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KOC gets extension, Sloan returning for sure

KOC was extended. Heh. Heh. Heh.

KoC has performed a miracle, IMO; he turned what could've been a major disaster into an upgrade of the Jazz roster.
1. Jefferson > Boozer or Okur
2. Bell > Matthews. Who knows how Matthews will develop down the road, or how long Bell will continue to be an effective player. Bell does really take care of his body. I also think if the Jazz had signed Matthews, the Blazers would've made an offer to Fes we would not have been able to match. Big men are harder to replace, and most NBA savvy folks see the potential in Fes.
3. Hayward (likely) > any of the bigs at our #9 slot in the draft. He will be better than Korver. KoC could've reached for a 'project' big, but wisely did not risk ending up with a dud using that valuable #9 pick.
Hayward, even as a rookie, looks to be a very sharp, focused young man who loves basketball and will do whatever is asked of him to win games.
4. Last season KoC managed to get a #1 pick for Brewer, which I never would've expected. That pick was then used to get Al Jefferson.
5. Last season he also managed to dump the contract for the injured Matt Harpring without taking a salary cap hit.
6. KoC saved the day a few years ago when we unexpectedly dropped several slots in the NBA draft order (lottery), but still was able to swing a trade to move up and take Deron Williams.

Well said. He has done a great job. Everything you said i agree with and some of the things we take for granted.
Especially trading up to get Deron. That was the biggest.
I like what KOC has done. I felt like he waited way too long before we realized that Boozer and Okur won't work. Every fan knew it years go. But the front office did nothing.

But at the same time I really really like what we have now. First year I am excited for the season. First year I feel we have a chance to contend. I am not saying we can get past the lakers. But I do think we can take them to 6 or 7 games. I have never felt like we could since Boozer was here. Go KOC!

Sloan's offensive system is awesome. But his rotations are horrible and he does not develop players who are raw. Guys who are raw need consistent playing time. Doesn't need to be much. He should focus more on defensive match ups more than anything. He never matches them up correctly in my book. I think he is overrated as a coach defensively.
I also think Sloan plays our guys too much in the regular season. I think he needs to cut down some of there minutes and slowly build them up going into the playoffs.

But when its all said and done Sloan is a very good coach overall. I have my complaints but when you look at the rest of the league we are lucky to have Sloan. If we have to nit pick at Sloan than we are doing pretty good. I do think the system Sloan has set up is more important than Sloan's actual decision making during the season. Which needs to improve.
I totally agree about Jerry's poor substitutions and matchups on D. He seems to often ignore when he's got a blatantly obvious matchup disadvantage; drives me crazy!!
At the time we got Boozer, we were talking to Kenyon Martin, who I adamently did NOT want. When Boozer became available, we immediately dropped negotiations with Martin and got Boozer signed. I like Boozer, but NOT as our "feature" scorer on offense. He's far more consistant than Martin, but he's no Karl Malone. The season before last, I think KoC expected Boozer to opt out of his contract, which would've put the newly signed Paul Millsap into the starting lineup. KoC had already said they had no intention of extending Boozer. But, Boozer surprised everyone by choosing to stay instead. That maneuver by Boozer put us into luxury tax territory last year.
I have to wonder at the trade value of Boozer a year or 2 ago; would anyone have given us a starter-level player for him? All we know is nothing changed; doesn't mean KoC wasn't trying.
Memo's game is what I call a very good complementary game, but we needed a complementary player who can get into the paint and score, rebound, and just get nasty on BOTH ends of the floor. Memo and Boozer together was a defensive nightmare; Memo at least could defend big guys like Yao Ming, but Boozer barely defended air:mad:!! Getting Jefferson was a great move, and pairing him with Memo is gonna be tough on opposing defenses. Millsap, Memo, and Jefferson will be a really nice rotation, IMO...