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Jazz must trade Hero Lauri

If I was Jazz, I wouldn't do it to just maximize chances for coop, but in case if Jazz is planning to tank more than one season, would make sense to trade Lauri. As I stated in another thread, in the possibility if Jazz tanking two more seasons, it might mean Lauri won't see playoffs earlier than on his tenth season in the league. It's also open at that point, what have tanking done both his mental space and actual game play development surrounded by players on rookie deals.

But, if Lauri re-negotiates this summer, I don't think Jazz has too much hurry, bc he will probably have good trade value for years to come unless big injury comes into play. If I was Lauri,though, I'd take a financial gamble for the sake of competitiveness, and only re-sign with Jazz, if they are in a buy mode in the summer of 2025. Or if I was him, and would re-negotiate this summer, I'd ask trade clause in return if giving discount on the contract, in case of Jazz not making at least play-ins in 2025-26
If Lauri turned in to Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown then I say absolutely you trade him. If we aren't getting back several top unprotected firsts and several moderately protected firsts then we try to build around him... maybe.
If Lauri turned in to Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown then I say absolutely you trade him. If we aren't getting back several top unprotected firsts and several moderately protected firsts then we try to build around him... maybe.
Huh? We trade Lauri for Brown AND Tatum? **** yes please lol

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Trading Lauri is only partly about going after a top 5 pick in 2025... the return has to be enormous imo. If you can get a big return then go for it.