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Jazz @ Mavericks 6:30 PM MT Game Thread

We shot 59% from the field and 43% from 3 and won by 4 lol. 21 turnovers to 7. Donovan (9) had more than the whole Mavs team. I think the Mavs also had like 17 free throws in the 4th quarter. Great win all things considered.
I'm not a conspiracy type guy, but after the Jazz went red hot and were 22 out of 19 I feel like the memo went out that the NBA wasn't looking for Utah to be the "it" team.

So easy to break a teams momentum when you call just a handful of calls on things that had been working so well for them during a hot streak. It throws a team completely out of rhythm and forces them to make it up as they go along. I think that's what we saw during the 5 game losing streak. A team that had a winning formula taken away from them looking for plan B. Be on the lookout for the NBA to force the Jazz into plan C.
The refs do bogus garbage all the time so I wouldn't put this past them.

Is the NBA rigged? No. Do NBA refs dictate things in moments, portions, quarters of games? Damn right they do. How many times do you see the away team get all the 3rd quarter calls knowing the home team is gonna get all of them in the 4th?

The biggest thing for me has always been star treatment. As long as your team has at least one guy who gets the touchy star calls, you have a chance. I'm hoping that starts happening for Donovan with all the contact he endures and creates/endures. So far, it rarely happens. He doesn't get the exact same calls guys like Kyrie, Dame, Kemba, and even Lou Williams get. After this weekend, I hope it becomes more common. He and we deserve it.

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Our offense continues to be the best offense in the NBA since the Clarkson trade on December 23rd. ORtg is 118.0 in that span. Net Rating is over +7. Nearly a 2 month sample size covering both highs and lows.

It's enough to tell everyone that we're legit. +7 is no joke.

Our success in the playoffs is going to come down to health and whether or not we can be consistent defensively. Early in the season our defensive rating was consistently in the 107/108 range. Recently we've slipped to the 110-112 range. If we get back to the 107/108 range we're scary as f***