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Jazz at Nuggets: 2/27/15 7 PM MT

Not sure why DL would have moved up to get him if there wasn't a lot of interest. But then again, Ty was running a different system than Quin. I still think the big summer move - if Lindsey makes one - will be to package Trey for a veteran.

Ty was running a system?

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Not sure why DL would have moved up to get him if there wasn't a lot of interest. But then again, Ty was running a different system than Quin. I still think the big summer move - if Lindsey makes one - will be to package Trey for a veteran.

I hope the Jazz come out and play angry after Quin called them out in the post-game for being mentally weak. That would be really encouraging.

QS seems to have the psychological aspects of leadership mastered. Basically called his team a bunch of (cat synonym)s. Wants confidence but not complacency.
How many Coors lites you down brah?
Well I snuck a flask of whiskey in (cause I'm cheap) and I drank all of that, a jager bomb, two jack n cokes, and a budweiser.

Went to a comedy club afterwards and laughed my *** off. Hilarious
Ty was running a system?

Sent from the JazzFanz app
More traditional. In Quin's system it really doesn't matter who the so-called PG is; Hayward runs most of the plays. And we even saw Hood out top. Same will go for Burks when we get him back. I keep saying this, but we really need a player who can hit 3's. A guy like Derek Fisher in his prime would be great.
I know I'll take flak for this, but I'm disappointed in the way jazzfanz treats the female refs.

That being said, I don't want this thread to devolve into another argument like the one a couple games ago. It's just frustrating to see obvious sexism at play. Jokes are about how the female refs are ugly or that the game isn't for them--comments you really wouldn't see if they were men. This isn't the first time I've seen similar comments crop up. I'm not saying anyone is a terrible person. I'm not trying to be a "SJW." I just hope I can make others aware of the double standard.

I agree that the delay of game call was whacked--but weird delay of games happen all the time. I hardly see an "obvious" delay of game call. It's just a warning and it had no impact on the game.

I can't speak to the ref from last night, but Violet Palmer has been one of the worst of the worst for years. I suspect is she were some white dude named "Stanley" she would not be in the league. That is the downside of affirmative action when you have someone that is obviously only in a position because of their race or sex it devalues the minorities who make it there legitimately. The best Ump by a mile in my kids little league is a woman.
More traditional. In Quin's system it really doesn't matter who the so-called PG is; Hayward runs most of the plays. And we even saw Hood out top. Same will go for Burks when we get him back. I keep saying this, but we really need a player who can hit 3's. A guy like Derek Fisher in his prime would be great.

I'd say that's a pretty fair assessment of where Trey tops out. I think he scores more than Fish did, which will likely lead to him believing he's a starter. But if he can continue to accept this role for the team and earn additional minutes, it'll be a huge boon for him and the Jazz.
Good game by the jazz, but Denver is beyond lifeless. All of those guys have mailed it in. Will Barton is fun though.

I've been impressed with good all year his shots just weren't falling. Think he's getting comfortable now... Makes a huge difference for shooters.

One thing we have to so... Tell our perimeter guys not to foul when they get beat if Gobert and favs are behind them. Swear Gobert would have had ten blocks if they wouldn't have done that.
Just one game.

Oh wait, we won?!

Cool. Denver sucks so I figured we'd lose to them. We usually only show up against the good teams. If this Jazz team can start winning against the crap teams of this league, look out! Playoffs here we come!
Exum's defense on Lawson to start the game was fantastic. On the ball Exum is a great defender, off the ball he gets lost quite often but if he fixes that he is already light years ahead of Burke on that end of the floor.
Exum's defense on Lawson to start the game was fantastic. On the ball Exum is a great defender, off the ball he gets lost quite often but if he fixes that he is already light years ahead of Burke on that end of the floor.
Good post
Denver sure made a fantastic move dumping Karl and getting rid of pieces of a pretty decent team a few years ago...

Didn't we get Gobert through them? LOL. Idiots