room and, boy, you could have heard a pin drop. All eyes turned and looked at me. My initial reaction was they were in awe of my killer costume, but then I realized none of them were wearing costumes. Then all of a sudden there was a lot of yelling and people started throwing chairs and then I was escorted away from the building.


My escort.

To be honest, I don’t remember too much of what happened after that, but the Oakland Tribune put a picture of me on the front page the very next day.


If you look very closely in the window of the police car, you can kind of see my nose.

So this is what I did the first month after I was banned. Not the best month. Not at all. If I get time, maybe I’ll tell you about the second month.
Yeah, I read the first two sentences and then decided to post this, which is just as worthwhile as the opening post.
You try way too hard to be funny. Reporting your post and giving the management team my full support of your pending lifetime ban.
Predictable. But just that dog pic alone made it worth the read.
I can't give it a thumbs up, though, because farside has me wondering what he do with my thumb.
By the way Jason, thanks for removing the announcement saying that we should avoid insulting anybody based on sexual orientation. I feel much more comfortable here now that you've eliminated that policy.