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Kamala Harris for Pres

I know trump wants to lower taxes for everyone which would give Americans more spending power which would make more demand and less supply which would raise prices even more while also decrease revenue to the government and raise the national debt.

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Yeah, that extra 2.50 I saw on my checks from his last tax cut really went far. I could almost buy a 2 liter of Shasta.

Getting prices under control starts with balancing the budget, decrease military spending, increase domestic infrastructure initiatives, give some power back to labor, provide some sort of student loan relief, and actually tax corporations and billionaires.

Doing so creates a strong dollar, which will make said money mean more. America cannot continually operate under a concept of unlimited capitalism and a defense budget that outstrips the next ten countries combined.
Let’s take an example Fish.

Kroger is a national grocery store. A corporate grocery store. Harris has said these companies are price gouging, and they need to put in a price ceiling (which again, has never worked). Anyways, Kroger has a profit margin of just under 1.5%. They make their money on volume, not price gouging.

But let’s be real. Let’s think. If as a country, a government, we set an artificial ceiling on the price of food, what’s going to happen? Well, we’re going to increase demand. That’s good, right?! Well, not so much. Time after time, after time, price ceilings lead to higher demand, which leads to a shortage because the producers simply can’t make money. But sure, blame corporate America. If only there had been somebody in office who could have done something to make the economy better. It’s striking to me, how “Bidenomics” has been viewed and stated as a stellar success by the media and the current administration, and yet Harris has just recently come out with policy stating how the economy is struggling and she’s going to fix it. Both things can’t be true.
Cool. I'm not seeing a solution anywhere in this post.

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I haven't seen any ideas of how to lower costs of things. I can't really think of any either.

I guess you could force companies to overproduce items so there would be a surplus and they would be desperate to get rid of some volume and therefore lower prices on the hoped that people go and buy their extra inventory? I don't think companies will do that willingly though as that's bad business.

Too bad large corporations and rich folks can't be injected with something that makes them less greedy and more giving/altruistic and it would make them decide that one yaught and 10 sports cars is enough to make them happy.

I know trump wants to lower taxes for everyone which would give Americans more spending power which would make more demand and less supply which would raise prices even more while also decrease revenue to the government and raise the national debt.

Turns out economies are hard for a president to control and it's likely that whenever any candidate talks about what they will do to fix the economy they are actually full of **** and we shouldn't give them credit or criticism for the economy that they have little to no control over.

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Two things:

1) You are correct that in general, presidents don’t do a lot to seriously impact the economy.

2) The economy is not something that isn’t impacted by policy. An example would be the tariffs that Trump put in. While the goal was to increase American companies and goods, it negatively impacted the overall economy in a bad way. Price controls would be even worse. Another example would be making the federal print a lot of money to fight inflation. But that’s rather obvious. Another example would be giving people $25,000 to purchase a first home. Congratulations! You just raised the price of a home by $25,000!

To touch on something you said, we don’t ever want to get to a place where the government is telling us what to produce, how much to produce, and at what costs they think it should be. The market regulates itself, in general. And no, people will never be altruistic. It’s a nice dream, but a dream is all it is. I charge a premium on my products because 1) they’re a damn good product, and 2) I invest a **** ton of time and money into my product. I ain’t doin this to lose money, even if I love what I do. And if people don’t like my price, and many don’t, they can buy from somebody else, which they do. That’s called self regulating.
Cool. I'm not seeing a solution anywhere in this post.

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Nowhere did we discuss that I had a solution. But I certainly call tell from history past and common sense what doesn’t work. From Diocletian to today, humanity has dealt with rising and dropping prices, and never has price control worked.
Yeah, that extra 2.50 I saw on my checks from his last tax cut really went far. I could almost buy a 2 liter of Shasta.

Getting prices under control starts with balancing the budget, decrease military spending, increase domestic infrastructure initiatives, give some power back to labor, provide some sort of student loan relief, and actually tax corporations and billionaires.

Doing so creates a strong dollar, which will make said money mean more. America cannot continually operate under a concept of unlimited capitalism and a defense budget that outstrips the next ten countries combined.
Ok so let's say all those things get done. Great ideas.
But I'm on the board of Nintendo. I look at all those things you did and I say that is super cool that you are spending less on military. I love that you balanced the nations budget.

But I don't give a **** about any of that. I want to make more money so I'm going to increase the price of the video games I sell and make more money for me.

Same thing with the boards of all the other companies.

About the only thing I can see that MIGHT make companies lower prices is if Americans stop buying stuff or Americans make way less money as a whole (think recession, mass layoffs, pandemic etc).

So I guess if trump or Harris are asked what they are going to do about high prices they could answer by saying that they will encourage Americans to spend less or try to make the working class have less money.

And even then (less spending or less spending power) corporations could still refuse to lower prices and instead layoff workers and code production facilities. One way to have more money is to spend less.

We are ruled by corporate America and are at their mercy and I don't see how that is ever going to change unless all the billionaires and millionaires one day decide that making even more money isn't important to them anymore. I don't see that happening.

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Nowhere did we discuss that I had a solution. But I certainly call tell from history past and common sense what doesn’t work. From Diocletian to today, humanity has dealt with rising and dropping prices, and never has price control worked.
So when Kamala is asked by a reporter what she plans to do to help the average American who is struggling with high prices do you think she should answer with:
A. I aint gonna do a damn thing. I have no idea. I will hope and pray that everything just gets better as the market takes care of itself.

B. I'm going to tell people to buy less stuff hoping that businesses lower prices to encourage spending and also at the same time don't lower or stagnate wages.

C. I'm gonna give everyone more money!

D. I'm gonna fight against corporate America to try to force them to lower costs on things (like we did with insulin and junk fees for example)

Which of those responses do you think will get her more votes?

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It’s weird to see trumpers get big mad over Harris’s “communist” economic plan to help out blue collar workers and young people buy groceries when Donald promised to raise tariffs, deport millions of cheap labor workers, and award corporations and billionaires that show him loyalty. You just aren’t seriously people. You bitch and bitch and then bitch some more. No solutions just nonstop bitching
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So when Kamala is asked by a reporter what she plans to do to help the average American who is struggling with high prices do you think she should answer with:
A. I aint gonna do a damn thing. Market will take care of itself.

B. I'm going to tell people to buy less stuff hoping that businesses lower prices to encourage spending and also at the same time don't lower or stagnate wages.

C. I'm gonna give everyone more money!

D. I'm gonna fight against corporate America to try to force them to lower costs on things (like we did with insulin and junk fees for example)

Which of those responses do you think will get her more votes?

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
Well I’m not a politician, so I don’t care what’s going to get them more votes. I care about what’s going to work. And if a candidate is spouting off policy that has never worked, that’s not a winning topic in my mind. Maybe it is for you, you know, for the feels. But you’re oversimplifying a complicated topic, and you know it. The main point is that price controls have never worked.

Btw, the insulin cap was Trump’s administration.

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I’m a free market MAGA who supports Trump, a candidate who promised to reward ceos who donate to his campaign and punish those who don’t.

Derp derp.

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Well I’m not a politician, so I don’t care what’s going to get them more votes. I care about what’s going to work. And if a candidate is spouting off policy that has never worked, that’s not a winning topic in my mind. Maybe it is for you, you know, for the feels. But you’re oversimplifying a complicated topic, and you know it. The main point is that price controls have never worked.

Btw, the insulin cap was Trump’s administration.
No **** your not a politician and don't care about what gets votes.

So put yourself in a candidates shoes.

How would you answer that question?

I mean it's easy to criticize without offering any alternative.

You will notice that I never criticize trump for things like building the wall or for how he handled the pandemic etc. cause I dont have any better idea on how to fix things. I criticize his scandals, corruption and immorality. I almost never criticize his policies. Running a country is hard. For any president.
I just want one who isn't the most corrupt, immoral, and scandalous in history.

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
It’s weird to see trumpers get big mad over Harris’s “communist” economic plan to help out blue collar workers and young people when Donald promised to raise tariffs, deport millions of cheap labor workers, and award corporations and billionaires that show him loyalty. You just aren’t seriously people. You bitch and bitch and then bitch some more.
Hi! I’m a conservative that just talked about how the tariffs were bad! And you’re calling illegal immigrants cheap labor? Good grief man, that’s one of the more racist things I’ve seen here. Gotta keep the illegals so we have cheap labor!

And yes, I will call out price controls. They do not work. Flat out do not. They create shortages. Might have cheaper food, but you’re going to have less of it. Although, I suppose that could be good for the obesity rating!
Don’t you know? The only way to fix this is to give these companies more tax cuts. Helping consumers get cheaper groceries is communism and nazism and fascism and monarchyism combined times infinity
Okay Thriller. Please do give us the history of price controls and their effectiveness. Even Obama’s economists have said it’s awful.
So when Kamala is asked by a reporter what she plans to do to help the average American who is struggling with high prices do you think she should answer with:
A. I aint gonna do a damn thing. I have no idea. I will hope and pray that everything just gets better as the market takes care of itself.

B. I'm going to tell people to buy less stuff hoping that businesses lower prices to encourage spending and also at the same time don't lower or stagnate wages.

C. I'm gonna give everyone more money!

D. I'm gonna fight against corporate America to try to force them to lower costs on things (like we did with insulin and junk fees for example)

Which of those responses do you think will get her more votes?

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
I had a terrific long post and my freaking browser refreshed. This site is hell on mobile.
Hi! I’m a conservative that just talked about how the tariffs were bad! And you’re calling illegal immigrants cheap labor? Good grief man, that’s one of the more racist things I’ve seen here. Gotta keep the illegals so we have cheap labor!

And yes, I will call out price controls. They do not work. Flat out do not. They create shortages. Might have cheaper food, but you’re going to have less of it. Although, I suppose that could be good for the obesity rating!
Tbh we might actually need less food going forward. I hear birth rates are on the decline and boomers are old and plentiful (dying soon)

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By the way, im not saying price control will work. Just saying that I don't think anything will work. Middle class will always just get by (unless a medical emergency, car wreck, layoff happens. Then they are ****ed), the poors will be ****ed, and the rich will thrive.

I don't see that ever changing by any policy any candidate comes up with. Americans demand the president to have answers and fixes to all their problems though so candidates have to give bull **** answers. I think it's dumb to criticize a politician for giving a bull **** answer when asked a question that doesn't have a non bull **** answer.

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
Sorry for asking a Google-able question but did Harris use the words price controls or did she say something else that basically means price controls?

I ask because it would have been stupid of her to say "price controls" in one of her first policy statements.
Hi! I’m a conservative that just talked about how the tariffs were bad! And you’re calling illegal immigrants cheap labor? Good grief man, that’s one of the more racist things I’ve seen here. Gotta keep the illegals so we have cheap labor!

And yes, I will call out price controls. They do not work. Flat out do not. They create shortages. Might have cheaper food, but you’re going to have less of it. Although, I suppose that could be good for the obesity rating!
Come now vermin. You and I both know your god doesn’t plan to just “deport the illegals.” He’s planning to deport all of those who poison the blood of our country. This will include asylum seekers, DREAMers, and political opponents. You don’t make a career being a racist, surround yourself with racists, and run an explicitly racist campaign and get to pretend to be serious about merely “deporting the illegals.”

Stop treating us like we’re stupid and I’ll stop treating you as a child.