Well-Known Member
Dude, you really need to stop being so lazy with your tl;dr. WIC was already funded through the end of the year by a resolution passed September 30. The hand-wringing over WIC was about what could possibly happen if there is a government shutdown, but in your first sentence you admitted to knowing "Mike Johnson tried and succeeded in avoiding a government shutdown".So looks like I was wrong. Mike Johnson tried and succeeded in avoiding a government shutdown.
Sucks that there is no funding for WIC but as we all know Republicans don't care much about children post birth, or women.
Here is a link to information from NPR I know you won't read because reading really isn't your thing and you rely on hearing other people saying things while you don't have the background information to know if it is out-of-date or an advocate twisting the truth.

If the government shuts down this week, WIC has funding — but food advocates are still worried
U.S. Department of Agriculture officials say a continuing resolution dodged the worst case scenario for food assistance programs if the government shuts down after Nov. 17. Still, food advocates warn that Congress needs to act quickly and do more to make sure programs are fully funded.